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1961, Proyección: Teología y mundo actual
7 pages
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Organisational integrity and ethical culture in American and Slovene companies The master's thesis analyses the role and significance of organisational integrity and ethics programs in company operations. Based on research it explains the construction of organisational resilience to ethical risks with integrity mechanismsethics programsand the link between perceived unethical behaviour and ethical culture in companies in Slovenia. The theoretical part presents the main ethical theories and business ethics as postulates of organisational and corporate integrity, describing the key notions and basic theoretical concepts. Organisational and corporate integrity is explained with regard to individual integrity and the functioning of the organisational structure. The thesis sheds light on its development through time for more thorough understanding of the field. It underlines the significance of international, trans-national, trans-governmental and non-governmental organisations in enhancing corporate integrity. Ethics and integrity have become essential for political and economic progress. However, the leadership is pivotal in developing and maintaining integrity. The thesis illustrates the role of the leadership through theoretical concepts and provides a deep insight into ethical organisational culture. The latter is the key to establishing what is and is not acceptable in a company and which is closely related to organisational integrity. Ethical culture affects individuals through a multidimensional relationship between different formal and informal systems of behaviour control that encourage ethical or unethical behaviour. The latter is presented by typing breaches of integrity and unethical behaviour towards various stakeholders. Only leadership with a clear commitment to the basic values, culture and climate can establish formal and informal mechanisms, structures and ethics programs ensuring compliance with commitments and implemented ethical programs. The thesis also deals with institutionalisation of integrity. It traces the historical development of ethics programs in line with two strategies of organisational integrity, i.e. business compliance with legislation and the integrity strategy. It discusses the role and functions of ethics programs through the prism of ethical culture and their link to unethical behaviour. It assesses the effectiveness of the ethics program using empirical research and analyses on the composition, scope and sequence of its implemented components. The overview of empirical research on organizational integrity, ethical culture and unethical behaviour reveals important findings on implementation of integrity in business through ethical programs, their effectivness and the influence on the rise of unethical behaviour, and its detection. The empirical part provides the key findings and results of the quantitative research on the perception of ethical culture, unethical behaviour towards stakeholders and the presence of a nine-component ethics program. The research involved a survey among employees of companies in Slovenia. The thesis presents the measuring instruments, i.e. the CEVMS model measuring the dimensions of ethical culture (Kaptein 2008a; DeBode et al. 2013), the questionnaire on the perception of unethical behaviour towards stakeholders (Kaptein 2008b), and the questionnaire on the presence of nine key components of the ethics program (U. S. Sentencing Commision 2015a). The main findings suggest that ethical culture is very strong in the companies that have such a system in place. Ethics programs are quite common in Slovenia, but they do not contribute to (perception of) less unethical behaviour, neither do its components. However, the perception of unethical behaviour is the same in companies with or without an ethics program. The signatories of the Guideliness for corporate integrity included in the sample have significantly larger scope of an ethics programe, as well as higher number of implemented components.The author concludes that the current ethics program in Slovenia is merely a project on paper that has yet to become fully functional.
Povzetek Članek obravnava temeljno vprašanje sedanjega časa v poslovnem življenju pri nas, ki se glasi: zakaj potrebujemo poslovno moralo? Kot odgovor na to vprašanje je možno artikulirati dovolj močne razloge za potrditev vodilne teze avtorja o neizogibni potrebi opiranja poslovnežev na norme in načela poslovne morale pri vsakokratnem poskusu doseganja odličnosti v mišljenju in delovanju znotraj poslovnega sveta. Članek se zaključi s premislekom o tem, kaj je v tako zastavljenem diskurzu še potrebno povedati in narediti v zvezi z doseganjem filozofije življenja kot iskanja univerzalne odličnosti in dobrega gospodarjenja na Slovenskem.
Druboslovne razprave, XIX, 2003
POVZETEK: Prispevek predstavlja poskus teoretske razmejitve {estih komunikacijskih podro~ij, ki jih lahko najdemo znotraj komunikolo{kih in poslovnih univerzitetnih programov: organizacijsko, poslovno, upravljavsko, tr'no, institucionalno in korporativno ...
Andragoška spoznanja, 2017
V članku razpravljamo o učinkih globalizacije na spremembo življenjskih potekov. Izhajamo iz teze, da individualizacija in destandardizacija življenjskega poteka terja od ljudi večjo pripravljenost za odgovorno načrtovanje življenja. Predvsem prehodi iz mladosti v odraslost postajajo nejasni in fleksibilni, kar spreminja tudi obdobje odraslosti. Posledično je odraslost izgubila mnogo svojih stabilnih struktur vlog in tradicionalnih pomenov ter postaja vse bolj psihološki pojav. Vse to pa seveda pomeni, da imajo zdaj odrasli opravka s ključnim identitetnim delom, prej rezerviranim za obdobje mladosti. Tu ima pomembno vlogo izobraževanje odraslih, ki je postavljeno pred nove izzive in naloge. Poleg izobraževanja za delo (dokvalifikacije, prekvalifikacije) ima izobraževanje odraslih vedno bolj pomembno socialno funkcijo (socialno in tehnološko vključevanje, pridobivanje novih socialnih kompetenc za razumevanje družbenih dogajanj) in posebej psihološko funkcijo (razvoj »identitetnih kap...
Magistrsko delo obravnava projekt izgradnje strateškega informacijskega sistema korporacije za pokrivanje področja industrijske prodaje. Izzivi v projektu so heterogena informacijska okolja v korporaciji in vsebinsko nedefinirano področje. Posebnost informacijskega sistema je modul za spremljanje investicij, ki so vezane na prodajne projekte.
Na Slovenskem se neokorporativni institucionalni aranžmaji, predvsem formalno centralizirana kolektivna pogajanja in sistem soodločanja, kombinirajo s spolitiziranim sindikalnim pluralizmom. Ta kombinacija ima močne neoliberalne učinke, saj povzroča šibkost kolektivnih pogajanj na nacionalni ravni ter prestavljanje njihovega težišča na nivo podjetij. Pol tovrstnim pritiskom se na Slovenskem oblikuje dualni sistem inlustrijskih olnosov.
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