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2019, SSRN Electronic Journal
In recent studies, there has been a growing interest towards tolerance and its implications in the socioeconomic system. This paper aims to contribute to this flourishing research area into two directions. First, we develop a theoretical framework to explain individual's tolerant attitudes without necessarily resorting to altruistic preferences. Second, this paper addresses the issue of measuring tolerance when information about several dimensions of tolerance is available and data are of Likert's scale type. To show how our new measure of tolerance works in practice, we carry out a case study using an Italian recent survey asking the opinion of university students about different subjects, such as interreligious dialogue, women/religion relationship, religion/death relationship, multicultural society, and homosexuality. We, finally, highlight the key policy implications arising from our study.
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik
This paper addresses the issue of measuring tolerance, viewed as a multifaceted phenomenon involving several different social domains. We develop a multidimensional index for Likert-scale data, characterized by the following features: (i) it reflects the individual’s intensity of tolerant attitudes towards each social domain; (ii) the index can be broken down by dimension in order to determine the contribution of each dimension to overall tolerance; (iii) the index combines the different dimensions of tolerance using a weighted scheme that reflects the importance of each dimension in determining the overall level of tolerance. To show how this new measure of tolerance works in practice, we carry out a case study using an Italian recent survey asking the opinion of university students about different subjects, such as interreligious dialog, women/religion relationship, religion/death relationship, homosexuality, and multicultural society.
This article focuses on the difficult issue of what exactly goes on when an individual tolerates something. It focuses on the problem of why an individual would ever choose to allow for some practice that he deems unacceptable while having the power to do something about it. After distinguishing between different attitudes (tolerant as well as intolerant), this article argues that individuals can have various reasons for deciding to tolerate what they deem wrong. As such, we defend a broad conception of tolerance, which goes against the grain of recent literature in which tolerance is generally understood as a virtue.
Current Sociology 0011392114537281, first published on June 12, 2014 as doi: 10.1177/0011392114537281
Tolerance entails acceptance of the very things one disagrees with, disapproves of or dislikes. Tolerance can be seen as 'a flawed virtue' because it concerns acceptance of the differences between others and ourselves that we would rather fight, ignore, or overcome. However 'flawed' a virtue it may be, tolerance may be the only thing that stands between peaceful coexistence and violent intergroup conflict. This makes tolerance a topic of great scientific as well as practical importance. While scholars have systematically studied political (in)tolerance and the closely related subject of prejudice for over half a century now, many conceptual and empirical puzzles remain unsolved. This may well reflect the complex nature of tolerance and the dilemmas which are intrinsic to the idea of toleration. In this article an examination of the paradoxical nature of tolerance is followed by a review of the academic literature and empirical findings on (political) tolerance and its primary sources. To conclude, future challenges for tolerance research are outlined. It is argued that tolerance research would benefit from a stronger interdisciplinary approach: an intergroup relations perspective on tolerance would enhance our understanding of the nature of tolerance and the social circumstances in which it emerges.
International Journal of Social Science and Human Research
The study provided an overview of the various effects of multiculturalism on society’s tolerance to accept others different than themselves. This phenomenon is increasing due to geopolitical factors and changes in immigration, which have created more multicultural, super diverse, and convivial societies. It explored the effects of immigration on individual tolerance. Aiming for a global input, data was collected from 44 countries. Participants (N = 601), both female and male immigrants and nonimmigrants, completed a 52-item religious tolerance survey. Although tolerance has been defined in several ways and measured dissimilarly, this study focused on three aspects of tolerance: factor 1: Tolerance involves ethical behavior that must ensure respect and coexistence and emphasizes living differently and yet peacefully with others; factor 2: Tolerance involves reasonable arguments and free discussions that lead to the truth and factor 3: Tolerance implies a spectrum of behavior that lea...
The American Political Science Review, 1981
Over the past 25 years a number of conclusions concerning the development of political tolerance have come to be well accepted in the literature on political behavior. There are, however, two persisting problems with the studies that have generated these findings: they have relied on a content-biased measure of tolerance, and havefailed to examine well specified models of thefactors leading to tolerance. In this article we report the results of an analysis of the determinants of political tolerance using a content-controlled measure of tolerance and a morefully specified multivariate model. The parameters of the model are estimatedfrom a national sample of the U.S. The results indicate the explanatory power of two political variables, the level of perceived threat and the commitment to general norms, and psychological sources of political tolerance. Social and demographicfactors arefound to have no direct effect and little indirect influence on the development of political tolerance. 92 This content downloaded from on Sat, 13 Jul 2013 07:52:35 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions
Review Article The concept of tolerance, widely used today, contains many controversial aspects that question its use, although tolerance is a “good” required in the pluralistic and multicultural democratic societies. Through a brief survey on the authors who first introduced the concept in western culture, the main reasons that justify the opportunity to educate to tolerance today are explored.
The study presents the configuration of the tolerance at the level of Europe at the end of twentieth century. The attitudes of non-discrimination and contextual understanding of reality are the basic dimensions of the concept .They are operationalized by data of World Value Survey, 1990Survey, -1997 for 25 countries. Results of cluster analysis indicate that there are three Europes from the point of view of tolerance: post-communist, catholic and protestant ones. Country context, status context and personal values are the main predictors of tolerance indicators. Religion-tolerance relation is considered in a detailed manner.
