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2017, IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences
6 pages
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Within the context of the Islamic religion, having Taqwa or the traits of righteousness is imperative because Taqwa reflects the level of a Muslim's faith. Hence, the purpose of the present study was to identify the traits of Takwa in surah Al-Baqara in the Holy Quran. The data for this study were obtained from verses in surah Al-Baqara. Purposive sampling was used to select the verses that contain the traits of Taqwa using an established tafseer (Quranic interpretation) in the Qurainic field as a guideline in marking the Taqwa traits in sampling the verses. Two experts in the field of Quranic tafseer validated the traits of Taqwa extracted from each selected verse. The data were analyzed using manifest and latent content analyses. The findings reveal 10 categories of traits of Taqwa which are tawheed or monotheism, do good to others, performing solah, paying of zakat, honouring rights, repentance, doing good deeds, righteous communication, being grateful, being sincere, and recognition of the absoluteness of Allah's sovereignty. Sequential emphasisbased analysis was used to tabulate the reiteration of each trait of Taqwa in order to find out the trait that is most frequently emphasized in the form of reiteration. Among the Taqwa category traits, the major emphasis is on tawheed or believing the oneness of Allah. The findings help in enhancing the understanding and the meta-framework of the traits of Taqwa, which is particularly useful for non-scholarly Muslims in strengthening their Islamic faith in accordance to what is commanded in the Holy Quran.
Proceedings of the Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018), 2019
The research aims to describe the characteristics of those who taqwa according to the Qur`an and their implications for Islamic Education. The study method uses thematic digital Qur`an. This method seeks to understand the meaning of religion (in this case taqwa) by understanding the messages of the verse from the terms of the same religion from all verses of the Qur`an. The study found that, the meaning of taqwa is to seriously carry out God's commands and avoid all His prohibitions. Degree of taqwa is higher than the degree of faith. The main characteristics of the muttaqin (the person who taqwa) are ma`rifatullah, establishing prayers with special khusyu ', giving his beloved property to those who may receive it, holding back anger, even forgiving mistakes and doing ihsan; be patient in various circumstances and keep promises when he promises. I to specify the pedagogical implications, the purpose of Islamic education in increasing piety needs from the characteristics of taqwa in the fields of faith, worship, and noble character.
Tawheed is the leading principle of the Islamic faith without which an individual is not considered a Muslim and its violation for those already believed will automatically result into the nullification of their faith. The Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet are very explicit on this issue; this is why the Muslim scholars of all ages in their wettings labored hard to preserve the true teachings and proper understanding of this major principle of this faith. This study therefore asses the observations of these scholars regarding this principle in view of what it means, affirmation of its lofty position, the main theme of all prophets and messengers commissioned by the Almighty Allah and its influence on a Muslim's daily life. The study uses a textual analysis methodology. The study concludes by assessing the role of this principle in guiding Muslims to the straight path by fully implementing Allah's commandments, something that will have a positive effect on their behavior ...
Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal
Taqwa (piety) is a construct in Islamic psychology. It correlates with a large number of behavior such as sustainable capacity building, Islamic leadership, employees’ happiness, and workplace deviance. But the earlier studies have failed to capture the assessment of taqwa from the Qur'anic perspective. In the present study, an attempt is made to standardize a taqwa scale. In the first phase, a pool of 30 items was generated for each of the three domains of the construct (Faith in God, Love for God, and Fear of God), and subject matter experts judge the items’ content for the relevance, clarity, and simplicity on a 4 point Likert rating scale. Item content validity index and interrater reliability of each item were calculated. In the final version, 28 items remained content valid. A total of 229 Muslim students purposively drawn, completed the measure. The mean age of the participants was 22.66 (SD= 1.84). The Taqwa Scale consisted of twelve items with 6 point-Likert rating scal...
The Companion, 2020
A wise man had three sons. He had taught them that Allah is present everywhere. He wanted to see which of his children had learnt the lesson. He gave them each an apple. He said, 'eat this apple in a place where no one can see you'. The eldest child took the apple to his room. He closed the door, drew the curtains. He was sure no one could see him, so he cut the apple and ate it. The second child also took the apple to his room, opened the cupboard, went inside, and closed the door behind him. He was sure no one could see him there, so he cut the apple and ate it. The youngest son went to his room, but he could not cut the apple. He knew Allah was there. He went to the forest, to the top of a mountain, near the river but he knew Allah was there, everywhere. He went home, gave the apple back to his father, and said there is no place where Allah does not see me. The father was happy that his youngest son had learnt the lesson.
Tawheed is the leading principle of the Islamic faith without which an individual is not considered a Muslim and its violation for those already believed will automatically result into the nullification of their faith. The Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet are very explicit on this issue; this is why the Muslim scholars of all ages in their wettings labored hard to preserve the true teachings and proper understanding of this major principle of this faith. This study therefore asses the observations of these scholars regarding this principle in view of what it means, affirmation of its lofty position, the main theme of all prophets and messengers commissioned by the Almighty Allah and its influence on a Muslim's daily life. The study uses a textual analysis methodology. The study concludes by assessing the role of this principle in guiding Muslims to the straight path by fully implementing Allah's commandments, something that will have a positive effect on their behavior and determination as effective vicegerents on earth and a guiding principle to their education system.
