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2007, Annals of Library and Information Studies
Explores the phenomena of bibliographic coupling in nine core journals in toxicology indexed in the Toxicology Information Online (TOXLINE), the international database. A total of 1218 articles were taken for analysis using Software Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The journal Toxicology had highest percentage of bibliographically coupled articles i.e. 15.3%. There was no fixed trend in the development of number of bibliographically coupled articles. The number of coupled articles decreased as the coupling strength increased.
Background: Web of Science (WoS) is an online academic citation index provided by Thomson Reuters which supplies valuable bibliometric information for comparing impact of specific author, organization, or country in science production. The aim of this study was to compare toxicology publications of Iran and Turkey indexed in WoS from bibliometric point of view. Methods: The WoS database was queried based on keywords “Iran” and “Turkey” separately in the “Address” field and refined by “Toxicology” as a category. All records were transferred to Microsoft Excel® application. The dataset were analyzed from different perspectives, such as publication years, number of references and citations, authorship pattern, publications types, affiliated organizations, core subject areas and journals. Results: There were 1178 and 2240 publications that met the criteria during 1993-2011 for Iran and Turkey, respectively. Less than 2% of authors had published more than 25% of all toxicology papers in ...
Information Storage and Retrieval
The theory and practical applications of bibliographic coupling are reviewed. The reviewer takes issue with the use of bibliographic coupling for information retrieval and automatic classification on logical grounds, and for reasons relating to uncontrolled citation practices. The usefulness of the procedure for the study of the science of science and bibliometrics is granted.
International Journal of Information Studies & Libraries, 2017
The purpose of the present paper is to describe the bibliometric analysis of cited references of published articles in Journal of Biosciences during the period 2011 to 2015. The references provided by the authors at the end of their articles are the basis of citation analysis. Citation traces a connection between two documents, one which cites and the other which is cited. Citation analysis is one of the popular methods applied to derive the following benefits. The Journal of Biosciences published 12901 citations during the period of study i.e. from 2011 to 2015. It is observed from the study that journals are most preferred channels of information in journal of biosciences. Journal literature comprised the highest citation 11476 (88.95%) of the total 12901 citations. Study also shows the head wise distribution of articles. The content pages were studied carefully in order to analyses various heads under which the articles are covered.
Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal
Introduction: Our study aimed to assess Turkish publications in Science Citation Index (SCI) and Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) indexed journals in the field of "toxicology". Methods: We searched the journals related to "toxicology" in the SCIE database of "Thomson Reuter Web of Science". The search engine of Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Web of Science (WoS) was used in the advanced mode by typing "IS=ISSN number" to identify publications in the journal. We found Turkish papers on toxicology by typing "IS=ISSN number AND CU=Turkey". If Turkish and non-Turkish authors had collaborated, the article was included in the search when the corresponding author had provided a Turkey-based address. The catalogue information and statistics were used to determine Turkish publications as the percentage of total publications and the annual mean number of Turkish publications. In WoS, "SU=toxicology" was used to determine the number, country, year, and topic distributions of publications from 1975 to date and within the last 10 years. The citation numbers and h-indices were determined based on the country for publications within the last 10 years. Results: In the area of toxicology, there were 92 journals in the SCI/SCIE index. From 1975 to the early 2000s, Turkey was 19th in the list of countries with highest number of publications on toxicology; however, in the last 10 years, Turkey moved up to 14 th place. Its mean citation number has been 7.17, and it remains the lowest country pertaining to citations among the 24 countries with the most number of publications. Discussion and Conclusion: Our work will also shed light on scientists who are constantly working in the field of toxicology, as well as scientists witnessing unusual toxicological events and wanting to make the academic world knowledgeable.
The studies on bibliometric analyses of case reports usually give valuable information regarding various aspects of case reports but lack investigation analysing these publications. This is the first-ever study to examine the bibliometric articles on case reports; hence, it is hypothesized to provide a valuable contribution to this gap. PubMed and SCOPUS databases were searched, and a total of 119 articles were obtained, but only five were analyzed matching the inclusion criteria. The keywords involved in the search were "Bibliometrics", "analysis", "case reports", "case series", and "articles" whereas, the time range in which the case reports were searched for was between 2011-2021. Common parameters from these five articles were employed for bibliometric analysis, which included publication year, publication type, the number of case reports per article, theme or subject of the article, citation, and impact factor (IF). Out of the five articles identified, four were published in 2021. One out of five was a case report, and the rest were review-type of articles. The overall citation number of these articles was less than 10, and the IF of these articles was between 0-0.007. The number of citations of the articles was in a period of one to two years or less than one year. A comprehensive overview of the parametrises, as well as the recent trends that are being used to conduct bibliometric analysis on case reports was acquired.
s are considered are archetypal secondary information sources. These comprise not only the citations with bibliographical details but also provide summaries of the contents of publications or articles thus they 'organise the primary literature in most convenient form'. According to Lancaster [67]," an abstract is a brief accurate representation of the contents of a document". Abstracts are widely used as an aid to the reader in assessing the contents of a document and their potential relevance. Abstracts are found in both primary and secondary publications. Abstracts in primary publications are generally found accompanying reports of research and other developments in both published and unpublished report literature, in journal articles, reports of professional, scientific and technical meetings and conferences, theses, books and patent applications and specifications. They are also the corner stone of secondary publications. Together with indexes, abstracts have f...
