This paper deals with termination proofs for Higher-Order Rewrite Systems (HRSs), introduced in [Nip9l, Nip93]. This formalism combines the computational aspects of term rewriting and simply typed lambda calculus. Our result is a proof technique for the termination of a HRS, similar to the proof technique "Termination by interpretation in a well-founded monotone algebra" described in [Zan93]. The resulting technique is as follows: Choose a higher-order algebra with operations for each function symbol in the HRS, equipped with some well-founded partial ordering. The operations must be strictly monotonic in this ordering. This choice generates a model for the HRS. If the choice can be made in such a way that for each rule and for each valuation of the free variables in that rule the value of the left hand side is greater than the value of the right hand side, then the HRS is terminating. At the end of the paper two applications of this technique are given, which show that this technique is natural and can easily be applied. A nice characterisation of termination is given in [Zan93]. The function symbols of a TRS 1Z have to be interpreted as strictly monotonic operations in some well-founded algebra. This interpretation is extended to closed terms as a usual algebraic homomorphism. Now the associated rewrite relation is terminating if every left hand side is greater (under the chosen interpretation) than the belonging right hand side, for each possible interpretation of the variables in that rule. The strength of this characterisation is that one can concentrate on the "intuitive reason" for termination. This intuition can be translated in suited operations on well-founded orderings, thus using semantical arguments. The real termination proof consists of testing a simple condition on the rules only instead of on all possible rewrite steps or all possible redexes. This semantical approach is more convenient than a syntactical technique. The aim of this paper is to generalise this semantical characterisation of termination for TRSs to one for HRSs. We use an extension of the definition of an HRS in [Nip93] because we do not need the restrictions of the formalism (for instance, that the rules should be of base type and the left hand sides should be patterns). Our result is also applicable to the HRSs of the definition in [Nip9l, Nip93]. The main result is that such a generalisation is possible. The interpretation of terms can be extended to the interpretation of higher-order terms. The orderings and the notion of strictness can also be generalised. The techniques to achieve this are similar to those used in [Gan8O, dV87]. Moreover, the result that termination proofs can be given with a well-founded monotone algebra in [Zan93] carries over to HRSs with simple conditions on the well-founded ordering. With this technique some natural HRSs are proved to be terminating (see Section 7.