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2008, Cercetări Arheologice
4 pages
1 file
Articolul de faţă prezintă o inscripţie descoperită în campania anului 2007, în Sectorul Extra muros, Poarta Mare-Turnu Mare. Piesa, descoperită în poziţie secundară (refolosită ca material de construcţie), păstrează patru rânduri (fragmentare) ale unei inscripţii în limba greacă. Din inscripţie se disting clar cuvintele Agaton A... şi ¢ortë. Personajul amintit mai este cunoscut dintr-o altă inscripţie histriană. Cuvântul ¢ortë are sensul de sărbătoare religioasă (mai apare la Histria în decretul dat în onoarea preotesei Aba a lui Hekataios) şi pare să înlocuiască termenul pangúreiß folosit în perioada elenistică târzie. Inscripţia se datează în a doua jumătate a sec. II-începutul sec. III p.Chr. şi, deşi fragmentară, aduce informaţii interesante referitoare la viaţa religioasă histriană în plină epocă imperială.
TÜBA-AR: Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi , 2017
In this paper as a result of our researches in the museum corrigenda et addenda for four published Roman inscriptions of Herakleia Pontike which are found in the districts of Ereğli in Zonguldak, are being presented. As a result of corrigenda et addenda the final translations of these Greek inscriptions are as follows: 1. Severa, daughter of Severus, granddaughter of Timokrates honoured Iulia Pythias, the outstanding daughter of philosophos Iulius Pythagoras, who has held once more the magistracy of eponymos basileia of/for the city preeminently for.... 2. Tryphon, son of Xenokrates, (died) at the age of 69; Domestichos, son of Tryphon, (died) at the age of 21. Farewell! Kale, daughter of Diogenes, wife of Tryphon, (died) at the age of 47. Farewell! 3. Skamandridas, son of Phronton, (died) at the age of 24. Farewell! 4. Bakchos, son of Herakleidas, (died) at the age of 23. Farewell! Bu makalede bugün Karadeniz Ereğli Müzesi’nde sergilenen; Zonguldak’ın Ereğli ilçesinde bulunmuş; Herakleia Pontike antik kentine ait, Roma İmparatorluk Dönemi’ne tarihli daha önce yayımlanmış dört Hellence yazıt için metinsel düzeltmeler (corrigenda) ve eklemeler (addenda) sunulmaktadır. Bu düzeltmeler ve eklemeler sonucunda Hellence yazıtların çevirilerinin son hali şöyle olmalıdır: 1. Teimokrates torunu Severus kızı Severa, kentin eponymos basileia memuriyetini tekrar en üstün şekilde yürütmüş, flozof Iulius Pythagoras’ın mükemmel kızı (I)ulia Pythias’ı ........için? (onurlandırdı); 2. Ksenokrates oğlu Tryphon, 69 yaşında (öldü); Tryphon oğlu Domestikhos, 21 yaşında (öldü). Elveda! Diogenes kızı, Tryphon’un eşi Kale, 47 yaşında (öldü). Elveda! 3. Phronton oğlu Skamandridas, 24 yaşında (öldü). Elveda! Bu makalede ayrıca, daha önce yayımlanmış bir mezar yazıtındaki yaş okuma hatasını düzeltiyoruz (corrigendum); 4. Herakleidas oğlu Bakkhos, 23 yaşında (öldü). Elveda!
The paper proposes new readings for two second-century inscriptions which mention Heraclea Sintica and reveal important details about the history and the institutions of the city. A letter by Emperor Antoninus Pius, found in Sandanski (IGBulg IV 2263; AD 157/158) is shown to have been provoked by a conflict over territories between the neighbouring cities Heraclea and Parthicopolis, which possibly originated with the foundation of Parthicopolis ca. AD 116-119. A donation for a geru-sia, of unknown provenance (IGBulg V 5925; AD 181-188) is attributed to Heraclea; it provides valuable evidence on several civic institutions – gerusia / gerusiasts and epimeletes (curator) of the gerusia, argyrotamias (treasurer) and mnemon (registrar) of the city.