Bibliometrics is an emerging thrust area of research and has now become a well established part of information research and a quantitative approach to the description of documents. Bibliometrics has grown out of the realization that literature is growing and changing out of a rate with which no librarian or information worker equipped with traditional bibliographic skills and methods could keep abreast. The present study shows that journals are most cited form of communication amongst the library and information scientists and the source journal is the most cited publication. The bibliometric analysis of the journal "Annals of Library and Information Studies (2002Studies ( -2006))" shows a trend of growth in contributions and average number of contributions is 21.4 per volume. Majority of the library and information scientists prefer to do collaborative research and contribute their papers jointly. Most of the contributions are on Bibliometrics (36.45%). IT & Digital technologies in Libraries have also got sufficient papers. The institutional and geographical distribution of contributions is calculated. Most of the contributions are with citations. Majority of the library and information scientists have cited journals in large number (50.15%) while books comes on second with 273 (19.96%) citations. 'Annals of Library & Information Studies' occupies the 1st rank & 'Scientometrics' occupies the 2nd rank in the ranked list of cited journals.
Chemosphere, 1996
By using information from printed and online database guides, 18 online bibliographic databases (BD), which cover literature on toxicology were selected from 5 hosts. A search for literature containing information on three selected chemicals was carried out with each of the databases, and the number of documents relevant to toxicology found in them was compared by computer-assisted analysis. Some databases yielded very little information pertinent to toxicology, while others provided a considerable amount. In addition, the databases contained numerous duplicates (references common to more than one database). Most of the relevant documents could be obtained using only 8 of the 18 BDs selected. These databases are: Biosis Previews (BIOSIS), Chemical Abstracts (CA), Chemical Safety Newsbase (CSNB), Excerpta Medica (EMBASE), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Scisearch, Toxicology Information Online (TOXLINE) and the former Toxicology Literature (TOXLIT).
2017 6th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI), 2017
This study explores a country-level bibliometric analysis to extract bibliographic coupling (BC) communities as clusters of documents coupled through publications in their reference lists using the "BiblioTool" software. The 2004-2013 research output from Nepal represented by relatively small dataset of 3,011 documents (peer reviewed articles and reviews) indexed as core collections in the Web of Science (WoS) database was used. Setting a threshold of 10 documents, twenty-five BC communities, each with 12-443 documents, which provide a comprehensive picture on the research themes characterized by diverse items (keywords, subjects, journals, institutions, countries, authors, references, and title words) were discriminated. Twelve communities (i.e., 48%) deal with medical & health sciences (maternal & child health; tropical infectious diseases; cancer & cardiovascular diseases; mountain sickness; blindness) closely linked also with social aspects; 4 communities with earth, environment and biodiversity (tectonics and natural hazards; environmental pollution, remediation and conservation; wildlife preservation); 3 communities with agriculture and veterinary sciences (pathogens of major crops (maize, wheat, rice) & crop yields, plant genes, and dairy farming); 3 communities with nanomaterials and metal-alloys; 2 communities with pharmacology including ethnomedicine, and one community of 12 documents is related to galactic observations. These new results provide wider insights on the research volume & diversity, international collaboration and the contributors (academic, national & international, governmental & nonprofit agencies, etc.) engaged in research in Nepal.
Traces the history of bibliometric research, training and activities in INSDOC. Describes briefly the objectives, facilities, services, research activities, and publications of National Centre on Bibliometrics.
The research publications in the field of Medical Research are increasing year by year. In this paper the authors have studied bibliometrics analysis of the Indian Journal of Medical Research [IJMR] for the period of five years between 2000 and 2005. The authors analyzed the year-wise publication of the journal, authorship pattern, source-wise publication, etc.
SAGE Open Medicine, 2014
An-Najah National University (ANNU) is a Palestinian university that was established more than 35 years ago. The objective of this study was to do a bibliometric assessment of research output, which describes the growth, contribution, and impact of research carried out by the faculty members, researchers, or students of ANNU in the past 35 years. The data used for this study were retrieved from Scopus database.
