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GraphBLAS is an emerging paradigm for graph computation that makes it easy to program new graph algorithms in a highly abstract language of linear algebra. The promise of GraphBLAS is that an abstract graph program will execute in a wide variety of programming environments, ranging from embedded environments to distributed memory computers. In this paper we present our initial implementation of GraphBLAS primitives for graphics processing unit (GPU) systems called GraphBLAS Template Library (GBTL). Our implementation is an ongoing effort in the context of GraphBLAS standardization efforts by a diverse group of academics and representatives of the industry. Our implementation consists of a high-level C ++ frontend, and the GPU functionality is implemented with a combination of the CUSP library for sparse-matrix computation on GPU and the NVIDIA Thrust framework for abstract GPU programs. We give initial performance results of our implementations, and we discuss solutions to the problems we encountered when providing a low-level implementation for a high-level generic interface.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
High-performance implementations of graph algorithms are challenging to implement on new parallel hardware such as GPUs because of three challenges: (1) the difficulty of coming up with graph building blocks, (2) load imbalance on parallel hardware, and (3) graph problems having low arithmetic intensity. To address some of these challenges, GraphBLAS is an innovative, on-going effort by the graph analytics community to propose building blocks based on sparse linear algebra, which allow graph algorithms to be expressed in a performant, succinct, composable, and portable manner. In this paper, we examine the performance challenges of a linear-algebra-based approach to building graph frameworks and describe new design principles for overcoming these bottlenecks. Among the new design principles is exploiting input sparsity , which allows users to write graph algorithms without specifying push and pull direction. Exploiting output sparsity allows users to tell the backend which values of...
2017 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), 2017
The purpose of the GraphBLAS Forum is to standardize linear-algebraic building blocks for graph computations. An important part of this standardization effort is to translate the mathematical specification into an actual Application Programming Interface (API) that (i) is faithful to the mathematics and (ii) enables efficient implementations on modern hardware. This paper documents the approach taken by the C language specification subcommittee and presents the main concepts, constructs, and objects within the GraphBLAS API. Use of the API is illustrated by showing an implementation of the betweenness centrality algorithm. • The domain D, the data type for the vector elements. • The size N > 0.
The focus of traditional scientific computing has been in solving large systems of PDEs (and the corresponding linear algebra problems that they induce). Hardware architectures, computer systems, and software platforms have evolved together to efficiently support solving these kinds of problems. Similar attention has not been devoted to solving large-scale graph problems. Recently this class of applications has seen increased attention. The irregular, nonlocal, and dynamic characteristics of these problems require new programming techniques to adapt them to modern HPC systems offering multiple levels of parallelism. We describe a library for implementing graph algorithms based on asynchronous execution of fine-grained, concurrent operations. Prototype implementations of two graph kernels which combine lightweight graph metadata transactions with generalized active messages demonstrate that it is possible to implement graph applications which efficiently leverage both shared-and distributed-memory parallelism.
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization, 2015
We identify several factors that are critical to high-performance GPU graph analytics: efficient building block operators, synchronization and data movement, workload distribution and load balancing, and memory access patterns. We analyze the impact of these critical factors through three GPU graph analytic frameworks, Gunrock, MapGraph, and VertexAPI2. We also examine their effect on different workloads: four common graph primitives from multiple graph application domains, evaluated through real-world and synthetic graphs. We show that efficient building block operators enable more powerful operations for fast information propagation and result in fewer device kernel invocations, less data movement, and fewer global synchronizations, and thus are key focus areas for efficient largescale graph analytics on the GPU.
Procedia Computer Science, 2015
The analysis of graphs has become increasingly important to a wide range of applications. Graph analysis presents a number of unique challenges in the areas of (1) software complexity, (2) data complexity, (3) security, (4) mathematical complexity, (5) theoretical analysis, (6) serial performance, and (7) parallel performance. Implementing graph algorithms using matrix-based approaches provides a number of promising solutions to these challenges. The GraphBLAS standard ( is being developed to bring the potential of matrix based graph algorithms to the broadest possible audience. The GraphBLAS mathematically defines a core set of matrix-based graph operations that can be used to implement a wide class of graph algorithms in a wide range of programming environments. This paper provides an introduction to the GraphBLAS and describes how the GraphBLAS can be used to address many of the challenges associated with analysis of graphs.
Given the growing importance of large-scale graph analytics, there is a need to improve the performance of graph analysis frameworks without compromising on productivity. GraphMat is our solution to bridge this gap between a user-friendly graph analytics framework and native, hand-optimized code. GraphMat functions by taking vertex programs and mapping them to high performance sparse matrix operations in the backend. We get the productivity benefits of a vertex programming framework without sacrificing performance. GraphMat is in C++, and we have been able to write a diverse set of graph algorithms in this framework with the same effort compared to other vertex programming frameworks. GraphMat performs 1.2-7X faster than high performance frameworks such as GraphLab, CombBLAS and Galois. It achieves better multicore scalability (13-15X on 24 cores) than other frameworks and is 1.2X off native, hand-optimized code on a variety of different graph algorithms. Since GraphMat performance ...