Maqâshid al-Qur'ân in the Verses of Religious Freedom in Interpretation of Thahâ Jâbir al-'Alwânî. This article is aimed at describing Thahâ Jâbir al-'Alwânî's interpretation on various verses dealing with the issues of religious freedom. Adapting an approach of maqâshid al-Qur'ân, the present paper comes to answer two main issues on the true of Alwânî's maqâshid al-Qur'ân perception and the theoretical application of Alwânî's maqâshid al-Qur'ân in interpreting verses of religious freedom. According to 'Alwânî, it was concluded that there are three main segments that he called al-maqâshid al-Qur'âniyyah al-hâkimah: (1) al-tawhîd, (2) al-tazkiyah, and (3) al-'umrân. 'Alwânî stated that is one of the important embodiments in believing the God and tauhid. Seeing this pattern, the later purpose of the Quran is tazkiyah. This term is a value that enables people apply the message, fulfill the promise, and can perform the tasks of the caliphate. When such principles are implemented, something appears that Alwânî called 'umrân as the next purpose of the Quran can be manifested well. 'Umrân or 'prosperity' in which human being performs as a khalifah actually can create baldatun thayyibatun wa rabbun ghafûr as the real welfare.
Scholars of Islam have given high importance to the matter of Aqeedah and the acquisition of correct belief in the light of the book of Allah and the sunnah of His noble messenger and our master, Muhammad .ﷺ Learning the correct Aqeedah is even considered more important than learning any other aspects of religion in line with opinions of the Sahabah and the salaf. It is important to note, however, that though the concepts and underpinning objective related to Aqeedah existed from the time of companions and Tabi'oon, this term per se did not exist at that time. In the subsequent generations, a number of books were written on the subject which were categorized under various titles such as as-sunnah, al-tauheed, al-itiqad and others. In this article, the reasons that led to the writing of these esteemed books are discussed. We have also compiled a comprehensive, though not all encompassing, list of classical works on Aqeedah which can be very useful for the future researchers exploring this subject as well as the students of sacred knowledge who can utilize it in referring to these classical works and gaining comparative understanding of how the great Imams from the salaf understood the matter of Aqeedah, what challenges they faced in their times and what was their approach to counter that.
International Multidisciplinary Journal of Pure Life (IMJPL), 2024
SUBJECT & OBJECTIVES: Faith and righteous deeds are common concepts in the Holy Qur’an that are often used together. Hence, the question is to know what results can be obtained in life with faith and righteous deeds. This question includes benefit and purpose, earthly or supernatural consequences, immediate or delayed results, and individual and social effects. METHOD & FINDING: The article benefitted from a logical-analytical method. Conceptual, propositional, and systemic approaches analyzed the lifestyle and the relationship between belief and righteous deeds in the exegeses (Tafasir) of the Qur’an. Furthermore, this article used the comparative approach to classify the exegetical perspectives. Various studies have been applied in the article including the study of the effects of faith and righteous deeds, the connection between faith and righteous deeds as well as their impacts and consequences through establishing cause and effect between faith and righteous deeds as well as implications and proposal of a hypothesis that would require a methodological approach to the study. CONCLUSION: Faith and righteous deeds are the two wings of human promotion to attain humanity, and understand the Caliphate of God. To achieve purpose and dignity in the teachings of the Holy Qur’an, righteous deeds are the outward reflection of true faith. The combination and impact of the two vital elements of faith and righteous deeds in the soul and personality of man is stable.
The confession of faith in God is the earliest basic potential given to every human being. But unfortunately, the aspect of practice ('amal) which is a follow-up of cognitive and affective faith are mostly ignored. The main question posed in this study is: What is the character of the faithful based on the term ‘faith’ in the Qur'an? The paradigm used is the paradigm of integrative science and religion, and this study is library research, use thematic interpretation (tafsir maudhu’i). The object of this study is the text of the Qur'an, the vocabulary of the Qur'an explaining the term ‘faith’, there are 877 verses. The results of this study conclude that the psychology of the characters to be developed are: (1) The belief; (2) The wisdom; (3) The justice; (4) The courage, (5) The compassion; and (6) The simplicity.
Al Balagh Academy Papers , 2024
This essay rigorously examines the theological concept of tawaqquf, or non-commitment, within the framework of Islamic theology, with a specific focus on its implications for Adamic exceptionalism. By scrutinising the indiscriminate utilisation of tawaqquf, it elucidates its inappropriate application when addressing pivotal theological inquiries. Through detailed analysis of Qur'anic verses, scholarly consensus, and the doctrinal tenets upheld by Ahl al-Sunnah w'al-Jamāʿah, the essay interrogates the legitimacy of maintaining a non-committal stance concerning critical issues such as the lineage of Prophet Ādam's descendants. By meticulously dissecting the multifaceted dimensions of tawaqquf and delving into the intricate nuances of theological interpretation, it aims to disentangle the conflicting implications of Adamic exceptionalism within Islamic theological discourse, as ratified by orthodoxy and consensus. Moreover, the essay underscores the imperative of deeply engaging with classical scholarly texts to establish consensus positions, which may not be explicitly stated but hold authoritative sway within the theological framework of Ahl al-Sunnah w'al-Jamāʿah, while cautioning against the potential pitfalls of deviating into theological innovation when entertaining alternative perspectives grounded in rare or rejected opinions.
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Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2022
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan, 2014
Islamika Inside: Jurnal Keislaman dan Humaniora
Edukasia : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2020
The Qur'anic Principles for Writing Tafseer and Formulation of Aqāid, 2024
Book Published by: The Foundation of Islamic Thought
Al-Karim: International Journal of Quranic and Islamic Studies
The Scholar Islamic Academic Research Journal, 2016
Al-Insyiroh, 2023
Dinamika Ilmu, 2021
Community and Tradition in Global Times, 2021
TAJDID: Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin, 2021
“Re-interpreting the Qurʾān in the 21st century”, special issue edited by R.T., Religions, 12(8) (2021), with introduction by R.T. (, 5 p.).