Representations of madness in Indo-Caribbean literature



6  Insane bodies ... 34  …insane minds 36  Occupational therapy 38  The inmates 40  Cannabis, Alcohol and Insanity 43  Insanity among East Indians 51 o The Royal Commission of Enquiry 54 o The Coolie, his Rights and Wrongs (1872) 56 o Lutchmee and Dilloo: the earliest novel of Indo-Guyanese life 58 Chapter 2: From history to stories 65 o Coolie imaginaries 66 o From past to present 69 o The Promise or After All We've Done For You (1995) 72 o The Counting House (1996) 81 Chapter 3: Oppression, repression and the madwoman 94 o Violence and Madness 95 o Harold Sonny Ladoo: the man/the writer 98