The Poet as a Cultural Ambassador and Social Critic

2023, Randwick International of Social Science Journal


Poetry is an age-long oral tradition with different paralinguistic features (Adekunle, 2009, Adekunle 2021). It is a spoken literature that examines societal realities (Adekunle, 2021:1). Poetry performative style is a unique aesthetic dramatization. To Raji (2013:11), poetry as a practical being of a baby comes by accident and by design. Raji reveals poetry has a spontaneous oral performance. Poetry is a memorial of timeless truth. This is why Oha (2019:13) avers that the poet takes a panoramic view of unfortunate happenings in global politics. It engages critical textual, verbal, and non-verbal that interpret and celebrate societal values and heroic deeds (Dasylva 2022:117). According to Kehinde (2012:57), poetry is a form of writing that is meant to entertain, express, inform, and teach morals. It always makes use of sounds that are carefully selected and organized to give harmonious appeal through repetition, metrical patterns, and rhythmic flow (Dasylva 2005:15). Dasylva examines poetry as a product of human utterance. Poetry is a composition in verse form that expresses high feelings and thoughts in a condensed language, especially imagery (Oripeloye, 2017:39). The imagery is used by poets to achieve the aim of creating a resemblance between one object and another. Okpewho (2003:16) affirms that poetry is an oral poetics that is highly contextual in its delivery. Also, Ojaide (2014:109) opines that poetry is a cultural production that is often read or performed. Its diversity of reading and performance is high aesthetics through the pitch of voice, choice of stressed unstressed words and phrases, speed of articulation, and modulation. Akporobaro (2005:4) states that poetry is an actual performance embedded in accentuated speech act, rendered alive before a live audience through various dramatic gestures, pitch changes, and emotional tones. According to Babalola (1966), each genre has its distinctive style of vocalization or technique of vocal ABSTRACT Poetry is oral literature with aesthetic skills. It is a performative form of a cultural infusion of traditional and contemporary realities of the human world. Poetry in its true nature is political, economic, and sociological. Poetry is largely human. Previous studies have examined poetry as entertainment and poetic orature to neglect cultural significance and social criticism. Therefore, this study examines as poetry an embodiment of cultural identities and an element of social criticism. The anthology of Femi Abodunrin, entitled "It Would Take Time: Conversation with Living Ancestors" would be examined. This is in a bid to see how a poet serves as a cultural ambassador of his/her country and, at the same time, a social critic. Femi Abodunrin is a Nigerian-born poet. Schechner's Performance, Freudian, and Jungian psychoanalytic theories were used to analyze the selected collections. The selected poems are subjected to performance and literary analyses.