Constraint based Modeling according to Reference Design



Reference models in form of best practices are an essential element to ensured knowledge as design for reuse. Popular modeling approaches do not offer mechanisms to embed reference models in a supporting way, let alone a repository of it. Therefore, it is hardly possible to profit from this expertise. The problem is that the reference models are not described formally enough to be helpful in developing solutions. Consequently, the challenge is about the process, how a user can be supported in designing dedicated solutions assisted by reference models. In this paper, we present a generic approach for the formal description of reference models using semantic technologies and their application. Our modeling assistant allows the construction of solution models using different techniques based on reference building blocks. This environment enables the subsequent verification of the developed designs against the reference models for conformity. Therefore, our reference modeling assistant highlights the interdependency. The application of these techniques contributes to the formalization of requirements and finally to quality assurance in context of maturity model. It is possible to use multiple reference models in context of system of system designs. The approach is evaluated in industrial area and it can be integrated into different modeling landscapes.