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2011, Scientific God Journal
10 pages
1 file
Knowing the mutual interconnection of everything with everything, it is no problem to interpret the interactions between the measuring and quantum systems as any other interactions between two or more systems consisting of elementary quantum dipoles. So, all relations between the measuring apparatus and measured quantum objects are only parts of the universal cosmic network of elementary quantum interactions creating the objective physical reality, independent of a human consciousness. But the observer, as a conscious subject, plays an active and creative role in his communication with the micro-world.
Knowing the mutual interconnection of everything with everything, it is no problem to interpret the interactions between the measuring and quantum systems as any other interactions between two or more systems consisting of elementary quantum dipoles. So, all relations between the measuring apparatus and measured quantum objects are only parts of the universal cosmic network of elementary quantum interactions creating the objective physical reality, independent of a human consciousness. But the observer, as a conscious subject, plays an active and creative role in his communication with the micro-world. Key Words: quantum entanglement, quantum dipole, nature, manifestation. Quantum informatics is now one of the most progressive branches of theoretical physics combining quantum mechanics with informatics. Quantum informatics concentrates its attention to the three directions: development of quantum computer, quantum cryptography and quantum teleportation. The development of these sphe...
Quantum entanglement, a term coined by Erwin Schrodinger in 1935, is a mechanical phenomenon at the quantum level wherein the quantum states of two (or more) particles have to be described with reference to each other though these particles may be spatially separated. This phenomenon leads to paradox and has puzzled us for a long time. The behaviour of entangled particles is apparently inexplicable, incomprehensible and like magic at work. Locality has been a reliable and fruitful principle which has guided us to the triumphs of twentieth century physics. But the consequences of the local laws in quantum theory could seem "spooky" and nonlocal, with some theorists questioning locality itself. Could two subatomic particles on opposite sides of the universe be really instantaneously connected? Is any theory which predicts such a connection essentially flawed or incomplete? Are the results of experiments which demonstrate such a connection being misinterpreted? These questions challenge our most basic concepts of spatial distance and time. Modern physics is in the process of dismantling the space all around us and the universe will never be the same. Quantum entanglement involves the utilisation of cutting edge technology and will bring great benefits to society. This paper traces the development of quantum entanglement and presents some possible explanations for the strange behaviour of entangled particles. This paper is published in an international journal.
Foundations of Science, 2021
and the United States, to animate an interdisciplinary dialogue about fundamental issues of science and society. 'Entanglement' is a genuine quantum phenomenon, in the sense that it has no counterpart in classical physics. It was originally identified in quantum physics experiments by considering composite entities made up of two (or more) sub-entities which have interacted in the past but are now sufficiently distant from each other. If joint measurements are performed on the sub-entities when the composite entity is in an 'entangled state', then the sub-entities exhibit, despite their spatial separation, statistical correlations (expressed by the violation of 'Bell inequalities') which cannot be represented in the formalism of classical physics.
Actual Problems of Mind, 2024
Idea of quantum entanglement is discussed in the context of debate about the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen thought experiment and some theoretical studies of quantum systems. It is noted that Schrödinger invented this idea in 1935 in order to fix some features of the quantum-mechanical description of two systems with temporary interaction. However, he did not grasp essence of these features really. In view of the concepts of mixture and statistical operator proposed by von Neumann and adopted by Schrödinger in 1936, it is argued that the idea of entanglement and related terminology are not necessary in quantum mechanics. One can use this idea and terms "entanglement" etc. as "visual" surrogates for the "mixture – statistical operator" pair. Deeper comparative analysis of several theoretical works by Schrödinger, von Neumann, and Landau showed that the modeling of non-trivial complex quantum systems as quasi-classical aggregates has been gradually overcome. Instead, wholeness of such quantum systems was actually recognized step by step. Thus, wholeness is immanent not only to quantum phenomena, as Niels Bohr had argued, but also to the quantum systems themselves, objectively. The pair "mixture – statistical operator" and especially the pair "mixed state – density matrix" similar to it appear to be adequate tools to comprehend and describe wholeness of diverse quantum reality. It is insisted, it is advisable to understand the surrogate idea of entanglement and relevant terminology in the same sense. In mature quantum paradigm, they are possible but not necessary theoretical tools to grasp wholeness of reality. Respectively, acceptable understanding of quantum entanglement must be based on recognition of quantum wholeness. Philosophically speaking, the idea of entanglement is understandable and conditionally acceptable in the view of contemporary rational holism, or holistic rationality. The clarified understanding of quantum entanglement, as well as Bohr's substantiation of wholeness of quantum phenomena, demonstrates irreducibility of the Universe to any quasi-classical aggregate. Moreover, all this supports the view of the Universe as real wholeness, which rational holism intends to grasp. It is concluded, further development and regular implementation of rational holism have the undoubted potential for revolutionary replacement of the hitherto widespread worldview in the spirit of Democritus and pure analytical methodology of knowledge. Key words: quantum entanglement, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen thought experiment, wholeness of quantum system itself, wholeness of the Universe, contemporary rational holism.
The significance of the quantum feature of entanglement between physical systems is investigated in the context of quantum measurements. It is shown that, while there are measurement couplings that leave the object and probe systems nonentangled, no information transfer from object to probe can take place unless there is at least some intermittent period where the two systems are entangled.
