Effect of Surfactants on Drop Stability and Thin Film Drainage

2004, Fluid Mechanics of Surfactant and Polymer Solutions


The stability of suspensions/emulsions is under consideration. Traditionally consideration of colloidal systems is based on inclusion only Van-der-Waals (or dispersion) and electrostatic components, which is refereed to as DLVO (Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek) theory. It is shown that not only DLVO components but also other types of the inter-particle forces may play an important role in the stability and colloidal systems. Those contributions are due to hydrodynamic interactions, hydration and hydrophobic forces, steric and depletion forced, oscillatory structural forces. The hydrodynamic and colloidal interactions between drops and bubbles emulsions and foams are even more complex (as compared to that of suspensions of solid particles) due to the fluidity and deformability of those colloidal objects. The latter two features and thin film formation between the colliding particles have a great impact on the hydrodynamic interactions, the magnitude of the disjoining pressure and on the dynamic and thermodynamic stability of such colloidal systems.