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GESTÃO DE PESSOAS: Subjetividade nas Organizações São Paulo 0 DIMAS MORENO S. DE SIQUEIRA GESTÃO DE PESSOAS: Subjetividade nas Organizações Trabalho de conclusão de curso de Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho apresentado a Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie para a obtenção do título de Especialista.
O tema “Uso do Banheiro Público por Transexuais e Travestis" é analisado no presente trabalho sob a ótica dos fundamentos constitucionais para seu uso. São estudadas a legislação, jurisprudência e doutrina pátria para avaliar como os direitos de transexuais e travestis são assegurados no Brasil e como o fundamento da dignidade da pessoa humana os garante o direito de autoafirmação de gênero. O objetivo do trabalho é avaliar a solução mais apropriada para garantir a essas pessoas uso do banheiro público. A metodologia utilizada é a da abordagem qualitativa, com base no método dedutivo. Este trabalho, em primeiro momento, estuda as obras de Judith Butler e Berenice Bento que justificam, a partir da noção de identidade gênero, o porquê de os transexuais e travestis devem ter acesso aos banheiros públicos. Posteriormente aborda-se como os direitos trans são tratados no Brasil. Em seguida, faz-se uma análise acerca da Dignidade da Pessoa humana, com base na obra de Ingo Wolfgang, concluindo com as soluções propostas para o dilema.
In this work we studied the development of Johansen-Ledoit-Sornette's model, firstly proposed in the middle of the 90's to predict large earthquake occurences and later generalized to treat financial market bubbles. Initially we modelled the market as a square lattice Ising model in order to obtain a first approximation. Posteriorly, a hierarchichal diamond lattice was considerer in order to capture today's market behavior. Lastly, in the second part of this work, we used data from Nasdaq and Levenberg-Marquardt's method coupled with a genetic algorithm to test the model's validity.
O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um método alternativo para se determinar uma taxa de desconto a ser utilizada na obtenção do valor presente dos fluxos de caixa gerados por um ativo biológico, mais especificamente nesse caso, da cana de açúcar. Para se atingir este objetivo, primeiramente será realizada uma revisão teórica dos estudos que embasam os modelos de risco e retorno, partindo-se do estudo seminal da Moderna Teoria de Portfólio, iniciada com os trabalhos de Harry Markowitz (1952). Esse autor foi o primeiro a se preocupar com a seleção de ativos para um portfólio, que posteriormente formou as bases para a proposição do modelo Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), desenvolvido na década de 60 por Willian Sharpe e sendo posteriormente modificado por Stephen Ross no seu Arbitrage Pricing Theory -APT em 1976. Os fatores que impactam no risco da geração de caixa por uma usina sucro-alcooleira são apresentados e discutidos neste trabalho. A conclusão deste trabalho é de que a taxa de retorno obtida pelo modelo APT, por ser menos subjetiva, é uma opção atraente para os gestores e investidores utilizarem no cálculo do Valor Presente Líquido (VPL) do ativo biológico cana-de-açúcar.
The mechanical device, knows as Concha de Casagrande device, is used as pattern to determine soil. Currently exist twice device version in market, a manual, without hit counter, ane other with hit counter and eletric engine for moviment shell axis. Like to two version depend for operator ability during the test, none of them manage to provide precision and repeatability in results.This theasi is the continuation of the electronic implementation on the device, thus contributing to the automation of the egress graduate Cristiane Barbosa Prado, wherever the automated movement of the motor was performed at a frequency of 120 Hz and a stroke counter presented to the user through a display. The new stage of the process has a laser sensor of the type LiDAR that captures points along the shell in an indirect way, ending the process with the engine stopping when it reaches 12.7 mm in length in the shell extension and showing the number of laps at the end of the process.
The technology penetrates all areas of modern life, and could not be different in the school space, this work intends to reflect on digital literacy, mobile technology in the classroom and how the process of inclusion of this technology in the classroom is taking place. It is materialized in a field research, observatory, aiming to observe and analyze critically how digital inclusion is taking place with the use of tablet, in the Municipal School Roberto Cerqueira Dantas, in the city of Teresina-PI. Faced with the technological advance and its insertion in the educational environment, such study is justified, since it is necessary an adaptation of the teaching to this new paradigm. In this sense, we will present a dimension of the reality of negative and positive points in this context.
Renata , 2017
This research was carried out with seventh grade students of the Elementary School, in a private school in the city of Maringá, Pr. The aims were the elaboration and analysis of activity using the GeoGebra Software, including concepts about triangles and quadrilaterals to answer the question: “How the GeoGebra Software through the use of exploratory – investigative activity can help the 7th grade students to improve in the Van Hiele levels? “ The main idea of the project was the elaboration of the activity that should be developed using a pedagogical mediation related to the use of informatics, more specifically using the GeoGebra Software, as an auxiliary resource and in the Van Hiele model of geometric development. The application of the activity to the students happened in a different way. The first activity was a diagnostic test considering the Van Hiele levels, where each student received a paper with questions and they answered on it. During the second and third activity, the students had the opportunity to explore or do the geometrical constructions, identify their characteristics, suggest observations, think and answer each question. The research is characterized as qualitative and according to the process of data collection, it can also be classified as bibliographic and field research. Initially, we did a bibliographic research to the elaboration of our theoretical referential, as well as a reflection about the importance to integrate the geometry teaching with the information and communication technologies and the implications of a teaching work related to the Van Hiele of geometric thinking with the auxiliary of the GeoGebra Software to the development of the activity. So, we moved to the field research process, when we went to the classroom to apply the homework elaborated to the data collection. Analyzing the results, we noticed that: a significant number of students could do the proposed activity and start the process of construction about the concepts of triangles and quadrilaterals; the students didn´t have problems in use the computers but most of them had difficulties to use the GeoGebra Software in the beginning and because of it, we reformulated our activity to achieve our objectives. So, we conclude that the activity based on the Van Hiele geometric model thinking when applied using the GeoGebra Software can make a positive contribution to the transition from one to other level, as suggest such model.
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