In this paper we present the Generic Graph Component Library (GGCL), a generic programming framework for graph data structures and graph algorithms. Following the theme of the Standard Template Library (STL), the graph algorithms in GGCL do not depend on the particular data structures upon which they operate, meaning a single algorithm can operate on arbitrary concrete representations of graphs. To attain this type of flexibility for graph data structures, which are more complicated than the containers in STL, we introduce several concepts to form the generic interface between the algorithms and the data structures, namely, Vertex, Edge, Visitor, and Decorator. We describe the principal abstractions comprising the GGCL, the algorithms and data structures that it provides, and provide examples that demonstrate the use of GGCL to implement some common graph algorithms. Performance results are presented which demonstrate that the use of novel lightweight implementation techniques and static polymorphism in GGCL results in code which is significantly more efficient than similar libraries written using the object-oriented paradigm.
The basic operations on the graphs with millions of vertices are common in various applications. To have faster execution of such operations is very essential to reduce overall computation time. Today's Graphics processing units (GPUs) have high computation power and low price. This device can be treated as an array of Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) processors using CUDA software interface by Nvidia. Massively Multithreaded architecture of a CUDA device makes various threads to run in parallel and hence making optimum use of available computation power of GPU. In case of graph algorithms, vertices of the graphs are processed in parallel by mapping them to various threads on device. By making thousands of threads to run in parallel, computation time required for these algorithms is drastically decreased as compared to their CPU implementation.
Euro-Par 2018: Parallel Processing, 2018
The trend towards processor heterogeneity and distributed-memory has significantly increased the complexity of parallel programming. In addition, the mix of applications that need to run on parallel platforms today is very diverse, and includes graph applications that typically have irregular memory accesses and unpredictable control-flow. To simplify the programming of graph applications on such platforms, we have implemented a compiler called Abelian that translates shared-memory descriptions of graph algorithms written in the Galois programming model into efficient code for distributed-memory platforms with heterogeneous processors. The compiler manages inter-device synchronization and communication while leveraging state-of-the-art compilers for generating devicespecific code. The experimental results show that the novel communication optimizations in the Abelian compiler reduce the volume of communication by 23×, enabling the code produced by Abelian to match the performance of handwritten distributed CPU and GPU programs that use the same runtime. The programs produced by Abelian for distributed CPUs are roughly 2.4× faster than those in the Gemini system, a third-party distributed CPU-only system, demonstrating that Abelian can manage heterogeneity and distributed-memory successfully while generating high-performance code.
2017 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 2017
The GraphBLAS C specification provisional release 1.0 is complete. To manage the scope of the project, we had to defer important functionality to a future version of the specification. For example, we are well aware that many algorithms benefit from an inspector-executor execution strategy. We also know that users would benefit from a number of standard predefined semirings as well as more general user-defined types. These and other features are described in this paper in the context of a future release of the GraphBLAS C API.
by Lie-Quan Lee In this thesis I present the Generic Graph Component Library (GGCL), a generic programming framework for graph data structures and graph algorithms. Following the theme of the Standard Template Library (STL), the graph algorithms in GGCL do not depend on the particular data structures upon which they operate, meaning a single algorithm can operate on arbitrary concrete representations of graphs. I describe the principal abstractions comprising the GGCL, the algorithms and data structures that it provides, and provide examples that demonstrate the use of GGCL to implement some common graph algorithms. Performance results are presented which demonstrate that the use of novel lightweight implementation techniques and static polymorphism in GGCL results in code which is significantly more efficient than similar libraries written using the objectoriented paradigm. To my father, my mother in memoriam, and my wife Yun
Large graphs involving millions of vertices are common in many practical applications and are challenging to process. Practical-time implementations using high-end computers are reported but are accessible only to a few. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) of today have high computation power and low price. They have a restrictive programming model and are tricky to use. The G80 line of Nvidia GPUs can be treated as a SIMD processor array using the CUDA programming model. We present a few fundamental algorithms-including breadth first search, single source shortest path, and all-pairs shortest path-using CUDA on large graphs. We can compute the single source shortest path on a 10 million vertex graph in 1.5 seconds using the Nvidia 8800GTX GPU costing $600. In some cases optimal sequential algorithm is not the fastest on the GPU architecture. GPUs have great potential as high-performance co-processors.
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, 2009
2019 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), 2019
In 2013, we released a position paper to launch a community effort to define a common set of building blocks for constructing graph algorithms in the language of linear algebra. This led to the GraphBLAS. We released a specification for the C programming language binding to the GraphBLAS in 2017. Since that release, multiple libraries that conform to the GraphBLAS C specification have been produced. In this position paper, we launch the next phase of this ongoing community effort: a project to assemble a set of high level graph algorithms built on top of the GraphBLAS. While many of these algorithms are well-known with high quality implementations available, they have not been assembled in one place and integrated with the GraphBLAS. We call this project the LAGraph graph algorithms project and with this position paper, we put out a call for collaborators to join us. While the initial goal is to just assemble these algorithms into a single framework, the long term goal is a library of production-worthy code, with the LAGraph library serving as an open source repository of verified graph algorithms that use the GraphBLAS.
