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Preschool age is a golden period in children's fine motor development. At the time a lot of stimulation must be given in order to improve the child's fine motor skills and prevent delays. Optimal fne motor development will make it easier for children to learn when entering elementary school. Aim: Conduct a review on articles about any stimulation that can improve the development of fine motor skills in preschool children. The method used is a literature review by searching and collecting journals or articles from various source site providers such as SAGE Journal, Researchgate, ProQuest, Google Scholar and Wiley Online Library which were selected with inclusion and exclusion criteria within the journal period 2017-2021. Obtained 11 journals or articles from the collection and selection process which were entered in the synthesis matrix table. Discussion: There are 11 journals or research articles with different stimulations such as research journals about puzzle, brain exercise, drawing, palying lego, finger painting and others. Stimulation given regularly and in various ways has an impact on increasing children's fine motor development. Stimulation given to children provides opportunities for children to practice their fine motor skills.
Early Childhood Research Journal (ECRJ)
Fine motor skills are an aspect of development that is emphasized in early childhood education. AbilityFine motor skills are developed from an early age in order to have the skills to coordinate the eye and hand. The research objective is to examine the literature, articles and research documents that identify problems in improving fine motor skills of early childhood. Methods: references in the form of primary articles of approximately 20 articles 15 national journals with a period of 5 years and international journals with a period of 7 years with accredited quality and reputation. This research uses qualitative research with literature review method. The samples of this research are: 1) Related to fine motoric development of early childhood, 2) Respondents are early childhood, 3) The independent variable is problematics and the dependent variable is fine motor skills, 4) The treatment given is a problem which can improve fine motor skills. Results and discussion: The Literature R...
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 2015
This study aimed to investigate the effect of the motor acquisitions placed in preschool education program on the psychomotor development of 5 year-olds group children. In 2014-2015 school year, preschool 5 year-old sex perimental group (n=55), control group (n=45) totally 100 children participated in. In order to measure the motor performances of control and experiment groups, the motor performance test protocol that, as pre-test, Morris, Atwater Williams and Will more performed in 1980 wasused. While the program of "Educational Play Activity Towards The Acquisitions About The Motor Development Placed in The Ministry of National Education PreSchool Program" wasapplied for the experimental group as 40 minutes for 2 days in a week for 8 weeks, Physical Activity wasappliedfor Control group as 10 minutes foreverymorning and 5 days in a week. The difference between pre-test and post-test was analysed by Paired-Samples t-test. The Differences between experimental group and control group were analysed by independent-Samples t-Test. The pre-test values of the experimental and control groups in the investigation were analysed by Independent Samples t-Test. The difference between control and experimental groups accordingto the analysis results of Promptness, Long Jump by Standingand Throwing Tennis Ball tests wasn't found important statistically (p>0,05). Accordingto the analysis results of Balance, Speedand Catchingtests, significant difference was found statistically between the control andexperi mental group (p<0.05).The difference among the test averages of Long Jump by Standing and Throwing Tenis Ball of the control group wasn't foundsignificant (p>0.05). The difference between pre-test and post-test belongingto experimental group was analysed by paired t-test. The difference among Promptness, Long Jump by Standing, Stand In Balance On OneFoot, Throwing Tennis Ball, Sprint and Catchingtests was foundsignificant statistically (p<0.05). It is understood that regularimplementation of Motor Acquisitions Placed in PreSchool Education Curriculum on 5 Year-Olds Group Children can develop the motor performances such as Balance, Speed and Catching skills significantly.
Journal of Local Therapy, 2022
Fine motor skill is a developmental aspect that focuses on the ability of certain eye and limb coordination. To optimizing improvement children's motor skills, stimulation is necessary. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of kinetic sand as a stimulation media for fine motor development in preschool children. This study uses a pre-experimental type one group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with a sample of 21 respondents. The results of the measurement of fine motor skills before getting stimulation most of the children (65.2%) included in the category of not yet capable while after getting stimulation most of the respondents (73.91%) were in the category of being able. Wilcoxon's Signed Rank Test statistic test results show that ? = 0.05. The results of the analysis show that ?-value has a value of 0.000 (? <0.05), so that H1 is acceptedd. Therefore, it can be stated that there is an effect of the u...
