An Adjustable Autonomy Agent for Intelligent Environments


Autonomy of embedded agents in intelligent environments is highly debated topic; while some believe that agents should have very minimal autonomy and should only act as directly instructed by the user, others consider providing agents with autonomy to be an essential aspect to building intelligent environments. This paper reports on the current progress of our project to enable human users and agents to collaborate in managing intelligent environments as a team. We seek to develop an adjustable-autonomy agent in an effort to explore user acceptance of pervasive computing and the use of autonomous agents therein, as wells as aiming to improve the robustness and reliability of future intelligent environment systems. We present our Adjustable-autonomy Behaviour-Based Agent (ABBA) architecture model and discuss our initial trials with our prototype system, built on a smart home emulator, which demonstrate the plausibility of employing adjustable autonomy in full-scale intelligent environments and pervasive computing systems.