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This handout covers the entire book of Austin and brings out the arguments given. Indeed, in some sense the book should have been arranged differently than the way it was arranged later. The way Austin's book came out tends to blunt the force of some of what he was trying to establish.
Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy, 2010
Part of rethinking philosophy today, the author believes, is to rethink our logical concepts. The author questions the ontological existence of the proposition as the content of sentential utterances—written or spoken— as it was originally proposed by John Searle. While a performative is an utterance where the speaker not only utters a sentential or illocutionary content such as a statement, but also performs the illocutionary force such as the act of stating, the author reasserts John Austin’s constative as the general label (genus) of specific utterances (species) that can be rendered true or false such as a statement, assertion, description, and prediction. In the remainder of the paper, the author tries to show that it is a category mistake for someone to assert a statement or to state an assertion.
This paper examines J.L. Austin's theory regarding speech acts, or how we do things with words. It starts by reviewing the birth and foundation of speech act theory as it appeared in the 1955 William James Lectures at Harvard before going into what Austin's theory is and how it can be applied to the real world. The theory is explained and analysed both in regards to its faults and advantages. Proposals for the improvement of the theory are then developed, using the ideas of other scholars and theorists along with the ideas of the author. The taxonomy in this essay is vast and various concepts and conditions are introduced and applied to the theory in order for it to work. Those conditions range from being conditions of appropriateness through to general principles of communication. In this essay utterances are examined by their propositional content, the intention of the utterance, and its outcome. By studying how utterances are formed and issued, along with looking into utterance circumstances and sincerity, one can garner a clear glimpse into what constitutes a performative speech act and what does not. By applying the ideas of multiple thinkers in unison it becomes clear that a) any one single theory does not satisfyingly explain all the intricacies of the theory and b) most utterances which are not in the past tense can be considered to be either performative or as having some performative force.
This paper is mainly concerned with proving that it is not Wittgenstein, the German philosopher, who actually seeded the main gist of the Speech Act Theory; there are others who preceded him (and all those who followed him, the first of whom is Austin) in doing so: Arab scholars. Accordingly , this work starts by reviewing the most basic ideas of the original theory proposed by Aus-tin and developed by Searle. The basic ideas presented by the Arabic theory are presented in the second section, and then a contrast between the two is made.
Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy 30, 1:2001 and Issues in Contemporary Western Philosophy, 2003, 2001
The author traces the theory of meaning in relation to speech acts from John Austin to John Searle and those who reacted to the latter. He agrees with Searle that the study of the meaning of sentences is not distinct from the study of speech acts since the same sentences are used to perform certain speech acts. However, the author believes that the logical term proposition is superfluous and argues that in asserting a compound or molecular constative like {P or Q}, we likewise assert the simple or atomic constatives alternatively, like P or Q, albeit the illocutionary force of each is suppressed or only implied. Moreover, if we take into consideration most if not all elements of contextual sentential meaning, then we will notice that constatives may share family resemblances with each other and even with some performatives. Hence, in view of the fact that John Searle believes the act of predication partakes of the nature of the illocutionary force, then Searle’s proposition cannot be force-neutral and, consequently, it can be replaced with any constative—such as a statement in the sense of what is stated, a prediction in the sense of what is predicted, etc.—depending upon the context.
In this article the author explicates Herbert Hart's theory of an ascriptive language as it has been developed in his influential early paper " The Ascription of Responsibility and Rights ". In the section 'Discussion' the author argues that the theory of ascriptive legal utterances, which is grounded on Austin's and Searle's theory of a speech act, provides the methodological basis for his analytical approach to philosophical and legal issues. In the section 'Results' the author justifies that an ascriptive is a specific speech (illocutionary) act. In the section 'Conclusion' the matter concerns the original linguistic formula of an ascriptive that accurately reflects its nature. This article elaborates on the interpretation of ascriptive speech acts in legal language by evaluating the influence of philosophy of language on the formation of modern legal philosophy, along with evaluating the contribution of conceptual development of legal philosophy in the speech acts theory.
This paper addresses John L. Austin’s theory of speech acts, originally introduced in How to Do Things with Words, as well as John R. Searle’s Speech Act. It begins with the description of the notion of speech acts particularly in terms of its definition considering the exact limits of the discussion. It follows with the history of speech act theory which focuses on how the pioneer of this theory, Austin, came up with his ideas which then were further explored by his most famous student at Oxford University, Searle. Regarding the history, this paper brings the distinction between performatives and constatives which were introduced by Austin and then moves to his most influential work, that is, locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary acts. It continues with surveying the direct and indirect speech acts. Another important concept certainly ought to be mentioned is Searle’s five classifications of speech acts. Finally, to complete the discussion, this paper switches to speech events and Dell Hymes SPEAKING model.
