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TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)
Network control system (NCS) approaches for distributed closed-loop control systems have been established in industrial control. However, recent advancements in cloud computing provide scalable, elastic, and low-cost networked computing capabilities over the internet, which can be utilized as an extension of NCS, in this term, cloud-based control systems (CCS) with a potential replacement of the controller. The main objective of this research is to use bibliometric analysis to obtain insight into diachronic productivity, the significant effect of the published information on the research network, and research trends based on term co-occurrences of the CCS domain. The literature study employs the PRISMA method to construct necessary inclusion criteria such as keywords, databases, publication year, accessibility, and primary article, then Publish or Perish is used to generate RIS formatted file for network analysis of co-authorship and term co-occurrence with VOSviewer. The results showed that Yuanqing Xia was the most prolific author in terms of the total published article and total citations received, China was the country with the highest publication output, and Elsevier was the publisher with the most significant impact factor. CCS emerged in 2012, and current research trends include control system architecture, controller, algorithm, stability, and approach on intelligent manufacturing.
Measurement and Control
As an emerging research direction in the field of systems and control, distributed control or decentralized control has attracted great interests of researchers in the past decade. In this paper, a bibliometric analysis of the relevant publications is presented based on the data collected from the Science Citation Index Expanded Web of Science. In particular, we make a discussion on the trend of total publications, journal distribution, top research organizations (i.e. universities and institutes), and publication performance of nations, and the focus is on highly cited articles and authors, subject categories, and the future trend of hot topics. Some key bibliometric indexes such as single country articles, first author articles, and internationally collaborative articles are employed to give us a detailed picture about the intrinsic relationship and the state of the art of distributed control publications. Finally, the statistical analysis indicates that multi-agent systems are ex...
International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems (IJRES), 2023
Control systems and computer science are two distinct and important fields of engineering. The development of cloud computing in computer science has become an enabler for the widely used controller in control systems to migrate to the cloud and has created a new field of research in cloud-based control systems (CCS). The paper used the systematic literature review approach to obtain insight into current CCS research. The objectives include a review in areas such as the demographics, topics of the research, evaluation method, and application domain. To that end, systematic literature review (SLR) has been conducted. The study obtained 64 primary studies from 581 articles. The CCS has a distinct characteristic; despite the fact that the cloud and network dynamics system, when coupled with the controlled plant, is inherently nonlinear, research efforts have used linear models with optimal control to approach it successfully in a limited case of control objectives. Furthermore, cloud-centric and cloud-fog network architecture approaches are considered in the studies-whereas, the quantitative method mainly uses simulation and discussion. Finally, the SLR summarizes open challenges for CCS in the future.
COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management, 2017
Cloud computing services mark a new paradigm shift in attracting business models for high level customer satisfaction. It empowers users to virtually use the computing servers anytime, irrespective of location. The present study analyzed the dataset obtained from Scopus ( on various aspects of cloud computing to map progress in the field. The study found that 4108 papers have been published on cloud computing till December 31, 2013. These papers have been cited 38339 times till December 31, 2014. The average number of publications per year has been ~684.7. Maximum literature has been published in English, 3598 (87.6 percent) and Chinese, 416 (10.1 percent). Literature on the subject was published in 157 journals around the world. Overall, 95 countries contributed to producing the literature on cloud computing. China is the leading country in publishing cloud computing research with 1208 papers (29.4 percent). Using the Salton’s index the collaboration was found strong between Spain and United Kingdom (~0.1139), United Kingdom and Germany (~0.0957). 21 highly cited papers accounted for total 9595 (25.0 percent) citations. It is noted that 1422 (34.6 percent) papers have not been cited by any author. The study revealed that 160 institutes around the globe contributed on the subject. Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications is the leading institutes with 80 (1.9 percent) papers. Buyya, R. from University of Melbourne is the leading author in the subject with 27 (0.7 percent) papers and his papers received the highest citations 2734 (3.4 percent). The journal entitled ‘Future Generation Computer Systems’ published the highest number of papers, 75 (1.8 percent) and received the highest citations, 2961 (7.7 percent).