Library Philosophy and Practice, 2016
1. IntroductionBibliometrics is a relatively new branch of information science and has now become a standard tool of science policy and research management in the last decades. Pritchard explained the term bibliometrics as "the application of mathematical and statistical methods to books and other media of communication" (Pritchcard,1969). Communication media comprises of books, papers in serials, periodicals, monographs, reports , thesis, e-books and e-journals. Regarding the scope of bibliometrics, O'Connor and Voos (1981) states that "its scope includes the study of the relationship among documents e.g. citation studies or describing a literature. Typically, these descriptions f ocus on consistent patterns involving authors, monographs, journals or subject/language". The backbone of bibliometrics lies on some theoretical foundation, laid by some pioneers, such as, Lotka, Gro ss, Bradford, Zipf, Derek J de Solla Price, Bookstein, Mandelbrot, Brookes, Narin,...
Bibliometrics or scientometrics is a method of systematically analyzing data. Bibliometrics consists of the way qualitative and quantitative data are evaluated and analyzed statistically. Bibliometric data analysis method is not in the fields of statistics and mathematics; It is also used in other disciplines. Bibliometric analysis, carried out together with different disciplines, is used in multidisciplinary studies. Academic publications such as articles, book chapters, papers and compilations are evaluated and analyzed according to the parameters of publication types, authors, publication years, publication languages, publication categories, countries of publications and publishing house. This study was created with the data obtained from the Scopus database with the words "BIBLIOMETRIC" or "SCIENTOMETRIC". Bibliometric data analysis has been carried out in various fields from 1969 to the present day. A steady increase is observed after the mid-2000s. It has been determined that the most common publication type in the field of bibliometrics is article, and the most used language is English. It has been analyzed that the discipline of bibliometrics produces the most academic publications in the field of social sciences. It is seen that academic publications are mostly published in China on a country basis. In this context, it includes determining the trends in the field of bibliometrics and determining the current situation.
Information manager have adopted a number of quantitative method in recent years in order to evaluate library resources and services more objectively and effectively.
Sozialtheorie, 2001
In 1958, a young man with a B.S. in chemistry from Columbia University borrowed US-$ 500 from Household Finance to produce an index to the current scientific literature in chemistry and the life sciences. It was Eugene Garfield, who at that time developed what we know today as Science Citation Index (SCI) or Web of Science. 40 years later Garfields company, the Philadelphia-based Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), employes 850 people with offices in 7 countries and sells a variety of library and information science products, indexing more than 8000 leading scientific journals in 35 languages. In 1992, ISI was acquired by Thomson Scientific, a subsidiary of The Thomson Corporation, a leading international business (annual revenues of US-$ 6 billion, common shares listed on stock exchanges). But the history of Garfields idea to set up an index of cited literature is not just a story of economic success (Cronin et al. 2000). Immediately after the SCI appeared on stage, scientists recognized it as a unique source for science studies, namely sociology and history of science. Derek John DeSolla Price was among the first, who discovered the potential of the SCI to give empirical insights into structures and developments of science (Price 1963). Although primarily produced as a tool for searching scientific articles, the SCI provides access also to aggregated data on disciplines, specialities, journals, institutions, countries and other entities. In fact during the past four decades the SCI together with its little 'sisters' SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index) and A&HCI (Arts & Humanities Citation Index) became the major source for a new scientific field: bibliometrics. A major product of bibliometric research are indicators, in most cases built from selected and aggregated counts of publications and citations. These indicators turned out to be important not only for studies in history and philosophy of science, but also for purposes of science policy and administration. Since 1972 the US National Science Foundation publishes biannual volumes of 'science indicators' (National Science Board 2000), including publication and citation statistics for international comparisons. Combined with other measures and peer review, bibliometric indicators can be used in the context of research evaluation. Bibliometricians have been heavily offended because of the political consequences which their indicators can have (MacRoberts 1989).
The review process was adopted by surveying the research in last 9 years (2006-2014) for extraction of information about 7 sub issues. The 50 research articles were reviewed to cover the Bibliometric and Citation Studies in following various issues like Single Journal studies, Subject area based publications studies, Citation or Index databases studies, Country based publications studies, Subject area based multiple journals studies, Institution based publications studies, and PhD Thesis publications studies. 2.1 Various issues: The Bibliometric and Citation studies divided into following seven sub issues. The review and discussion of sub issues is ranging from year 2006-2014.
Background: The bibliometric or bibliographic analysis is a quantitative approach towards the documentary flow of information. The main theme behind this attribute is to analyze the bibliographic data of the research published by journals/scholars in a specific area. Being a portrait of the journal, it serves as an instrument for the promotion, quality, and standardization of journals. Objective: To study the bibliometric attributes of the published articles of Journal of Saidu Medical College (JSMC), Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan from 2007 to 2017. Material & Methods: This study was a multi-dimensional bibliometric approach towards the research productively of an esteemed medical research journal published by Saidu Medical College, Saidu Sharif, Swat. The title, abstract, author's affiliation and collaboration, gender, subject matter, the date of publication and references were used as an information source for bibliometric data collection. Results: Male 823(86%) contribut...
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