2024, Временник зубовского института, №1 (44)


The question of when the postmodern era in the art of music ended and whether it ended at all remains extremely controversial and ambiguous. However, the flashes and glow of a certain new system for the artistic interpretation of reality, a form of interaction with the so-called «objective reality», what philosophers and art historians have carefully and accurately tried to formulate and explore in the last decade, is increasingly manifested in the works of contemporary authors, covering the horizon for events with a shaky and sometimes not always transparent curtain of new, often paradoxical creative hypotheses. And this new system, which a number of researchers call the term «metamodern», in forms and manifestations previously unknown to the academic tradition, is implemented by an extraordinary instrumentarium, which is based on the priorities of the ideas of simulating everything and everyone. In the process of its formulation, this system establishes the foundations for the virtual reality paradigm as the nuclear force for the functioning and generation of meaning for a whole range of new, electronic arts, the locomotive of which an art of multimedia has become, as a certain cumulative symbol for the method of artistic expression. Virtual phenomenology is updated into a new model of the artistic act, where its ability to act as a semiotic subsystem for the model being built is realized. The latter becomes part of an unusual, mixed (modified, augmented, expanded) artistic reality, blurring the boundaries of the modalities for perception of reality, thereby creating a kind of continuous virtual-real continuum in which it is impossible to draw a line between the components of this dichotomy. And it is within the framework of such a paradigm that the creative instrumentarium for the new system claim the level of total transcendence, as a sphere of absolute potentiality, defining new range for connections between musical and extra-musical events, uniting together many modalities of perception of the so-called. objective and virtual reality, establishing the status for a new, hypertextual symbolism.