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For finite Lie algebras, it is shown that characters can be defined first for Weyl orbits and then for irreducible representations. For $A_N$ Lie algebras, weight multiplicities can then be calculated by only stating that characters are equivalent to Schur functions. This also means that to calculate characters there is no need to sum over Weyl groups. The compatibility with
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1989
We consider singular Verma modules over Aγ\ i.e., Verma modules for which the central charge is equal to minus the dual Coxeter number. We calculate the characters of certain factor modules of these Verma modules. In one class of cases we are able to prove that these factor modules are actually the irreducible highest modules for those highest weights. We introduce new Weyl groups which are infinitely generated abelian groups and are proper subgroups or isomorphic between themselves. Using these Weyl groups we can rewrite the character formulae obtained in the paper in the form of the classical Weyl character formula for the finite-dimensional irreducible representations of semisimple Lie algebras (respectively Weyl-Kac character formula for the integrable highest weight modules over affine Kac-Moody algebras) so that the new Weyl groups play the role of the usual Weyl group (respectively affine Weyl group).
Journal of Lie theory
The aim of this paper is to present a new character formula for finite-dimensional representations of finite-dimensional complex semisimple Lie Algebras and compact semisimple Lie Groups. Some applications of the new formula include the exact determination of the number of weights in a representation, new recursion formulas for multiplicities and, in some cases, closed formulas for the multiplicities themselves.
Discrete Mathematics, 2001
ABSTRACT In this note a combinatorial character formula related to the symmetric group is generalized to an arbitrary finite Weyl group. 1 The Case of the Symmetric Group The length of a permutation 2 S n , `(), is the number of inversions of , i.e. the number of pairs (i; j) with 1 i ! j n and (i) ? (j). For any permutation 2 S n let m() be defined as (1) m() := 8 ! : (Gamma1) m ; if there exists 0 m ! n so that (1) ? (2) ? : : : ? (m + 1) ! : : : ! (n); 0; otherwise Let = ( 1 ; : : : ; t ) be a partition of n, and let S = S 1 Theta S 2 Theta Delta Delta Delta Theta S t be the corresponding Young subgroup of S n . For any permutation = r Delta ( 1 Theta Delta Delta Delta Theta t ), where i 2 S i (1 i t) and r is a representative of minimal length of a left coset of S in S n , define (2) weight () := t Y i=1 m( i )
Acta Polytechnica, 2016
Weyl group orbit functions are defined in the context of Weyl groups of simple Lie algebras. They are multivariable complex functions possessing remarkable properties such as (anti)invariance with respect to the corresponding Weyl group, continuous and discrete orthogonality. A crucial tool in their definition are so-called sign homomorphisms, which coincide with one-dimensional irreducible representations. In this work we generalize the definition of orbit functions using characters of irreducible representations of higher dimensions. We describe their properties and give examples for Weyl groups of rank 2 and 3.
λ n fundamental weights, W the Weyl group of Φ, Z[Λ] the group ring of Λ over Z and Z[Λ] W the set of elements in Z[Λ] which are invariant under W. For a weight µ, we define the elementary symmetric sum S(e µ) of µ, the elementary alternating sum A(e µ) of µ and the character χ µ of µ as follows: S(e µ) = β∈Wµ e β , A(e µ) = w∈W det(w)e w(µ) and χ µ = A(e µ+δ) A(e δ) respectively, where δ is the half sum of all positive roots. Let S = S(e λ i) : 1 ≤ i ≤ n and χ = χ λ i : 1 ≤ i ≤ n be the set of elementary symmetric sums of fundamental weights and set of characters of fundamental weights, respectively. It is well-known that both S and χ are bases for Z-module Z[Λ] W. In this research, we are interested in finding relations between elements in the sets S and χ in the case of root systems whose Dynkin diagrams are A n , B n , C n , D n and G 2 for appropriate integers n.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2014
We establish an irreducibility property for the characters of finite dimensional, irreducible representations of simple Lie algebras (or simple algebraic groups) over the complex numbers, i.e., that the characters of irreducible representations are irreducible after dividing out by (generalized) Weyl denominator type factors. For SL(r) the irreducibility result is the following: let λ = (a 1 ≥ a 2 ≥ • • • a r−1 ≥ 0) be the highest weight of an irreducible rational representation V λ of SL(r). Assume that the integers a 1 + r − 1, a 2 + r − 2, • • • , a r−1 + 1 are relatively prime. Then the character χ λ of V λ is strongly irreducible in the following sense: for any natural number d, the function χ λ (g d), g ∈ SL(r, C) is irreducible in the ring of regular functions of SL(r, C).
