WHITE PAPER – Men and Gender Equality in Portugal



Many people contributed to the White Paper Men and Gender Equality in Portugal over the whole course of its preparation: national and international partners, specialists in various fields, stakeholders representatives, political decision-makers, and expert consultants in gender equality. We thank all of them for the time they took to participate in discussion groups, in the parliamentary hearing, in the seminars and in the final conference, giving rise to in-depth, stimulating discussion and bringing informed views and recommendations which have greatly contributed to the final recommendations of the White Paper. A special vote of thanks goes to those men who granted interviews as part of the case study on sharing of initial parental leave, providing information on different aspects of this experience and its implications for the lives of fathers, mothers and children. We also thank our colleagues at ICS-ULisboa for helping to produce and reflect on some of the results of the White Paper: Mafalda