Linguistics and Philosophy, 2007
This paper contributes to the study of explicit performative utterances in the following ways. First, it presents arguments that support Austin’s view that these utterances are not assertions. In doing so, if offers an original explanation of why they cannot be true or false. Second, it puts forward a new analysis of explicit performatives as cases of showing which act one is performing, rather than of instances of asserting or declaring that one is performing a particular act. Finally, it develops a new account of the role of the performative prefix in signalling performative intentions that shows how the prefix can play a special role in the interpretation of performatives utterances.
Paper written for the Ontology course by professor Tiziana Andina at the Università degli Studi di Torino, during the academic year 2017/18. The aim of this paper is to describe the characteristics and the outcomes of the book How to do Things with Words by John Langshaw Austin. In the first part, I analyse the main characteristics of the so called performatives, then I describe Austin’s theorisation of the speech acts according to their illocutionary force.
When we speak we can do all sorts of things, from aspirating a consonant, to constructing a relative clause, to insulting a guest, to starting a war. These are all, pre-theoretically, speech acts-acts done in the process of speaking. The theory of speech acts, however, is especially concerned with those acts that are not completely covered under one or more of the major divisions of grammar-phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics-or under some general theory of actions.
Speech Act Theory and Scripture, Marc Lloyd
This paper penetrates straightforward the core of perlocution with an attempt to extract a feasible and unambiguous definition. It starts with a summarization of the four foci in the controversy over perlocution, namely, the agent and the trigger of perlocution, the involvement of intention in perlocution, and the line between perlocutionary act and effect. It proceeds to identify two fundamental causes of the controversy, one being the absence of an anatomy of the process of a single speech act and the other being the recurrent ignorance of the speech=act doctrine. Correspondingly, to settle the controversy, the paper outlines a circular speech-act turn and draws clear lines between the three acts on one hand, and elaborate on the profound connotation underlying the conception of speech=act on the other. Accordingly, a perlocutionary act is defined as the act, rather than the effects, of affecting and changing the context by the speaker by way of a locution that carries the illocutionary intention.
Augustinian: A Journal for Humanities, Social Sciences, Business, and Education., Vol. 19, Issue #1, pp. 35-45, 2018
The speech act theory is one of the rigorous attempts to systematically explain the workings of language. It is not only widely influential in the philosophy of language, but in the areas of linguistics and communication as well. This essay traces the development of this theory from J. L. Austin's first formulation of the theory to John Searle's further systematization and grounding of it. The essay first situates the theory in the general approaches to the philosophy of language. After which, it explicates the main features of the theory as initially articulated by Austin and further improved by Searle. Among the innovations introduced by Searle, the essay highlights the following: the distinction between the utterance and propositional acts, the distinction between the effects of illocutionary acts and those of perlocutionary acts, a consistent set of criteria for classifying speech acts, and the grounding of speech acts in terms of rules and facts.
The conception of language as a means of action has become a topic of sustained investigation by philosophers of language and linguists within the theory of speech acts. The pursuit of this approach is to examine such bits by considering them communicative units. The present paper elucidates the foundations of this pragmatic theory as formulated by its leading figures Austin and Searle and goes even further to explain how the original speech act conceptualization is connected to research in the field of discourse analysis and how it was transferred to the description of written discourse.
Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy, 2004
The author contends that a number of steps should be taken if we want to honestly upgrade the thinking instruments of a person, in particular of the Filipino. Since logical reasoning is contextually rooted in everyday discourse, it is argued that we replace the logical term proposition with the term constative. Secondly, if we intend to train ourselves to think abstractly, then the Polish notation, rather than the Hilbert-Ackermann notation, can better do this function. At any rate, the Polish notation can serve as an alternative just as perfectly as the Hilbert-Ackermann notation. Thirdly, it is suggested⎯especially for Filipino seminaries⎯to go symbolic since it is economical and convenient, while at the same time cleansing our modes of thinking of emotive barriers. Lastly, for one to be completely logical, one needs to understand that a three-unit course in modern logic, while in the right direction, is insufficient.
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