Divination in Afro-Caribbean Religions

2024, Oxford Handbook of Caribbean Religions


Divination is a ritual mode for communicating with the divine. But divination is not just one among many rituals practiced in the religions of Africa and the diaspora. Divination is the very pivot on which all other practices-initiation, healing and the protective arts, libation, sacrifice, and even possession trance-hinge. It is an essential warrant that commissions or sanctions these other rites. It establishes their orienting spiritual vision. It links the individual to the human and spiritual community and reveals the inextricable place of the person in a dynamic and spirit-filled cosmos. It is through divination that we can best understand how these various other practices operate as a complex and coherent religious system, as philosophically sophisticated as it is pragmatic. There are multiple forms of divination and a variety of systems for accessing oracular knowledge among the diverse traditions in the Caribbean. This is no less true of divination in the source traditions of Africa. Divinatory techniques vary tremendously, from the interpretation of omens to water gazing or geomancy, but a common form relies on reading the configurations that result from the random cast of a set of objects, such as shells or bones. The diviner is a ritual specialist who has mastered the technique to obtain and decipher the messages transmitted from the spiritual realm through these phenomena in the physical world. But divination is far more than "fortune telling. " Its primary object is to enable the client to navigate life's problems by offering concrete