We prove a character formula for irreducible highest weight modules over a simple affine vertex algebra of level k, attached to a simple Lie algebra g, which are locally g-finite, in the cases when g is of type An andCn (n≥2) and k = −1. We also conjecture a character formula for types D4, E6, E7, E8 and levels k = −1, ..., −b, where b = 2, 3, 4, 6 respectively.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2000
Advances in Mathematics, 1981
of preserving elements. 3.5. Alternative descriptions of the indicial polynomials. 4. The simple modules over certain skew-polynomial rings. 4.1. The S-torsion simple A-modules. 4.2. Indicial polynomials and S-torsion simple A-modules. 4.3. Conditions for A/A n S-'Ab to he simple. 4.4. The theorem determining the S-torsionfree simple A-modules. 4.5. Remarks on the commutative case. 5. The simple modules over sI(2, K). 5.1. Reduction to the Casimir element c acting as a scalar. 5.2. The embeddmgs p1 and CA of Us,= Us/Us(c -y) into 23. 5.3. The K[e]-torsion simple s-modules. 5.4. Sufficient conditions for the module M(u, y) to be simple. 5.5. The theorem determining the K[e]torsionfree simple s-modules. 6. The simple modules over b. 6.1. The K[e]-torsion simple bmodules. 6.2. The theorem determining the K[e]-torsionfree simple b-modules. 6.3. The relation between simple m-modules and simple %-modules. 6.4. The relation between simple b-modules and simple s-modules. 7. Examples. 7.1. The socles over 9I and p1 US of the degree one modules. 7.2. Harish-Chandra modules. References.
In this paper we study the category C q of finite-dimensional representations of a quantum loop algebra U. Our aim is to study and to put into a common representation theoretic framework, two kinds of characters which have been associated to an object of C q . One is the notion of q-characters defined in which is analogous in this context, to the usual notion of a character of a finite-dimensional representation of a simple Lie algebra. The other, is the notion of the elliptic character defined in which plays the role of the central character for representations of semi-simple Lie algebras. Both kinds of characters are needed in our situation, because the category C q is not semi-simple and hence the problem of determining the blocks in this category becomes important.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2009
The orbits of Weyl groups W (An) of simple An type Lie algebras are reduced to the union of orbits of the Weyl groups of maximal reductive subalgebras of An. Matrices transforming points of the orbits of W (An) into points of subalgebra orbits are listed for all cases n ≤ 8 and for the infinite series of algebra-subalgebra pairs An ⊃ A n−k−1 × A k × U 1 , A 2n ⊃ Bn, A 2n−1 ⊃ Cn, A 2n−1 ⊃ Dn. Numerous special cases and examples are shown.
arXiv: Quantum Algebra, 2017
In this paper we study the family of prime irreducible representations of quantum affine $\lie{sl}_{n+1}$ which arise from the work of D. Hernandez and B. Leclerc. These representations can also be described as follows: the highest weight is a product of distinct fundamental weights with parameters determined by requiring that the representation be minimal by parts. We show that such representations admit a BGG-type resolution where the role of the Verma module is played by the local Weyl module. This leads to a closed formula (the Weyl character formula) for the character of the irreducible representation as an alternating sum of characters of local Weyl modules. In the language of cluster algebras our Weyl character formula describes an arbitrary cluster variable in terms of the generators $x_1,\cdots,x_n,x_1',\cdots, x_n'$ of an appropriate cluster algebra. Our results also exhibit the character of a prime level two Demazure module as an alternating linear combination of ...
Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento, 1977
ricevuto il 5 0ttobre 1976)
International Mathematics Research Notices, 2010
We show that the characters of all highest weight modules over an affine Lie algebra with the highest weight away from the critical hyperplane are meromorphic functions in the positive half of the Cartan subalgebra, their singularities being at most simple poles at zeros of real roots. We obtain some information about these singularities.
We associate to outer automorphisms of generalized Kac-Moody algebras generalized character-valued indices, the twining characters. A character formula for twining characters is derived which shows that they coincide with the ordinary characters of some other generalized Kac-Moody algebra, the so-called orbit Lie algebra. Some applications to problems in conformal field theory, algebraic geometry and the theory of sporadic simple groups are sketched.
We generalize the famous weight basis constructions of the finite-dimensional irreducible representations of sl(n,C) obtained by Gelfand and Tsetlin in 1950. Using combinatorial methods, we construct one such basis for each finite-dimensional representation of sl(n,C) associated to a given skew Schur function. Our constructions use diamond-colored distributive lattices of skew-shaped semistandard tableaux that generalize some classical Gelfand–Tsetlin (GT) lattices. Our constructions take place within the context of a certain programmatic study of poset models for semisimple Lie algebra representations and Weyl group symmetric functions undertaken by the first-named author and many collaborators. Key aspects of the methodology of that program are recapitulated here. This work is applied here to extend combinatorial results about classical GT lattices to our more general lattices; to obtain a new combinatorial proof of a Zelevinsky–Stembridge generalization of the Littlewood–Richards...
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2014
The characters of irreducible finite dimensional representations of compact simple Lie group G are invariant with respect to the action of the Weyl group W (G) of G. The defining property of the new character-like functions ('hybrid characters') is the fact that W (G) acts differently on the character term corresponding to the long roots than on those corresponding to the short roots. Therefore the hybrid characters are defined for the simple Lie groups with two different lengths of their roots. Dominant weight multiplicities for the hybrid characters are determined. The formulas for 'hybrid dimensions' are also found for all cases as the zero degree term in power expansion of the 'hybrid characters'.
Noncommutative Geometry and Physics 3, 2012
Nuclear Physics B, 1990
General field theoretic methods are developed which will allow a path integral derivation of the character formula for loop groups. The methods are introduced in the classical Weyl character case. The irreducible representations of a compact semi-simple Lie group G are realized as the ground States of a supersymmetric quantum mechanical system. The Hilbert space for the quantum mechanical system is the space of sections of a holomorphic line bundle L over the complex manifold G/T, where T is the maximal torus of G. The Weyl character formula is derived by an explicit path integral computation of the index of the Dolbeault operator 3L * This work was supported in part by the * We use the quantum mechanical convention of not distinguishing between the angular momentum operators in a specific representation and the abstract generators.
Given any simple Lie superalgebra g, we investigate the structure of an arbitrary simple weight g-module. We introduce two invariants of simple weight modules: the shadow and the small Weyl group. Generalizing results of Fernando and Futorny we show that any simple module is obtained by parabolic induction from a cuspidal module of a Levi subsuperalgebra. Then we classify the cuspidal Levi subsuperalgebras of all simple classical Lie superalgebras and of the Lie superalgebra W(n). Most of them are simply Levi subalgebras of g 0 , in which case the classification of all finite cuspidal representations has recently been carried out by one of us (Mathieu). Our results reduce the classification of the finite simple weight modules over all classical simple Lie superalgebras to classifying the finite cuspidal modules over certain Lie superalgebras which we list explicitly.
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