El contrato laboral


Palabras clave Contrato, empresa, ejecutivo, trabajador, retribución, incentivos, despido procedente, despido improcedente, contribución a la seguridad social, derecho laboral. This TFG falls within the scope of legal translation and involves the translation of an employment agreement from English into Spanish. This is intended, firstly, to show the terminological and conceptual problems presented by legal texts and, secondly, to respond to these difficulties in order to successfully approach a text of this kind. One of the terms that has raised many problems worth mentioning here has been "Control Transaction", for which the following translation is proposed: Transferencia corporativa. In cases like this, it is important the translator steps away from literal translation and uses his encyclopedic knowledge so he can make relevant decisions that will help the translation have a higher quality. In the first section of this project, labor law in the starting culture is examined along with the characteristics of employment agreements. This section also includes a contrasting analysis of both English and Spanish legal systems in relation to labor law, and a study of the clauses that are part of this contract. Next, an analysis of the general features of the source text, as well as the most important problems detected during the translation process along with the solutions adopted. The documentation sources used for the purpose of the translation are also presented herein. To conclude, within the Annexes section, the original text and translation are included.