Voice for Voiceless The Pedagogical Experiment of Savi Sawarkar

2016, Critical Forum: The Journal of Literary & Critical Writings

How Savi Sawarkar, a Dalit artist renders a series of drawings and paintings that largely speak of caste oppression, and of a site that constitutes hardship, pain, and infliction on the bodies of marginalized sections including Dalit labourers and destitute. Sawarkar depicts an unsettling phenomenon of urban life which is constantly kept out from the harmonious gaze of city life. Sawarkar art has been exposing the stigma of routine labour and invariable labourers who come to the city from different parts of rural villages and regions. Sawarkar belongs to Maharashtra, a state that experienced an asymmetrical process of early urbanization and a rise of Dalit politics. Rampant caste-system does not allow Sawarkar to get rid of his horrific memories of caste oppressions that ingrained in his idiosyncrasy since he was a child. Thus, he uses his aesthetic as a pedagogy which he explicated in his number of exhibitions, one such as ‘Voice as Voiceless’ (2010). The traumatic images produced by Sawarkar and his undergraduate students echoed a sense of burning themes of our times quite categorically, and they equally perturb the viewers to introspect the atrocities on the downtrodden in a ‘secular-liberal nation’. Sawarkar's students from the art institutions were taken outside the classrooms, modules and institutional precincts, in which they were rather exposed to the brutal realities of the streets in the peak of city winter. This pedagogic experiment turned out to be a (mis)adventure for them as they started documenting the life worlds of the poor laborers and their families like ethnographers who were dwelling on bare street in meagre resources such as food, clothing and other facilities. The pedagogical endeavours of Sawarkar has drawn young students to precisely portray the urban reality beyond the comfort zone that rarely anyone bothers to register in today’s art and media seriously.