2017 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), 2017
Existing GPU graph analytics frameworks are typically built from specialized, bottom-up implementations of graph operators that are customized to graph computation. In this work we describe Mini-Gunrock, a lightweight graph analytics framework on the GPU. Unlike existing frameworks, Mini-Gunrock is built from graph operators implemented with generic transform-based data-parallel primitives. Using this method to bridge the gap between programmability and high performance for GPU graph analytics, we demonstrate operator performance on scale-free graphs with an average 1.5x speedup compared to Gunrock's corresponding operator performance. Mini-Gunrock's graph operators, optimizations, and applications code have 10x smaller code size and comparable overall performance vs. Gunrock.
The Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) provide high computation power at a low cost and is an important compute accelerator with a massively multithreaded architecture. In this paper, we present fast implementations of common graph operations like breadth-first search, st-connectivity, single-source shortest path, all-pairs shortest path, minimum spanning tree, and maximum flow for undirected graphs on the GPU using the CUDA programming model. Our implementations exhibit high performance, especially on large graphs. We use two data-parallel programming methodologies for these algorithms. One is an iterative, mask-based approach that processes valid data elements like vertices and edges using independent threads for each. The other is a divide-and-conquer approach that reduces the problem into smaller problems that are handled later using the same approach. Parallel algorithms for such problems have been reported in the literature before, especially on supercomputers. The massively mul...
The increasing scale and wealth of inter-connected data, such as those accrued by social network applications, demand the design of new techniques and platforms to efficiently derive actionable knowledge from large-scale graphs. However, large real-world graphs are famously difficult to process efficiently. Not only they have a large memory footprint, but also most graph algorithms entail memory access patterns with poor locality, data-dependent parallelism and a low compute-to-memory access ratio. To complicate matters further, most real-world graphs have a highly heterogeneous node degree distribution, hence partitioning these graphs for parallel processing and simultaneously achieving access locality and load-balancing is difficult if not impossible.
Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, 2006
Many important applications are organized around long-lived, irregular sparse graphs (e.g., data and knowledge bases, CAD optimization, numerical problems, simulations). The graph structures are large, and the applications need regular access to a large, data-dependent portion of the graph for each operation (e.g., the algorithm may need to walk the graph, visiting all nodes, or propagate changes through many nodes in the graph). On conventional microprocessors, the graph structures exceed on-chip cache capacities, making main-memory bandwidth and latency the key performance limiters. To avoid this "memory wall," we introduce a concurrent system architecture for sparse graph algorithms that places graph nodes in small distributed memories paired with specialized graph processing nodes interconnected by a lightweight network. This gives us a scalable way to map these applications so that they can exploit the high-bandwidth and low-latency capabilities of embedded memories (e.g., FPGA Block RAMs). On typical spreadingactivation queries on the ConceptNet Knowledge Base, a sample application, this translates into an order of magnitude speedup per FPGA compared to a state-of-the-art Pentium processor.
The GraphBLAS standard ( is being developed to bring the potential of matrix-based graph algorithms to the broadest possible audience. Mathematically, the GraphBLAS defines a core set of matrix-based graph operations that can be used to implement a wide class of graph algorithms in a wide range of programming environments. This paper provides an introduction to the mathematics of the GraphBLAS. Graphs represent connections between vertices with edges. Matrices can represent a wide range of graphs using adjacency matrices or incidence matrices. Adjacency matrices are often easier to analyze while incidence matrices are often better for representing data. Fortunately, the two are easily connected by matrix multiplication. A key feature of matrix mathematics is that a very small number of matrix operations can be used to manipulate a very wide range of graphs. This composability of a small number of operations is the foundation of the GraphBLAS. A standard such as the GraphBLAS can only be effective if it has low performance overhead. Performance measurements of prototype GraphBLAS implementations indicate that the overhead is low.
2020 Proceedings of the SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing, 2020
SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS is a complete implementation of the GraphBLAS standard. It provides a powerful and expressive framework for creating graph algorithms based on the elegant mathematics of sparse matrix operations on a semiring. Algorithms written with the GraphBLAS achieve high performance with minimal development time. Multithreaded parallelism through OpenMP provides additional speedup, which we illustrate on a 20-core Intel ® Xeon ® E5-2698 CPU system when solving various problems (triangle counting, k-truss, breadth-first search, Bellman-Ford, local clustering coefficient, and a sparse deep neural network problem). This wide variety of algorithms illustrates the expressiveness of the GraphBLAS API to create new graph algorithms. We present performance results with these algorithms on a set of large real-world graphs, using the newly developed Suite-Sparse:GraphBLAS v3.0.1.
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