—Quantum entanglement is a very strange but true phenomena that occurs in the quantum world , the quantum theory can explain the world of the very small in vivid detail but fails to give any practical explanation for this phenomena , as it completely smashes Einstein's theory of relativity that anything can travel faster than the speed of light. In this paper we will discuss the current systems that use this phenomena and those that might use them in the future, and how it occurs. Keywords—quantum entanglement\,worm hole, Einstine-Rosen bridge, quantum key distribution, d-wave. I. NATURE We as the most evolved species of this planet have the most damaging existence we hurt out planet and other peaceful life in it for our greed and desire which is not a smart thing to do if we are as evolved as we seem to think we are and to stand up to the name as the smartest species we have got to learn from nature as it is in reality enlightened with all the knowledge in this world of which we have many yet to discover, calling ourselves superior from nature is a very foolish statement. To get things into perspective let me share that everything we think we have discovered has always existed in nature such as electricity the electric eel has always used this form of energy for self defense from centuries , radio sonar and other forms of communication that has defined this century has forever been used by dolphins to navigate , long range communications we use in today's satellites also has always been used by elephants whales to communicate vast distances over hundreds of kilometers , the light bulb which Edison discovered has been the part of the angler fishes head far before Edison or even electricity. II. TANGLED So now that we have an understanding that we should take inspiration from nature lets discus some very marvelous things in nature that already use this quantum entanglement, we have discovered flight and navigation to such an extent that we can pin point the flight or a cellphone to the accuracy of ± 2 meters but even after this we still have flight going missing without a trace but birds in the sky never fail to travel thousands of kilometers during migration and they always know where they are headed this is because the can sense the tiniest change in the earths magnetic field and the core physic behind it is quantum entanglement and it has been using this process from the beginning of time and we have just discovered its existence and yet we are superior beings , even in plants the process of photosynthesis which is a natural way to convert energy and has the highest efficiency compared to any man made device to convert energy , this process of conversion has such high accuracy due to a phenomena recently uncovered known as superposition where the photon is both a particle and a wave if this process could be replicated in our solar panels the efficiency would highly improve. And at the core of this process stands quantum entanglement for the process to occur simultaneously in various parts at the same time. We as humans are very closely related to chimpanzees at least 98% of our DNA is similar but that 2% dissimilar part made us who we are and every time a human only give birth to a human and never any other animal this formation of our DNA uses the entanglement as a basis to be so precise Everything we have discovered so far always has existed in nature so now to make things easier for us, the next big discovery should be derived from nature .
Entanglement, according to Erwin Schrödinger the essence of quantum mechanics, is at the heart of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox and of the so called quantum-nonlocality -the fact that a local realistic explanation of quantum mechanics is not possible as quantitatively expressed by violation of Bell's inequalities. Even as entanglement gains increasing importance in most quantum information processing protocols, its conceptual foundation is still widely debated. Among the open questions are: What is the conceptual meaning of quantum entanglement? What are the most general constraints imposed by local realism? Which general quantum states violate these constraints? Developing Schrödinger's ideas in an information-theoretic context we suggest that a natural understanding of quantum entanglement results when one accepts (1) that the amount of information per elementary system is finite and (2) that the information in a composite system resides more in the correlations than in properties of individuals. The quantitative formulation of these ideas leads to a rather natural criterion of quantum entanglement. Independently, extending Bell's original ideas, we obtain a single general Bell inequality that summarizes all possible constraints imposed by local realism on the correlations for a multi-particle system. Violation of the general Bell inequality results in an independent general criterion for quantum entanglement. Most importantly, the two criteria agree in essence, though the two approaches are conceptually very different. This concurrence strongly supports the information-theoretic interpretation of quantum entanglement and of quantum physics in general.
All our former experience with application of quantum theory seems to say: what is predicted by quantum formalism must occur in laboratory. But the essence of quantum formalism -entanglement, recognized by Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen and Schrödinger -waited over 70 years to enter to laboratories as a new resource as real as energy. This holistic property of compound quantum systems, which involves nonclassical correlations between subsystems, is a potential for many quantum processes, including "canonical" ones: quantum cryptography, quantum teleportation and dense coding. However, it appeared that this new resource is very complex and difficult to detect. Being usually fragile to environment, it is robust against conceptual and mathematical tools, the task of which is to decipher its rich structure. This article reviews basic aspects of entanglement including its characterization, detection, distillation and quantifying. In particular, the authors discuss various manifestations of entanglement via Bell inequalities, entropic inequalities, entanglement witnesses, quantum cryptography and point out some interrelations. They also discuss a basic role of entanglement in quantum communication within distant labs paradigm and stress some peculiarities such as irreversibility of entanglement manipulations including its extremal form -bound entanglement phenomenon. A basic role of entanglement witnesses in detection of entanglement is emphasized. quantum computing with quantum data structure 37 IX. Classical algorithms detecting entanglement 37 X. Quantum entanglement and geometry 38 XI. The paradigm of local operations and classical communication (LOCC) 39 A. Quantum channel -the main notion 39 B. LOCC operations 39 XII. Distillation and bound entanglement 41 A. One-way hashing distillation protocol 41 B. Two-way recurrence distillation protocol 42 93 C. Byzantine agreement -useful entanglement for quantum and classical distributed computation 94 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 94
Eprint Arxiv Quant Ph 0311192, 2003
Measurement interaction between a measured object and a measuring instrument, if both are initially in a pure state, produces a (final) bipartite entangled state vector. The quasi-classical part of the correlations in it is connected with transmission of information in the measurement. But, prior to "reading" the instrument, there is also purely quantum entanglement in the final state vector. It is shown that in repeatable measurement quantitatively the entanglement equals the amount of incompatibility between the measured observable and the final state. It also equals the amount of incompatibility of the observable and the initial state of the object.
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