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Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. eBooks, 2006
I cannot express enough thanks to my committee for their continued support and encouragement: Dr. Theresa Davies, my first reader; Dr. Elizabeth Kaye, my second reader. I offer my sincere appreciation for the learning opportunities provided by my readers. My completion of this project could not have been accomplished without the support of my family. My heartfelt thanks.
Journal of Turkish Society of Obstetric and Gynecology, 2012
Contraception (birth control) prevents pregnancy by interfering with the normal process of ovulation, fertilization and implantation. There are different kinds of birth control that act at different points in the process. The rapid increase in the world population makes it mandatory to develop new contraceptive methods. According to WHO data, every year 200 billion new pregnancies occur and more than 50 billion of them are classified as unintended. To avoid complications of these unintended pregnancies and abortions, the contraception and kinds of contraceptive methods should be well known and understood. Recently, new hormonal contraceptive choices and regimen were adminestered and studies about male contraception and immunocontraception were performed. In this review, we discussed about the new development and progress on contraception.
Perspective Chapter: Modern Birth Control Methods, 2022
This chapter focuses on various modern birth control methods, including combined oral contraceptives, progestogen-only pills, progestogen-only injectables, progestogenonly implants, intrauterine devices, barrier contraceptives, and emergency contraceptive pills. Each contraceptive method is covered in detail, including mechanism of action, effectiveness, health benefits, advantages, disadvantages, risks, and side-effects.
Man had always tried to regulate births through various means involving the use of one or more actions such as medications, agents, sexual practices, or surgical procedures to prevent conception or pregnancy. The existing birth control methods include traditional and modern. The traditional methods are celibacy or sexual abstinence and withdrawal or coitus interruptus while the modern methods include male and female condoms, spermicide, contraceptives, sponge, diaphragm, pills, and vasectomy. Research has shown that hormonal approach to male contraception may be effective, reversible, and even safe. Efforts are ongoing to develop newer male contraceptives that will allow men to become full partners in the prevention of unintended pregnancy. This work reviews existing methods of birth control including current researches in birth control especially in the male.
Connaissances et pratiques en matière de contraception des étudiants libanais RÉSUMÉ Nous avons évalué les connaissances et les pratiques en matière de contraception des étudiants libanais dans le cadre d'une étude transversale comparative réalisée auprès d'étudiants d'universités publiques et privées sur la base d'un questionnaire en langue arabe à remplir soi-même. Le niveau des connaissances était faible. La majorité des garçons (73,3 %) et peu de filles (21,8 %) ont déclaré avoir déjà eu des rapports sexuels : la majorité des garçons avaient utilisé un préservatif (86,1 %), mais les filles n'avaient généralement pas utilisé de contraceptifs (75,6 %). ABSTRACT We evaluated knowledge and practice of Lebanese university students regarding contraception in a cross-sectional, comparative study on students in public and private universities using an Arabic language self-administered questionnaire. We found low levels of knowledge of contraception. The majority of males (73.3%) and a few females (21.8%) declared previous sexual relations: the majority of males had used a condom (86.1%), but females had generally not used contraceptives (75.6%).
Contraceptive methods are directly related to women's health and, consequently, involve family planning issues and a whole process of social awareness. This work aims to carry out a bibliographical survey about the comparison between contraceptive methods; explain the classification between contraceptive methods; demonstrate the importance of consciously choosing the method that best suits individual needs; assess drug interactions between contraceptives and antibiotics; elucidate the importance of family planning and contraception. For the preparation of this article, the Integrative Review was used as a methodological tool in order to systematize and theoretically support this research from literature related to the proposed theme. Problems such as the proper choice of contraceptive method, unwanted pregnancies, STI's, family planning, awareness about the use of contraceptive methods and drug interactions were discussed throughout the article. The ideal is that dual protection (condom and contraceptive) be used in all sexual relations, thus contributing to increasingly minimize the rates of STI's and HIV/AIDS. It is necessary that there is greater discussion and dissemination in society in regarding the different types of contraceptive methods and the correct way to use them, as well as possible consequences of their absence, possible health risks and benefits. awareness about the use of contraceptive methods and drug interactions with them. The ideal is that dual protection (condom and contraceptive) be used in all sexual relations, thus contributing to increasingly minimize the rates of STI's and HIV/AIDS. It is necessary that there is greater discussion and dissemination in society in regarding the different types of contraceptive methods and the correct way to use them, as well as possible consequences of their absence, possible health risks and benefits. awareness about the use of contraceptive methods and drug interactions with them. The ideal is that dual protection (condom and contraceptive) be used in all sexual relations, thus contributing to increasingly minimize the rates of STI's and HIV/AIDS. It is necessary that there is greater discussion and dissemination in society in regarding the different types of contraceptive methods and the correct way to use them, as well as possible consequences of their absence, possible health risks and benefits.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 2021
Introduction: Family planning importance is increasing progressively and is regarded as an essential part in every couple’s life. Family planning has a lot of benefits for the whole family as it provides a better control over the period between each pregnancy leading to a better balance over the personal, financial, and societal life. There are multiple birth control methods, from which couples can choose from with the assistance of their physicians since each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, some contraceptive methods may be more suited for a certain couple or situation than another one. This review of current methods aims to shed the lights on the various contraception options along with their advantages and disadvantages to aid providers in taking care of their patients. Methodology: A thorough search was carried out on PubMed using the most suitable keywords representing the aim of the present study. A total of 120 were found and based on whether the...
Contraception is the process of preventing pregnancy by various methods. This paper focuses on different kinds of methods of contraception used in India along with their advantages and disadvantages. As India being a diverse country and has certain beliefs in myths since ages, there is a direct impact on the pschycological behaviour or attitude towards using contraceptives found even today. From this research we would like to draw the opinions of the gyneachologists and finding out which is the best contraceptive method and what all are the difference of opinions between the doctors and the consumers regarding the same. Hence, we had also focused on the most commonly used contraceptives in India and further, we will be conducting a survey which will let us know that which contraceptives are in most demand in the market. It was also studied that how geographic and demographic behaviour affect consumer buying behavior when it comes to contraceptives.
Springer eBooks, 2023
Contraception separates sexuality from reproduction, thus allowing women and men to express and live their sexuality (more or less) free of the fear of unintended pregnancies. Not wanting to get pregnant is based on a myriad of reasons which have to do with life circumstances and life plans. Thus, contraception is an essential contribution to sexual and reproductive health, both before becoming pregnant and after the pregnancy. Unplanned pregnancies can confront the woman and her partner with a difficult decision regarding termination or continuation. Both options pose medical and psychosocial risks to the woman's health and the child's health in case of continuation. Proper contraception allows reliable planning and preparation for a pregnancy in a reproductive life plan. For the woman's optimal reproductive and sexual health, contraception after childbirth deserves the same respect and attention. Another pregnancy soon after childbirth increases the risk of pregnancy complications, reduces the vital period of breastfeeding, and endangers family stability and child development. A pregnancy within 18 months increases premature rupture of membranes and placenta previa compared with becoming pregnant after 18-36 months . Therefore, the midwife has a crucial role in contraceptive counselling and care before pregnancy and postpartum. This chapter will start with general information about contraceptive counselling, followed by an overview of contraception and sexuality. The different contraceptive methods will be reviewed for their possible positive or negative impact on sexuality, followed by specific aspects of postpartum counselling. Since any method can fail,
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Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 1994
Contraception, 2013
Advances in Contraception, 1998
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2006
Primary Care in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2007
Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of India, 2011
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 2009
Reviews, 1996
Asia-Oceania Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1993