Kur’Ân’In Kerîm Sifati



The characteristics of the Qurʾān are explained in the verses, sometimes in a few words, sometimes in detail. In different verses, the words "ʿajab", "ʿarabī", "ʿadhīm", "hakim", "karīm", "majīd", "mubīn", and "dhi'dh-dhikr" are used as attributes of the word Qurʾān itself. In verses 75-77 of Sūrat al-Wāqiʿa, Allah swore by the places of the stars and stated that the Qurʾān was the karīm, so that the characterization of a book as karīm is began with the Qurʾān for the first time. Muslims often say "Qurʾān Karīm" when they talk about the Qurʾān as an expression of respect and reverence. The commentators have said different things about the meaning of the attribute "karīm" of the Qurʾān. Because the word "karīm" has many meanings in Arabic. In this article, we tried to determine the meaning of the attribute "karīm" of the Qurʾān. For this purpose, we first explained the meanings of the word "karīm" in Arabic, then we dwelt on the meanings of the attribute "karīm" in the Qurʾān, and finally, we tried to decide by evaluating the comments of the commentators about the meaning of the attribute "karīm" of the Qurʾān.