Jurnal Keperawatan, 2021
Improving children fine motor skills has a positive impact on the aspects of fine motor development. In 2015, there were 16% children in Indonesia who had impaired fine motor development. In several studies, it has been shown that constructive play activities can foster fine motor development. This study aimed to know the effect of constructive play activities on fine motor development. This research employed Non-probability sampling using accidental sampling technique based on chance and unplanned encounters. The research instrument used was observation sheets and DDST paper. The population in this research was all 45students from TK Az-Zahra Racing Centre in the academic year of 2018/2019. Among these students, 21 children were chosen as the research samples through accidental sampling technique. The result of this research showed that from 16 (100.0%) whose constructive play activities were not stimulated, there were 5 respondents (31.3%) who had inappropriate fine motor development, while the other 11 (86.8%) respondents had appropriate fine motor development. Meanwhile, out of 5 (100.0%) respondents who played constructive play activities, all of them had appropriate fine motor development. This shows that there was and effect between and after constructive play activities on fine motor development with p value of 0.01 (p <a = 0.05). The study concludes that there was an effect on the fine motor development before and after the constructive play activities were carried out. Based on this research, it is expected that the next researchers will conduct research with a larger number of samples.
Development is an important role in the lives of children. There are still many children with developmental disturbance particularly on the development of gross motor and fine motor skills. There are several impact of these motor disturbances, such as the child would face difficulties to draw, to move from one place to another and so on. At this point, the research was conducted to comprehend how far children are be able to perform tasks for motor development and which are not. The research design used was descriptive survey design with 353 respondents. Instrument in this study was PSQD (Pre-Screening Questionnaire of Development) which had been standardized by ministry of health. Results of this study were in the age group 48 gross motor development >80% can be achieved and fine motor >70%, aged 54 months at gross motor >90% and fine motor >80%, aged 60 months at gross motor >95% and motor subtle >95%, aged 66 months gross motor >90% and fine motor >80%, aged 72 months gross motor >80% and fine motor >90%. The conclusions of this research were more than 80% gross motor development are fulfilled and the development of fine motor more than 70% are fulfilled. However, there were some preschool children who were found to have gross and fine motor delay. Therefore, it can be suggested that improvement of the detection of early child development implementation is surely needed, so it can be discovered at an early stage when there is a developmental disorder in children, subsequently, children with developmental disorder can immediately obtain the intervention or treatment.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2018), 2019
The early childhood is critical period in lifetime. The purpose of this study is to figure the children fine and gross motor development in four and five years old. The research methodology used Ex-post Facto in early childhood students who have attended in Kindergarten school. The population four and five years old children from Moslem Kindergarten School. Amount of sample is twenty children. Motor development measured by Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) 3rd Edition. The result of this study showed the differences among gross and fine motor skill in four and five years old children. Both of fine and gross motor skill is very important to children health and academic achievement in future. Then, so the parents and teachers need to giving stimulate for developing the two of them with proportionally.
Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan (Journal of Ners and Midwifery), 2019
Various research results reveal that early age is a golden period for the development of children in which 50% of the intelligence development occurs at the age of 0-4 years and 30% in the following 8 years. Early childhood education also needs to be considered since education plays an important role in the process of growth and development of the children. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of playing ball stimulation to the gross motor development in children aged 24-36 months.This study used a pre-experimental design with posttest only control group design. The population was 150 children in all Posyandu in the working areas of the PKM Kanigoro. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The independent variable was playing ball stimulation, while the dependent variable was gross motor development. The instrument used KPSP.The results of Wilcoxon Signed Rank statistical test showed p = 0.005 (α = 0.05), indicated that playing ball stimulation could ...
JOSING: Journal of Nursing and Health
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of brain Gymnastics and playing puzzles on improving the motor skills in preschool children in the work area of the Basuki Rahmad Health Center in Bengkulu. The Quantitative research design used the quasy experiment design, one group pre-post test equivalent without control design. The results of the univariate analysis with brain gymnastics and playing puzzles intervention showed the 15 respondents before doing brain gymnastics and puzzle, there were nine children (60%) experiencing motor skills deviations and after giving therapy ten children (66.7%) experienced standard motor skills. The bivariate results of the Wilcoxon test have a significant effect between before and after brain gymnastics and puzzle intervention with p-value = 0.001 on motor development at the preschool children. It can conclude that an increase in the average motor picture before and after brain gymnastics and playing puzzles interventions in the ...
Purpose : The research aims to identify the level of motor skill development among preschool students in Putrajaya. Methodology : The ex post facto research involves 120 six year old preschool children (60 males and 60 females) using Ulrich motor skill assessment (Ulrich, 2000) to measure locomotor and ability to control object.based on the Gross Motor Development Quotient (GMDQ) scores. The scores were furthered analyzed using ANOVA to compare differences in motor performances of preschool students among various preschool centers. Result : The findings showed significant differences in GMDQ scores [F (2,117) = 7.8, p<.05] between government and private students compared to KEMAS preschools students. The age equivalence locomotors score (AEL) with age equivalence measure (AEM) showed a significant difference between government preschoolers with private preschoolers for AEL [F (2,117) =3.41, p<0.05] and AEM [F (2,117) =7.39, p<0.05] and KEMAS preschoolers. Findings and discu...
