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2002, Revista Matematica Iberoamericana
In this paper we will prove that if $G$ is a finite group, $X$ a subnormal subgroup of $ X F^*(G)$ such that $X F^*(G)$ is quasinilpotent and $Y$ is a quasinilpotent subgroup of $N_G(X)$, then $Y F^*(N_G(X})$ is quasinilpotent if and only if $Y F^*(G)$ is quasinilpotent. Also we will obtain that $F^*{G}$ controls its own fusion in $G$
Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 2015
Let G be a nite group and H a subgroup of G. We say that: (1) H is τ-quasinormal in G if H permutes with all Sylow subgroups Q of G such that |Q|, |H| = 1 and |H|, |Q G | = 1; (2) H is weakly τ-quasinormal in G if G has a subnormal subgroup T such that HT = G and T ∩ H H τ G , where H τ G is the subgroup generated by all those subgroups of H which are τ-quasinormal in G. Our main result here is the following. Let F be a saturated formation containing all supersoluble groups and let X E be normal subgroups of a group G such that G/E ∈ F. Suppose that every non-cyclic Sylow subgroup P of X has a subgroup D such that 1 < |D| < |P | and every subgroup H of P with order |H| = |D| and every cyclic subgroup of P with order 4 (if |D| = 2 and P is non-Abelian) not having a supersoluble supplement in G is weakly τ-quasinormal in G. If X is either E or F * (E), then G ∈ F.
Glasgow Mathematical Journal
Abstarct Let γ n = [x1,…,x n ] be the nth lower central word. Denote by X n the set of γ n -values in a group G and suppose that there is a number m such that $|{g^{{X_n}}}| \le m$ for each g ∈ G. We prove that γn+1(G) has finite (m, n) -bounded order. This generalizes the much-celebrated theorem of B. H. Neumann that says that the commutator subgroup of a BFC-group is finite.
Archiv der Mathematik, 1994
i. Introduetion. A well-known theorem of Kegel [7] and Wielandt [9] states the solubility of every finite group G = AB which is the product of two nilpotent subgroups A and B; see [1], Theorem 2.4.3. In order to determine the structure of these groups it is of interest to know which subgroups of G are conjugate (or at least isomorphic) to a subgroup that inherits the factorization. A subgroup S of the factorized group G = AB is called prefactorized if S = (A c~ S) (B ~ S), it is called factorized if, in addition, S contains the intersection A c~ B. Generally, even characteristic subgroups of G are not prefactorized, as can be seen e.g. from Examples 1 and 2 below.
Journal of Group Theory, 2007
A finite group G is said to be a PST-group if, for subgroups H and K of G with H Sylow-permutable in K and K Sylow-permutable in G, it is always the case that H is Sylowpermutable in G. A group G is a T *-group if, for subgroups H and K of G with H normal in K and K normal in G, it is always the case that H is Sylow-permutable in G. In this paper, we show that finite PST-groups and finite T *-groups are one and the same. A new characterisation of soluble PST-groups is also presented.
Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 2012
We answer the question: which property distinguishes the virtually nilpotent groups among the locally graded groups? The common property of each finitely generated group to have a finitely generated commutator subgroup is not sufficient. However, the finitely generated commutator subgroup of F2(var G), a free group of rank 2 in the variety defined by G, is the necessary and sufficient condition.
Journal of Group Theory, 2021
Following J. S. Rose, a subgroup 𝐻 of a group 𝐺 is said to be contranormal in 𝐺 if G = H G G=H^{G} . It is well known that a finite group is nilpotent if and only if it has no proper contranormal subgroups. We study nilpotent-by-Černikov groups with no proper contranormal subgroups. Furthermore, we study the structure of groups with a finite proper contranormal subgroup.
Canadian mathematical bulletin, 1994
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova, 2011
For each prime p and positive integer n, Berger and Gross have defined a finite p-group G HX, where H is a core-free quasinormal subgroup of exponent p nÀ1 and X is a cyclic subgroup of order p n. These groups are universal in the sense that any other finite p-group, with a similar factorisation into subgroups with the same properties, embeds in G. In our search for quasinormal subgroups of finite p-groups, we have discovered that these groups G have remarkably few of them. Indeed when p is odd, those lying in H can have exponent only p, p nÀ2 or p nÀ1. Those of exponent p are nested and they all lie in each of those of exponent p nÀ2 and p nÀ1 .
