

Øe la / Serial No. : 169120 fMtkbu la-/ Design No. : 411444-001 rkjh[k / Date : 23/03/2024 ikjLifjdrk rkjh[k / Reciprocity Date* : ns 'k / Country : ç fd;k tkrk gS fd la yXu çfr es a of.kZ r fMtkbu tks SEXUAL VIOLENCE REPORTING DEVICE ls la ca fèkr gS ] dk ia thdj.k] Js .kh 14-02 es a Dr Manish Kaithwas ds uke es a mi;Z q ä la [;k vkS j rkjh[k es a dj fy;k x;k gS A Certified that the design of which a copy is annexed hereto has been registered as of the number and date given above in class 14-02 in respect of the application of such design to SEXUAL VIOLENCE REPORTING DEVICE in the name of Dr Manish Kaithwas. fMtkbu vf/kfu;e] 2000 rFkk fMtkbu fu;e] 2001 ds v/;/khu çko/kkuks a ds vuq lj.k es a A In pursuance of and subject to the provisions of the Designs Act, 2000 and the Designs Rules, 2001.