Nursing and Health Sciences Journal (NHSJ)
Preschool children are children aged 36-72 months who have their own characteristics in terms of growth and development. Every child experiences growth and development differently. Usually growth and development in preschool children is a problem that usually occurs in fine motor development. Management of smooth motor development in preschool children can be done by providing educational games such as puzzles. This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of playing puzzles on smooth motor skills in children aged 5-6 years at Kumara Canthi Kindergarten Singaraja. Pre-experimental research design with one group pretest-posttest design . The population used in this study were children aged 5-6 years in TK Kumara Canthi Singaraja. The sample size used was 34 respondents who were selected using a saturated sampling technique. Data collection techniques using Denver II and SOP puzzle. This shows that there is an Influence of Playing Puzzles on Subtle Motoric Development in Chi...
This specific study titled ?Amplification of the gross motor skill amelioration of toddlers in Gampaha Divisional Secretariat, Colombo District, Sri Lanka?. This study was methodically undertaken by the researcher by focusing on the problem how physical growth of children who are studying in kindergarten level is differ through gross motor skill. There were three objectives set to be achieved by this study, which include a key objective namely to determine the physical development level of children in Gampaha GN Division. Researcher carried out an extensive literature review to deliver a conceptual background of the study and to formulate hypotheses for this study. The stratified random sampling method was employed using 400 nursery children in this study. The researcher used ages and stages questionnaire (ASQ) which was recommended by the American Academy of Neurology, and the child Neurology to collect data. Data were analyzed with the association of SPSS 21.0 version and certain conclusions were made from the study after carrying out detailed scientific analysis of data using appropriate statistical tools. The result shows that there was significant percentage of nurseries? Gross motor development level appears to be on schedule.
Croatian Journal of Education - Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, 2019
The research was conducted with the aim to, using experimental methods, scientifically determine whether an additional physical exercise program in regular working conditions of a preschool institution could result in significant changes in the motor skills of preschool children with an average age of 6.21±0.56 years. A total of 64 preschool children, girls (n=28) and boys (n=36), enrolled in preparatory preschool groups in "Čukarica" preschool in Belgrade. A pre-experimental research plan was used, specifically a single-group design and pretest-posttest. A sample of measuring instruments of motor skills was compiled according to a reduced theoretical model (Gredelj et al., 1975; Kurelić et al., 1975) taken from the research of Bala and Popović (2007). The experimental factor was realized with a total of 48 lessons lasting 35 minutes over a 24-week time interval. The results of the study indicate that the quantitative changes in the final measurement are reflected in the repetitive force of the torso and coordination in favor of better average values of the boys. Two hypothetical motor factors were isolated in initial and final measurements, which can still be interpreted as one general Motor Factor. Qualitative changes in the structure of both extracted factors in the final measurement were not observed. The authors believe that a regular physical education program in preschool institutions is not sufficient for a preparatory preschool group, and that additional kinesiology activities yield better results in the mechanism for structuring the movement and regulating the duration of excitation, especially if it is directed towards the development of biotic motor knowledge. On the other hand, they believe that newer and more meaningful solutions must be found in terms of differentiated physical exercise programs for children, and that only such solutions could lead to qualitative changes in the structure of isolated factors.
The objective of this research is to increase the fine motor skills of children. The method used in the learning process is more likely using conventional methods. The use of constructive play method with clay media in this research is expected to make children motivated and interested to learn and can stimulate their. Therefore, this study aims to fine out the description of fine motor skill of children which was given a treatment in the form of constructive play method implementation with clay media towards children fine motor skills. The type of research used is Quasi Experiment. The population in this study were all of 11 children for experimental group and group 11 children for control group. The data collection techniques used are test observation techniques. The data analysis techniques used are statistical descriptive and nonparametric statistical analysis. Based on Wilcoxon test results, as shown in the attachment, obtained arithmatic = 66 with price of t_ (table =) 11 and dk = 11 level and significance level is 0.05. So if compared the value of t_count = 66> the value of t_ (table =) 11. This data shows a significant difference between the two groups tested.
Practicing motor skills is important for children, given that childhood is a golden period in child development. One technique in training children's motor skills is to provide guidance or physical exercises that are in accordance with the portion of children's physical abilities. This activity aims to improve motor skills in children through viewing animation movie, coloring pictures, and leisurely strolling for children. The activities carried out showed the attitudes and behavior of children at TPA (Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran) Al-Mubasyir to be better than before, children became more creative, thorough, responsive to the surrounding environment, and enthusiastic in participating in learning.
Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 3(1): 87–94, 2015 - The development of motor skills is fundamental to the continued movement and specific skills in the sport. The development of motor skills concurrent with their age allows them to acquire and master locomotor and object control skills through physical activity. This study aims to identify the gross motor developmental stage among six year old girls at the National Child Development Research Center, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. This study focuses on the level of gross motor development and the relationship between Gross Motor Quotient (GMQ and Body Mass Index (BMI) of the children. Gross motor development data was obtained using the Test of Gross Motor Development, Second Edition (TGMD-2). BMI data was determined from existing formula. The gross motor development of the children in this study was 95%. This is based on the percentile level of gross motor development (GMQ percentile). Pearson correlation analys...
International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 2019
Fine motor development is still a problem of the children and toddlers development in the world and Indonesia. One of the efforts to improve fine motor skills is by coloring and playdought methods for preschoolers as an educational game therapy. This study aimed to examine the fine motor development of preschoolers through coloring and playdough methods. This research design used a series of pretest-posttest design by involving 60 kindergarten students which were divided into 4 groups consisting of 15 respondents. First group was given the playdought method, 2 nd group was given the coloring intervention, 3 rd group was given the coloring method and playdough and 4 th group was the control. Interventions were given 2 times a week for 4 weeks. Before the intervention was given, the whole group was pre-tested. Evaluation of fine motor skills was done by observation that use performance test conducted at the end of each experiment. The results of data collection were then analyzed using multivariate anova. The results of the study showed that after the post test at 4 th week, there was a change in fine motor skills ranging from groups 1 to 4 (F = 328,961 and p value = 0,000). The fine motor skills of children who received the best combination of coloring and playdough therapy (mean = 85.33, SD = 1.29) increased almost 4 times more than the initial measurement (mean = 18.33, SD = 4.74) compared to the three other groups.
Fine motor skill is the ability to control movement through activities coordination of nervous system, fibril, and muscles such as fingers and hands. Fine motor skill is also seen as a very important factor in the process of developing cognitive abilities in early childhood. This study aims to see how to develop fine motor skills in early childhood. The study was conducted using a qualitative descriptive approach (multi case single site case study design) involving 2 teachers. Data were collected through observation and interviews, then analyzed thematically using NVIVO 10 software. The results showed that fine motor skill development was carried out using the method of assignment in four ways: (i) Providing tools and materials, (ii) providing direction and opportunities for practice, (iii) observe children individually and in groups, (iv) evaluate their fine motor skill development on an ongoing basis. This study shows that these four ways can be used as an alternative in developing fine motor skill in early childhood.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
This study aimed to investigate the influence of a structured movement activity program on the motor development of children aged three to five years attending preschool. Participants were 136 preschool students with normative development at three to four years old who lived in the Region of Murcia (Spain). The McCarthy Children’s Psychomotricity and Aptitude Scales (MSCA) battery of psychomotor tests was used to evaluate the motor development profiles of preschoolers before and after the intervention. The sample was divided into two groups: an intervention group (28 students) and a comparison group (108 students). A structured 24 week physical education program was used in the intervention group. An experiential program based on free play was used in the comparison group during the same period. Preschoolers in both groups got a significant improvement in the contrast of pre-intervention with post-intervention in limb coordination. Statistically significant differences in the post-i...
JNKI (Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan Indonesia) (Indonesian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery)
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a global wave of crises that have a massive impact on all aspects of life. The world of education, especially learning activities, is also an impact that is in the spotlight. The change in learning activities from face-to-face to distance learning makes it difficult for early childhood education levels. Studies prove the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on disorders of fine motor development in children aged 3-4 years with a high category of 60.71%. Early age is the golden age of rapid child development, so positive stimulation is needed for optimal growth and development. An important aspect that affects the overall development of children is fine motor skills. Fine motor skills can be developed through various fun activities through the smart book educational game tool.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of smart book educational game stimulation on fine motor skills in early childhood.Methods: This r...
The objective of this research is to increaseearly childhood's development by using of thematic approach. This action research conducted at Nakkia Kindergarten Group B Jatiwaringin Pondok Gede. This research usedin which 15 childhood of six years old were participated. The development by Kemmis and Tegart which twocycles and each cycle has four steps. They are as follow:(1) plan, (2) action, (3) observe, and (4) reflect. The action research applied to research methods they where qualitative and quantitative research, data analized by using Spradley data analysis model. The research result shows the applying thematic approach wich involved various methods, media and activities increase the development of the children of six years old especialy in motoric development: gross motor and fine motor. Futhermore, the research result can be applied to increase early childhoods development with thematic approach, mainly for learning planning, learning development for teachers, and curricullum in higher education..
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