A subgroup H of a group G is called inert if for each $g\in G$ the index of $H\cap H^g$ in $H$ is finite. We show that for a subnormal subgroup $H$ this is equivalent to being strongly inert, that is for each $g\in G$ the index of $H$ in the join $\langle H,H^g\rangle$ is finite for all $g\in G$. Then we give a classification of soluble-by-finite groups $G$ in which subnormal subgroups are inert in the cases $G$ has no nontrivial periodic normal subgroups or $G$ is finitely generated.
Journal of Algebra, 2008
The following concept is introduced: a subgroup H of the group G is said to be SS-quasinormal (Supplement-Sylow-quasinormal) in G if H possesses a supplement B such that H permutes with every Sylow subgroup of B. Groups with certain SS-quasinormal subgroups of prime power order are studied. For example, fix a prime divisor p of |G| and a Sylow p-subgroup P of G, let d be the smallest generator number of P and M d (P ) denote a family of maximal subgroups P 1 , . . . , P d of P satisfying d i=1 (P i ) = Φ(P ), the Frattini subgroup of P . Assume that the group G is p-solvable and every member of some fixed M d (P ) is SS-quasinormal in G, then G is p-supersolvable.
Communications in Algebra®, 2008
Journal of Algebra, 2002
We explore the class of generalized nilpotent groups in the universe c of all radical locally finite groups satisfying min-p for every prime p. We obtain that this class is the natural generalization of the class of finite nilpotent groups from the finite universe to the universe c. Moreover, the structure of-groups is determined explicitly. It is also shown that is a subgroup-closed c-formation and that in every c-group the Fitting subgroup is the unique maximal normal-subgroup.
Monatshefte für Mathematik, 2005
A subgroup of a finite group G is said to be S-quasinormal in G if it permutes with every Sylow subgroup of G. In this paper we give a characterization of a finite group G under the assumption that every subgroup of the generalized Fitting subgroup of prime order is S-quasinormal in G.
Journal of Algebra, 2001
Let C C be a class of groups, closed under taking subgroups and quotients. We prove that if all metabelian groups of C C are torsion-by-nilpotent, then all soluble groups of C C are torsion-by-nilpotent. From that, we deduce the following conse-Ž quence, similar to a well-known result of P. Hall 1958, Illinois J. Math. 2,. 787᎐801 : if H is a normal subgroup of a group G such that H and GrHЈ are Ž. Ž. locally finite-by-nilpotent, then G is locally finite-by-nilpotent. We give an Ž. example showing that this last statement is false when '' locally finite-by-nilpotent'' is replaced with ''torsion-by-nilpotent.''
Journal of Group Theory, 2018
In this note we give two characterizations of finite nilpotent groups. First, we show that a finite group G is not p-nilpotent if and only if it contains two elements of order q k {q^{k}} , for q a prime different than p, whose product has order p or possibly 4 if p = 2 {p=2} . We also show that the set of words on two variables where the total degree of each variable is ± 1 {\pm 1} can be used to characterize finite nilpotent groups. Using this characterization we show that if a finite group is not nilpotent, then there is a word map of specified form for which the corresponding probability distribution is not uniform.
Rendiconti del Seminario matematico della Università di Padova
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, 2019
In this article by means of the autonilpotent group and autocentral series of a group, we generalize some results concerning the terms of the central series, specifically, results on nilpotency of a group. We further derive a result similar to that of Fitting's theorem.
Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2008
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Journal of Algebra, 2009
In this note, we first give some examples to show that some hypotheses of some well-known results for a group G to be pnilpotent, solvable and supersolvable are essential and cannot be removed. Second, we give some generalizations of two theorems in [A. Ballester-Bolinches, X. Guo, Some results on p-nilpotence and solubility of finite groups, J. Algebra 228 (2000) 491-496].
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