Predicting Cyanobacteria dominance in lakes

2001, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

A controversial precept of aquatic ecology asserts that low ratios of nitrogen to phosphorus (NT') lead to noxious and sometimes toxic blooms of Qntwbacteria. Cyatmbactetia dominance is a major risk te human and ecosystem health. The stoichiometric control of Cyanobacteria therefore has beeome centnat to tkshweter reseurce management. This controversial concept is based on observed Cyanobecteria domieance in lakes with low N:P end the results of lab and field experiments. Here we analyze data fmm 99 of the temperate zone's most studied lakes and show that this model is flawed. We show that the risk Of water quality degradation by Cyanobecteria blooms is more strongly correlated with variatioo in total P, total N, or standing algae biomass thee the ratio of N:?! Risks associated with Cyanobacteria are therefore less associated with N:P ratios than a simple increase in nutrient concentrations and algal biomass. Rkum& : Un prkepte controvenC de l'kotogie aquatique veut que des faibtes rapports azote:phosphore (N:P) entrainent la formation de fleurs d'eau B cyanobactkies, no&es et parfois toxiques. Une dominance des cyenobact& ties constitee. en effet, un risque important pour la sent& hutmine et celle des tcosysthnes. Le contr6le stoichiom& tique des cyanobact&ies est aiesi dwenu tme des pr&occupetions principeles de la gestion des resseurces d'eau douce. Ce concept controve& se base sw l'observatiott de la d ominance des cyaeolxact&s dens les lacs g faibte rapport N:P et sur les r&wltafs d'expktiences en labaatoire et en nature. Nous emlyscms ici dea dcmkes pmwnaet de 99 des lacs tempkk les mieti Ctudies et d&montmns que ie male est incorrect Le rbque d'ute ddgraaation des eaex per les Beus d'eau i cyeoobeetkies est en corrdlaticm plus fate avec ks variations de P total, du N total ou de la biomesse des atgues qe'avec le rapport N:P. Les tisqoes relids atu cyattobecties sent done moies associ& ax rapports N:P qu'& la simple augmentation des concentmtions d'&neets nut&ifs et de la biomesse des algues: [Traduit par la Rklection] Cyanobacteria dominance in anthmpogenically eutrophic takes is an increasing problem that impacts recreation, ecosystem integrity, and human and animal health. Blooms of Cyanobactctia deposit unsightly, bad-smelling, mucilaginous clumps of dead and sencsciog cells oo the shore and surf&e of lakes, impeding recreational uses. Blooms of some Cyattobacteria pmduce toxins during growth or decay that kill aquatic animals, and have semiochemical properties (aotibiotic or alklopathic). Cyanobacterial poisoning of livestock, pets, and humans has been widely documented (Sivottctt 1996). Cyanotoxitts, including hepatotoxins, tteum~xins, cyto