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18 pages
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Sadharananikarana: Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi Hindu
New media is a term to describe the convergence of digital communication technology that is computerized and connected to a network and cannot be separated from the use of information technology, both network-based and telecommunications. as an example of media that is very representative of new media is the internet. New media is present as a new medium of communication at this time. All the ease of access provided by new media began to shift conventional media as communication media. This study aims to determine the implications of new media as a medium of communication and information technology. The implications of new media as a medium of communication By using new media it is easier for the audience to access things, such as news information that can be accessed in real time, the ease of exchanging information with relatives only by using internet-based devices. The internet is also a form of change in new media. However, the presence of new media as a medium of communication ...
Jurnal Komunikasi
This essay discusses how social media and technology have affected civic education in the twenty-first century. Due to their rapid development, social media and technology have altered how people engage with one another, with information, and with politics. The goal of citizenship education is to produce politically engaged, knowledgeable citizens; therefore, it must adapt to these changes. This essay explains the ways in which social media and technology affect civic education, looks at the challenges and opportunities that arise, and makes recommendations for how civic education could use these tools to accomplish its goals. Given this paradigm shift, it is imperative to conduct more in-depth research on the specific impacts of social media and technology on civic education. This essay will look at how specific social media platforms and technical components, such data analytics and game-based learning, might be used in civic education to improve outcomes and motivate students to participate in civic education.
J. Komunikasi, 2007
Televisi merupakan sebuah sistem storytelling yang tersentralisasi. Karena mengatasi halangan historis keberaksaraan dan mobilitas, televisi menjadi sumber umum primer sosialisasi dan informasi sehari-hari dari populasi yang heterogen. Namun, berbeda dengan media lain, televisi menyediakan sebuah set pilihan terbatas untuk bermacam interes dan publik yang tidak terbatas. Televisi merupakan salah satu media komunikasi massa mempunyai fungsi yaitu; memberi informasi, mendidik, menghibur, dan mempengaruhi (Onong, 1992). Tetapi menurut pengamatan kami televisi lebih mengutamakan fungsi menghibur daripada fungsi yang lainnya. Pengaruh televisi terhadap khalayak sudah banyak yang mengetahui melalui berbagai penelitian yang dilakukan para ahli. Penelitian tentang pengaruh televisi pada khalayak salah satunya dilakukan oleh Gabner. Awalnya Garbner melakukan penelitian tentang "indikator budaya" pada pertengahan tahun 60-an, Kekerasan Dalam Media Massa ARTIKEL Santi Indra Astuti, Kekerasan Kriminalitas di Televisi,. Bandung, 2005. Hestin, Efek Media Violence, Jakarta, 2005.
Nur Atiqah Awaliyah, 2022
Di Era globalisasi, saat ini semua aspek kehidupan ikut terpengaruh. Semua aspek kehidupan manusia sudah berkembang menuju era digitalisasi.
Jurnal Jurnalisa, 2017
Social media that appear lately indeed change the panorama of journalism in Indonesia. Especially concerning the process of gathering news, the process of making news, and the process of spreading the news. Future Journalism-the old and the new-should refer to how people use the news and what they need from journalists.
Mikro jurnalisme merupakan trend jurnalisme yang memanfaatkan dan mendompleng kebesaran situs sosial media seperti facebook, you tube dan twitter.
Technological developments have penetrated human life. One of the social media that originally only functioned as a means of self-existence, is now changing to influence the political climate of a country. In the democation of the media including the fourth pillar because it is considered more neutral and independent than the elements of state power. With the existence of this social media, the community is increasingly appreciative and active regarding actual issues that occur, of course this can increase public participation related to public issues. This research illustrates that democracy in the digital era can facilitate the process of democracy and social media can be used as a public space to aspire to democracy that is implemented according to the wishes of the people or still needs to be improved, but we as users must be able to choose information so that they do not easily believe in the news hoax. This study uses a survey method with non-physical student subjects at the Tidar University. Abstrak: Perkembangan teknologi telah merambah kehidupan umat manusia. Media sosial salah satunya yang semula hanya berfungsi sebagai alat eksistensi diri, kini merubah untuk mempengaruhi iklim politik suatu negara. Dalam demokasi media termasuk pilar keempat karena dianggap lebih netral dan bebeas dari unsur kekuasaan negara. Dengan adanya media sosial ini masyarakat semakin apresiatif dan aktif terkait isu-isu aktual yang terjadi, tentu hal ini bisa meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat terkait dengan isu-isu publik. Penelitian ini menggambarkan demokrasi pada era digital dapat mempermudah terkait proses demokrasi dan juga media sosial bisa dijadikan ruang publik untuk beraspirasi terkait demokrasi yang diterapkan sudah sesuai keinginan rakyat atau masih perlu diperbaiki, tetapi kita sebagai pengguna juga harus mampu memilih informasi agar tidak mudah percaya pada berita hoax. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode pemgumpulan data survey dan wawancara dengan subjek mahasiswa non-FISIP di Universitas Tidar. Kata kunci : media sosial, demokrasi, era digital
Jejaring sosial sudah menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari kehidupan seharihari, terutama di kalangan remaja. Dengan meningkatnya akses terhadap teknologi, remaja kini menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu di berbagai platform media sosial seperti Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, dan TikTok. Fenomena ini mempunyai berbagai implikasi terhadap cara
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JISIP : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 2020
Nurul Fitriyana Ahmad, 2018
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi - MediaKom, 2017
Potret Pemikiran-LP2M IAIN Manado, 2016
AGUNA: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2021
PALITA: Journal of Social - Religion Research, 2016
Selly Agustin, 2024
Universitas Pelita Harapan, 2020