Monitoring of Artemia stocks in Urmia lake



Monitoring of Artemia Stock in Urmia Lake ( with less than 5 billion m^3 ), between 2001-2003 in order to survey of Artemia population dynamic and some water abiotic factors such as WT , salinity and transparency using Thermometer, refractometer and secchi disk, were done monthly. Phytoplankton with Rotner sampling device and Artemia (different life stages) were sampled by planktonic net from 7 suit stations(3 layers, surface, 2.5 and 5 meters with 3 replications) which were selected from 12 sites used in previous Artemia stock assessment project Graphs drawed by excel software in different layers , months and separation between north and southern parts of the Lake(±SD ,SE), showed WT fluctuated from 3 degree centigrade in December 2001 to 29 degree in November 2003 with the same changes in different layers. Salinities from 290 ppt in autumn 2001 to 340 ppt in summer of 2003 increased. Northern part of the lake had higher salinity than the southern. There were not any differences be...