Beyond Well-Formed and Valid

2012, Balisage Series on Markup Technologies


The Digital Curation Centre (DCC) develops and shares expertise in digital curation and makes accessible best practices in the creation, management, and preservation of digital information to enable its use and re-use over time. Among its key objectives is the development and maintenance of a world-class digital curation manual. The DCC Digital Curation Manual is a community-driven resource-from the selection of topics for inclusion through to peer review. The Manual is accessible from the DCC web site ( Each of the sections of the DCC Digital Curation Manual has been designed for use in conjunction with DCC Briefing Papers. The briefing papers offer a high-level introduction to a specific topic; they are intended for use by senior managers. The DCC Digital Curation Manual instalments provide detailed and practical information aimed at digital curation practitioners. They are designed to assist data creators, curators and re-users to better understand and address the challenges they face and to fulfil the roles they play in creating, managing, and preserving digital information over time. Each instalment will place the topic on which it is focused in the context of digital curation by providing an introduction to the subject, case studies, and guidelines for best practice(s). A full list of areas that the curation manual aims to cover can be found at the DCC web site ( To ensure that this manual reflects new developments, discoveries, and emerging practices authors will have a chance to update their contributions annually. Initially, we anticipate that the manual will be composed of forty instalments, but as new topics emerge and older topics require more detailed coverage more might be added to the work. To ensure that the Manual is of the highest quality, the DCC has assembled a peer review panel including a wide range of international experts in the field of digital curation to review each of its instalments and to identify newer areas that should be covered. The current membership of the Peer Review Panel is provided at the beginning of this document. The DCC actively seeks suggestions for new topics and suggestions or feedback on completed Curation Manual instalments. Both may be sent to the editors of the DCC Digital Curation Manual