HISTRIA, HISTOIRE ET ARCHÉOLOGIE EN MER NOIRE. Volume dédié au centenaire des recherches archéologiques à Histria Pontique
An essential component of the archaeological research is the study of landscape. The systematic study of it began to take shape in the 70s of last century, when it was launched the concept of "landscape archeology". Behind this is actually the connection between field research and the changes of the environment at a certain moment of time. In other words the archaeological landscape should be seen as the result of the interaction of natural and anthropogenic factors. The arrival of the Romans and the introduction of the Lower Danube area within the borders of the Roman Empire, as the province of Moesia Inferior, lead to a radical change of landscape. This space is conquered and reorganized primarily by the Roman army, but this action is accompanied by civil measurements, resulting on the one hand, the integration of existing settlements (local and Greek cities of the Black Sea) in the new administrative body, but also the appearance of the new ones. For the Greek city of Histria several studies related to landscape analysis have been made in the past, especially for Greek era. In the present paper we will focus on the components of the Roman territory of Histria (settlements, roads, fortifications, aqueducts, quarries etc) in an attempt to identify the landscape’s characteristics of the area.
Comitetul de redacţie ROXANA DOBRESCU -redactor şef ADRIAN IONIŢĂ -redactor-şef adjunct IRINA ACHIM, ADINA BORONEANŢ, ADRIAN DOBOŞ, ANDREI MĂGUREANU, LIANA OŢA, ADRIANA PANAITE, DANIEL SPÂNU, VLAD VINTILĂ ZIRRA -membri LILIANA ZAHARIA -secretar de redacţie Redactor Editura Academiei Române: ADRIAN MIRCEA DOBRE, ANA BOROŞ, VIRGINIA PETRICĂ Tehnoredactor Editura Academiei Române: MARIANA MOCANU Revista se poate procura contracost la sediul EDITURII ACADEMIEI ROMÂNE,
Kernos 15, 313-414, 2002
This is an edited volume of papers delivered at a conference ”Heraclea Sintica: from Hellenistic polis to Roman civitas (4th c. BC — 6th c. AD)“, which took place on September 19-21, 2013 in Petrich, Bulgaria. CONTENTS: L. Vagalinski, E. Nankov. Preface E. Nankov. In Search of a Founder and the Early Years of Heraclea Sintica M.-G. Parissaki. Reconstructing the Tribal History of the Middle Strymon Valley: The Impact of the Muletarovo Inscription G. Mitrev. On the Borders and Urban Territory of Heraclea Sintica D. Garbov. Roman and Early Byzantine Rural Landscapes along the Middle Strymon: A Preliminary Overview L. Vagalinski. Recent Archaeological Data about Heraclea Sintica I. Cholakov. Handcraft Production in Heraclea Sintica (On Archaeological Data) S. Alexandrova. The Black-Slipped Pottery from Heraclea Sintica (1st — 4th c. AD) S. Neykova. Scientific and Ethical Approaches to the Restoration of Terracotta Finds from Heraclea Sintica S. Ivanov, Sv. Filipova. Numismatic Data from the Archaeological Excavations at Heraclea Sintica Located on the Hill of Kozhuh, Petrich Municipality E. Paunov. The Bronze Coinage of Heraclea Sintica J. Bozhinova. Hellenistic and Roman Necropolis near the Village of Rupite, Petrich Municipality M. Andonova. The Coins from the Necropolis ”Metlata“ near the Village of Rupite (F. Muletarovo), Municipality of Petrich E. Nankov, D. Stoyanova. Stone Door of a Roman Tomb from the Necropolis of Heraclea Sintica M. Koleva. Towards Roman Provincial Art: Small Pieces from Heraclea Sintica R. Milcheva. Roman Gravestones with Portraits from the Middle Struma Valley
Kernos 12, 207-292, 1999
Kernos 16, 247-306, 2003
P. Martzavou, N. Papazarkadas (eds), Epigraphical Approaches to the Post-classical Polis. Fourth Century BC to Second Century AD. , 2012
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