In this paper I argue that equal respect-based accounts of the normative basis of tolerance are self-defeating, insofar as they are unable to specify the limits of tolerance in a way that is consistent with their own commitment to the equal treatment of all conceptions of the good. I show how this argument is a variant of the longstanding ‘conflict of freedoms’ objection to Kantian-inspired, freedom-based accounts of the justification of systems of norms. I criticise Thomas Scanlon’s defence of ‘pure tolerance’, Anna Elisabetta Galeotti’s work on the relationship between tolerance, equal respect and recognition, and Arthur Ripstein’s recent response to the ‘conflict of freedoms’ objection. The upshot of my argument is that, while valuing tolerance for its own sake may be an appealing ideal, it is not a feasible way of grounding a system of norms. I close with a thumbnail sketch of two alternative, instrumental (i.e. non-Kantian) approaches to the normative foundations of tolerance.
British Journal of Political Science
Tolerance underlies many contemporary controversies, yet theorists and political scientists study it in strikingly different ways. This article bridges the gap by using recent developments in political theory to enrich empirical research and extend the study of tolerance to contexts beyond liberal democracies, such as authoritarian regimes. Our recommendations challenge dominant liberal-democratic frameworks by emphasizing variation across the (1) objects of tolerance; (2) possible responses to difference; and (3) sources of tolerance. We then illustrate the promise of our recommendations with three theoretically informed experiments inspired by historical debates about religious conversion. Our results suggest a marked ‘convert effect’ across not only contemporary religious but also secular political divides, with the same difference in terms of content viewed as less tolerable when resulting from conversion than when given or ascribed. The research demonstrates the benefits of gre...
OGIRISI: a New Journal of African Studies
More often than not, intolerance is extremely rejected in favour of tolerance simply because of the belief that the latter produces a better chance of inter-personal relationship in a pluralistic society. In this sense tolerance will mean to allow others to practise their religious belief without hindrance. While the term 'allow' carries a legal import i.e. authorisation, toleration means only the absence of objection rather than genuine approval of another's religious belief. It is therefore the argument of this paper that tolerance already divides between the powerful and the less-powerful, the privileged and the less-privileged. It is this inherent weakness in tolerance that makes the paper to insist on frank dialogue; truth-meeting-truth.
Religion in Public Sphere. Ars Disputandi Supplement Series 5. , 2011
In this article, I shall first examine the differing uses and meanings of the concept 'toleration', and how most of the uses fail to be instances of genuine toleration. Second, I will consider how it might be possible to understand tolerance (and intolerance) as a virtue. And last, I consider whether 'virtuous tolerance' could be a viable possibility in public life.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2022
Study on the measurement of religious tolerance between two student groups was the analysis on the reliability and the validity of the combined groups, but the analysis result was still doubt because whether the measurement qualities are equivalent to cross the student groups or not. Concept of the religious tolerance consists of perception, attitude, and cooperation dimensions. Each dimension is measured using ten items with Likert's five scale. Data set was collected by online with sample size of 75 students from Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) and SKIP Pasundan, respectively. Method are applied confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for multiple groups. The result point out that the validities and reliabilities of religious tolerance are equivalent across the student groups that is related to the aspects of 'religion spreading" and "worship place", and "celebration", "school" "association" with people of the other religions.
Given the fact that most societies worldwide are currently suffering from (serious) incidents symptomatic of religious intolerance, and since education can be regarded as one of the main instruments that society has at its disposal to combat this vice, it was decided to construct a questionnaire with which to measure the degree of religious tolerance prevalent among final year undergraduate students in education, that is, young people on the threshold of entering the teaching profession. The article begins with an outline of the problem of religious intolerance that many societies have to cope with. It then continues to discuss the “phenomenon” of religious tolerance, and after arriving at a working definition of tolerance describes how the proposed questionnaire was constructed and validated. The article concludes with an invitation to interested parties to join the authors in administering the questionnaire in their own institutions of teacher education, wherever they are.
Most research on political tolerance relying on the 'least-liked'group approach has painted a bleak picture of low and feeble levels of tolerance. An alternative approach, permitting an evaluation of the breadth of tolerance, is combined with the use of survey experiments to demonstrate that tolerance varies considerably across target groups. Specifically, the formation of tolerance judgements is shown to differ depending on a group's association with violent and non-democratic behaviour.
Tolerance is sometimes considered as a political and sometimes as a moral virtue. There is widespread agreement about positive value of political tolerance. But, moral tolerance and its specific content is a source for numerous theoretical controversies and tolerance seems to evade a conceptual scheme. The nature, moral grounds and especially moral limits of tolerance continue to instigate philosophic debates. This paper suggests a conception of tolerance that overcomes theoretical problems that other accounts available run into. In the article first, tolerance is defined, then grounds for considering it an independent virtue are analyzed and finally moral limits of tolerance are sketched. To this end, first, tolerance is contrasted with a number of other moral dispositions and, second, moral grounds of tolerance are discussed.
“The subject of tolerance is very important in our pluralistic world, requiring the necessity of transcending and overcoming intolerant outlooks, and by recognizing the right of diversity, a prerequisite for the flourishing of democracy and human rights in society. The quest for tolerance is tantamount to making the phenomenon of diversity a reality, so that a dialogue might take place between individuals and groups. “Contemporary studies have shown that the concept of tolerance had existed prior to our modern times. It was necessary for the rise of a peaceful coexistence within society. It had not always been observed because political authorities often imposed their outlooks on society. On occasion, they acknowledged the legality of pluralist groups, affording them minimal freedoms, in harmony with the values of the time.
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