Revitalizing Lesson Study in Japanese High Schools


Abstract The study documents a group of teachers participating in a teacher-learning process in Japan known as ‘Jugyokenkyu’, referred to internationally as ‘Lesson Study’ (LS). Teachers participated in several stages constructing knowledge as they go through a cycle working in collaboration from planning and teaching a lesson to reflecting on the lesson. Social interaction is at the core of classroom inquiry as teachers build a lesson by actively collaborating at each stage of the LS process. LS originated in Japan as a method to facilitate professional development among teachers. However, in secondary schools, and especially in high school, where this study took place, opportunities for teachers to collaborate with peers is drastically lower in the actual implementation of LS in Japan. The purpose of this research project is to revitalize LS in high schools by specifically designing the LS process with an added emphasis on collaboration during the planning stages of a lesson. Qualitative data were collected in the following ways: post and pre-lesson planning stage meetings, classes including the demonstration classes and the actual research lesson were video-taped; interviews with the participants were conducted, and data were also gathered through the use of questionnaires and field notes. In this study, data from one teacher out of three who went through the LS process are detailed. Three themes emerged that depict professional growth resulting from Professional Knowledge Gain; A deeper Focus on the Learner and outcomes of the Demonstration Lesson.