International Journal of Innovative Computing
The purpose of this paper is to present a bibliometric analysis on cloud computing literature development since year 2008. A systematic search strategy was carried out through Scopus as the single electronic citation database in this bibliometric analysis. The findings reveal that the publication of cloud computing has been steadily maintained at the same rate for last few years except in 2020 which could be due to higher concentration on COVID related publications. Besides that, the cloud computing publications were reduced could be due to work from home situation which pull down the work efficiency and another possibility is cloud computing publications have started to decline and overtaken by other technologies due to the interest and demand from the academics and market, but this must be observed in next following 2 to 3 years to confirm on this. Precisely, the finding of this bibliometric analysis shows that countries with higher cloud computing literature publications tends to...
The present study is based on the bibliometric analysis of publications on cloud computing appeared in the emerald journals from 2000 to 2014. The bibliographical details of each publication on a cloud computing were downloaded from the emerald website and recorded in MS-excel for calculation. This study has undertaken total 781 publications, published on cloud computing which were appeared in different journals of emerald publication. Maximum number of articles 287 (37%) contributed by single author. Majority of the contribution among the published literature to cloud computing is from Library Hi Tech News and Library Hi Tech journals respectively.
Cloud computing technology is one of the most emerging technologies in the field of Computer Science.The present study aims at analyzing the research output performance of Cloud Computing Technology published in the Scopus database from 2007 to 2019. The various bibliometric components of the 73174 research records are published in the study period. The study shows the various indicators of cloud computing technology literature, such as Year wise growth rate, Relative Growth Rate (RGR), Doubling Time (Dt), country wise, Research Institute wise, Most prolific authors and form-wise, etc. The maximum number of publications were recorded in the year 2018 and further, it is found that RGR is gradually increasing and at the same time doubling time of the literature is gradual decreases over the study period. On an average 5678 articles and 51954 citations are being published and received every year during the study period, the majority of the publications have three and two authored papers and received nine citations per publication during the study period. The highest number of publications were published by Buyya, R .i.e285 articles (H index-72). China (19123-26.13%) has published the highest number of articles in the field of cloud computing technology and most publications are published in the form of conference papers and research articles. Further, the highest degree of collaboration (r=.9)is observed in the field of cloud computing technology and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (1143) has emerged as one of the top research institutes, and Communications in Computer and Information Science journal is the most productive journal in the field of cloud computing technology. Finally, it can be revealed that a lot of research activity is being taking place and promotion of collaborative research culture is also observed in cloud computing technology.
Library Philosophy and Practice
The paper analyses the growth pattern of cloud computing literature during 2009-2013 using web of science database. The cumulative publication output of top ten countries and India in the field accounts to 1879 publications. Total number of citations & high quality papers were also calculated. The growth in the publication is studied through Relative Growth Rate and doubling time. The authorship pattern is measured by different collaboration parameters like collaborative index and modified collaborative coefficient.
Journal For Basic Sciences, 2023
The present study is an effort to find the publications in the field of cloud computing in India during 2011-2017. The basic objective of the present study is to examine the Indian research production in Cloud computing research, identify the articles published in different journals on cloud computing, recognize the subject-wise of research production. It also study the authorship pattern of research output and identify the journal wise publication on cloud computing. An effort is made to know the delivery of quality research conferred to the publications. Based on the study it is achieved that, cloud computing is related to computer science subject, and many publications are published in the science and technology journals compared to the articles published in the Library and Information Science journals in seven years (2011-2017). There is a need to strengthen research on cloud computing in these subjects.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2022
Cloud computing offers services on demand over the Internet with the help of a sizable amount of virtual storage. Cloud computing has become increasingly integrated with business and several other sectors in recent years, which has prompted researchers to look into new connected trends. Enterprises and individual users travel their data, applications, and services to the storage cloud server because of its services' availability and computing activities' scalability. Despite its profits, the shift to remote from local computing has brought a number of security concerns and difficulties for providers and consumers. Numerous services in the cloud are offered by reliable third parties, creating added security dangers. The provider of the cloud service provides its services over the Internet and makes use of numerous online technologies, which raises fresh security concerns. This study is an idea about cloud architecture and security that is based on data from publications and illustrates how often it is used. This work uses bibliometric analysis to visually map scientific articles using digital approaches. This study gathered information from the Web of Science database, made use of the Web of Science website analysis tool, and used VosViewer to display the bibliometric network. In the search for information centered on the Web of Science database, 332 scholarly publications were found. The analyzed data reveals patterns and trends in the rise in worldwide articles on cloud architecture and security that have been included in the Web of Science index.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 2018
Present study is targeted towards analysis of the productivity of 'Cloud Computing' literature during 2009-2017. By the analysis of Cloud Computing Literature the highest document credits by Institute therefore V I T University (VITU) ranks first with 20 documents to its credit and School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE) ranks on Third with 6 documents. Ranking of Journals indicates that highest documents published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science i.e. 85 documents on Cloud Computing, followed by Indian Journal of Science and Technology published 64 documents & Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering published 6 documents on rank 10 th. The study also discussed Cloud Computing literature chronologically, Types of documents, most cited articles on cloud computing.
Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE) is a leading international journal in the field of industrial engineering , whose first issue was published in 1976. Motivated by its 40th anniversary in 2016, this study aims to develop a bibliometric analysis of the publications of the journal between 1976 and 2015. The objective is to identify the leading trends of the journal in terms of impact, topics, universities and countries. In doing so, the work uses the Web of Science Core Collection database to analyze the bibliometric data. Additionally, the work also uses the visualization of similarities (VOS) viewer software to map graphically the bibliographic material. The graphical analysis uses bibliographic coupling, co-citation, citation, co-authorship and co-occurrence of keywords. This paper also offers an editorial perspective of the journal's policy, editorial process, and performance progress.
In current era, cloud services are playing a major role in data processing and data transmission services across the globe. As result, there has been a surge in data security risks which have repeatedly threatened organisations and national data grids. Through this paper we provide our research study on current articles using bibliometric analysis on cloud computing services. Bibliometrics involves the measurement of data that is not central to the text. The text does not necessarily need to be read as part of the analytical process. Instead, extrinsic measures such as keyword frequency, author affiliation, research areas and citations are measured. Our study used several strategies to source relevant publications. Firstly, we performed an automated database search using “cloud AND computing AND security” as the main search terms. We searched for inclusion of all 3 words in either the title, abstract or keywords of all documents. The analysis was conducted on the following criteria: impact journals, highly cited articles, research areas, productivity, keyword frequency, institutions and authors.
The paper describes development of some control techniques used in the feedback control systems. Modern control trends,with attention to networked control systems (NCS), and basic assumptions for introducing a new control concept – control in the cloudare described. Networked control systems techniques initiated the development of concept of Internet of Things and are fundamental incloud control systems design. Network induced delays that occur in NCSs, as a result of the presence of a communication network, andNCSs stability are considered, as well. Time delays and data dropouts influence on the NCS behavior and stability is analyzed, and somerelations for maximum allowable delay bound estimation are provided. It is shown, on example of DC motor control, that networkedsystem behaves in desired manner and remains stable if the delay is less then estimated maximum bound. When data dropouts occur,system delays become greater and lead to the system instability. Cloud control systems us...
Cloud computing, is a popular topic in recent days involves many aspects and various technologies that provides scalable IT related services over the internet. In last few years much has been written about concept and its applications in the IT and business fields. The aim of this study is to study authorship pattern in cloud computing research from 2009-2013 from library & information science abstracts (LISTA). The download 108 data were analysed with the help of SPSS software. The objective of the present study is to identify and analyses the growth rate of scholarly publication, analyses the authorship pattern, to identify the standard length of title, also to know the popularity mail domain used by authors and to examine the rank of journals in cloud computing research.
Even though information technology is an acceptable innovation for improvement of performance in all sectors, citation studies on associated literature seem to be missing. Furthermore, analysis of citations related to emerging technologies in these fields as cloud computing, virtual reality, mobile computing, e-learning, data mining and internet of things (IOT) seem to have received narrow attention. Citation analysis was carried out with objectives of determining authorship patterns, age distribution as well as keywords co-occurrence of the cited articles. A total of 3,123 citations appended to the reference section of 72 articles covering emerging ICT including cloud computing (10 articles), virtual reality 12 articles), mobile computing (13 articles), e-learning (12 articles), data mining (15 articles), and internet of things (10 articles) were analysed. Collaborative research among ICT scientists was revealed as two or more authors authored 60% of the articles followed by single...
DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 2019
Cloud computing is a service through which we access in a remote application server and consume computing services through the internet. This modification of cloud computing has been quite popular since the last decade in enabling computing. Cloud computing plays a key role in the development of Modern Library. Modern libraries are being rejuvenated rapidly through cloud computing. The Bibliometric study of the publication on cloud computing has been done in the research paper presented. Web of Science Core collection database has been used for data collection. Total 11776 articles were retrieved on Cloud Computing through Web of Science database. The retrieved data were inputted in MS Excel sheet and various tables have been made for analysis of data. R. Buyya is top author with 138 articles followed by J. Lee with 114. In 2018, there were 2667 papers published on computing cloud followed by 2247 in year 2017.As per country wide, Chine is on top followed by USA. The India is on third position with 997 research papers. The Top Journal is Future Generation Computer Systems the International Journal of Escience Followed by IEEE Access and Journal of Supercomputing.
The age of big data has arrived, which has a significant role in the current Information Technology (IT) environment . In 2015, there were over 3 billion Internet users around the world . Accordingly, data have become more complex due to the increasing volume of structured and unstructured data with a growing number of various applications produced by the social media, Internet of Things (IoT), and multimedia, and etc. . Commonly scientists have introduced four V's for big data as: volume, velocity, variety and veracity. Meanwhile there is another study by [5] that presented three more V's for big data as: validity, volatility and the special V for value. Researchers have highlighted that the needs for big data are increasing, which will have a powerful impact on computer science, healthcare, society, educational systems, social media, government, economic systems and Islamic studies [6-10]. In , the state of the art of big data indexing using intelligent and non-intelligent approaches are investigated in order to show the strength of machine learning techniques in big data.
Social Sciences
The aim of the study was to map the scholarly community interested in research on cloud computing and to identify thematic boundaries of the field. The methodology of research profiling, representing bibliometric descriptive studies, was applied to achieve the aim of the study. Using research profiling for mapping the cloud computing field can be considered as an innovation. Although the research profiling methodology has been widely used across various subject areas, including Computer Science, Social Sciences, Engineering, Arts and Humanities, Business, Management and Accounting, and Psychology, thus far neither Scopus nor Web of Science indexed publications including the conjunction of phrases “cloud computing” and “research profiling” in their titles, keywords and abstracts. The previous important scientometric study of the research output in the field was published by Heilig and Voß in 2014. Taking into account a very dynamic growth of the field, all this indicates the research...
Jurnal Intelek, 2023
Cloud computing is the future of the accounting industry and it is changing the way accountants manage their financial data efficiently. This study aims to (i) identify the major contributors to cloud computing in accounting research and (ii) understand the trends and distribution of research documents to assess the global research developments related to cloud computing and accounting. In this study, 284 publication documents in the fields of business, management, and accounting were analysed using a Scopus database dated 11 July 2022, covering the period from 2008 to 2021, as interest in this topic area is growing. The data was analysed using descriptive bibliometric analysis while Microsoft Excel was used to perform the frequency analysis. The results showed that the number of publications on the topic of "Cloud Computing in Accounting Research" has continuously increased over 13 years since 2008. Most publications were by researchers from the United States, followed by China, Germany, India, Australia, and the United Kingdom. India was the only Asian country listed in the top 10 national contributors by country. The citation analysis showed that the article by Oliveira et al. was the most highly cited in 2014, with 635 citations and that the preferred language for scientific publications was English. The analysis of research trends revealed an increasing trend of publications from 2013 to 2020 with more than 60% of documents published as journal articles. In the analysis of keywords, "cloud computing" was the most frequently used keyword (n=156) in the collected documents. These findings provide important insights that could guide and promote the use of cloud computing for accountants and practitioners by defining future research lines and a research agenda for academic researchers.
Sensors, 2022
Technology is being used in our society in all areas, mostly in industry, and generates the most interest in current research since it is a part of day-to-day activities. The main objective of this research was to use bibliometric analysis to analyze the production of scientific literature on digital twin and smart manufacturing with a focus on Industry 4.0, using information from the Web of Science database. To conduct the study, the keywords necessary for data selection were chosen, and then analyzed based on different variables such as author productivity, citations, most productive institutions, publishers with the highest number of publications, scientific document classification, countries with the highest number of publications, and a network analysis using VOSviewer. The results showed Tao F. and Soderberg R. were the main authors, that China was the country with the highest knowledge, and Elsevier was the main publisher. Although the subject has only been in publication for...
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