Il Maestro Assente note sull'autore della Villa Farnesina

2020, Inizi del Rinascimento architettura e città a Roma da Rosselli a Raffaello 1483-1520


The Absent Master, notes on the author of Villa Farnesina The construction of one of the most beautiful works of the Roman Renaissance began by Mariano Chigi, father of Agostino, with acquisitions and real estate initiatives between the end of the fifteenth century and the beginning of the sixteenth century. The study delves into the first phases of the construction of the Villa and the events of its undocumented author, who Vasari indicates as Baldassarre Peruzzi, but who for various reasons should be found in the previous generation of the great masters of the Italian fifteenth century. With different paths of research, documentaries and critics, the study suggests the presence of a great Renaissance author, very close to the Chigi environment and singularly absent from the scene of the Roman Renaissance, Francesco di Giorgio Martini.