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2020, Journal of Advanced Guidance and Counseling
20 pages
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Purpose-The aim of this research was to recognize radically (deeply) the professionalism of Islamic spiritual guides. Method-This research used descriptive qualitative with the determination of informants using the model of snowball. The data analysis in this study used Creswell's theory of analysis ranging from data reduction, display, and to conclutions. Result-The results of this study indicate that a professional Islamic spiritual guide needs to meet three indicators in order to carry out counseling process optimally. The indicators of professionalism are relevant educational qualifications, expertise or qualified credibility, and finally the presence of payment commensurate with the quality of work. Meanwhile, the professionalism of Islamic spiritual guidance services is to pay attention to the time and material given to counselees so that they can display or provide Islamic spiritual guidance services professionally. Implications-The implication of this research is to improve performance professionally by absorbing the experts or specialists in the field of Islamic spiritual guidance. Originality-The originality of this study is that it is the first research model to apply the correlation research method with the LESKAP pattern.
JDMP (Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen Pendidikan), 2019
The purpose of this study was to determine the management of professional development of teachers in MTs NU Walisongo Sidoarjo and SMP Islam NU Walisongo. Method multikasus qualitative study design, data collection through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the research are: 1) planning of teacher professionalism has been running well, 2) the organization of teacher professionalism is maximal, internally already solid and compact, 3) implementation of teacher professionalism goes according to plan but should more focus and emphasis on the needs and competencies of teachers, 4) supervision of teacher professionalism is well done, but the results of the evaluation have not been followed up to the maximum, 5) program professional development of teachers has been started but have not had the training program of scientific writings (practice significantly) and innovation work teachers, 6) Related to the professionalism of teachers of both schools need to improve and work hard to ensure that all teachers are held to have academic qualifications, competence of teachers, teacher certification and teacher allowances decent. For the teacher, should constantly improve professionalism to Achieve professional teachers and prosperous
East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
This study aims to: 1) Analyze the Competence of Islamic Religious Instructors at the Office of the Ministry of Islamic Religion in Kapuas Regency, 2) Know the Efforts to Increase the Competence of Islamic Religious Instructors, 3) Analyze the supporting factors and inhibiting factors of the Competence of Islamic Religious Instructors in the Office of the Ministry of Religion of Kapuas Regency. The research was conducted with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation involving the State Civil Apparatus of the Office of the Ministry of Religion of Kapuas Regency, who served as Islamic Religious Extension (inform) and Head of the Kapuas Regency Office of the Ministry of Religion, Head of the Administrative sub-division, Head of the Islamic Community Guidance section of the Kapuas Regency Office of the Ministry of Religion. The results of this study indicate that: every Islamic Religious Instructor continuously nee...
Borneo Educational Journal (Borju), 2023
This research aims to determine the Perceptions of Students of the Islamic Religion Education Study Program on the Professionalism of Lecturers at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences, State Islamic University of Raden Fatah Palembang. In this research using qualitative methods, qualitative research. The results of the research show that the perceptions of students of the Islamic Religious Education Study Program towards Lecturer Professionalism at the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, reveal varying perceptions, between one student and another, because everyone who expresses perceptions critically is influenced by feelings, experiences, thinking abilities, and other aspects according to what is felt, then their perception can be revealed. On average according to students regarding the professionalism of lecturers in terms of lecturer pedagogic competence, of course there is no doubt from the scientific field, insight, educational foundation, but all of that cannot be denied that there are also some lecturers who do not apply their pedagogic competence as there are some lecturers who do not use media and methods varied learning so that lectures feel bored and monotonous.
SCHOULID: Indonesian Journal of School Counseling, 2017
This article will provide a new paradigm of thinking and practical in counseling, it based on the needs of counseling services that have been merely empirical and determinist counseling that still do not have a good influence in helping to solve problems that occur on social, cultural, political and education phenomena in this time. Moreover, when the government provides a new curriculum 2013 that lead to the formation of character like a soft skill competencies, which is very important at this time. With a variety of social and educational problems has pushed a writer to provide a new thinking and practical in counseling with a Sufism (mysticism) approached in counseling. In this case, the approach is to have a client through a station process (levels/maqam) into enlighten character and mind. Therefore, this article will discuss a Sufism approached (mysticism) in the process of counseling services as spiritual counseling.
Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 2014
The importance of taking into account spiritual management in organizations has attracted experts' attention. Spiritual management is an emerging phenomenon which helps managers in disturbed and turbulent periods as a persistent resource. Managers act to implement spiritual management in their organizations and in first step, managers' familiarity and action according to fundamentals of spiritual management is of primary importance so that they can found their organizational structures in accordance with defined patterns of humanity and moral values. Using religious references in interpretation of these fundamentals is concerned. Taking into account the significance of the principles, after collecting a questionnaire from 189 top and middle levels managers; it was revealed that although many of the managers consider their behavior as positive in accordance with aforesaid fundamentals, they failed in actuating and institutionalizing these principles in organization. Results showed that organizations success in achieving goals is not restricted to the application of motivating tools such as rewards and personnel require something more than such issues which are institutionalized by managers in the form of trustworthy, commitment, piety and etc. as components of spiritual management.
This research has two problems of study, both are (1) how is the process of implementing wali asuh counseling service program to create santri’s independent at Al Hasyimiyah Region of Nurul Jadid Islamic Institute Paiton Probolinggo (2) how is the result of implementing wali asuh counseling service program to create santri’s independent at Al Hasyimiyah Region of Nurul Jadid Islamic Institute Paiton Probolinggo. The researcher used qualitative research methods with a case study format. Qualitative data is obtained by interview, observation, and documentation. The results of this research are (1) Implementation of wali asuh counseling service program through seven services, namely orientation, information, placement and distribution, tutoring, individual counseling, group guidance, and group counseling. (2) While, the results of implementing this program through seven services of counseling are independent santri who have a religious, dynamic, and social personality.
KALAM- International Journal, 2021
The mosque is the focal point for fulfilling Muslims' spiritual, social, economic, and educational needs. Imams who discharge or perform their traditional duty to preside over the prayer as one of the primary spiritual duties, need to pay attention to the diverse needs of the Muslims in their respective areas. Among these, it is important to provide proper guidance on psychological challenges faced by the people of the community. Hence, the study was conducted to identify the role of imams in guiding Muslims to face psychological problems productively. Based on the previous literature, research articles, books and web articles related to the topic have been reviewed and the results were presented in the descriptive method. The major finding of this review is that as well as the imams concern about the various needs of Muslims, it is their duty to provide effective guidance regarding the psychological challenges faced by Muslim community members. This study will help create awareness on the importance of imams' role in providing necessary guidelines to successfully overcome the psychological challenges faced by community members at various levels.
EDUKASI : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (e-Journal), 2021
Professionalism is a matter of attitude towards the values that apply in the world of work. Professionalism is a condition or attitude manifested by individuals in carrying out their duties. In its implementation, it requires individual expertise as a result of learning from specific education or training. However, in today's reality, the Indonesian people have not put forward the values of professionalism in every work activity. So what happens is that various cases such as corruption and fraud occur. This study aims to analyze the attitude of professionalism and its relationship with prophetic values. This study uses qualitative research methods with data collection techniques through literature study. Qualitative research is a way of analysis to understand the meaning behind individuals or groups in personal or social problems. The research data were taken from various books, journals, and news articles to provide data on professional attitudes and prophetic values. The r...
Jurnal Keperawatan
Introduction: The supervision model commonly applied in nursing is the 4S model, namely the Structure, Skill, Support and Sustainability (4S) stages. This supervision model can be applied by the head of the room and the head of the shift as a supervisor in overseeing the implementation of Islamic spiritual nursing care in adult inpatient rooms. Purpose: to analyze the relationship between the role of the 4S supervisor model and the implementation of Islamic spiritual nursing care in adult inpatient rooms. Methods: the study used a cross sectional method. The sampling technique with a proportionate stratified random sampling was 62 nurses. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate analysis with Spearman test, and multivariate with logistic regression. Results: showed the role of the 4S supervisor model was good (88.7%), the implementation of Islamic nursing care was good category (52%), there was a relationship between the role of model supervision 4S with the implementation of Islami...
Journal of Religion and Health, 2014
A religious approach is one of the matters emphasized in counseling today. Many researchers find that there is a need to apply the religious element in counseling because religion is important in a client's life. The purpose of this research is to identify aspects of the Islamic approach applied in counseling clients by counselors at Pusat Kaunseling Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan (PKMAINS). In addition, this research also analyses the Islamic approach applied in counseling at PKMAINS with reference to al-Quran and al-Sunnah. This is a qualitative research in the form of case study at PKMAINS. The main method used in this research is interview. The research instrument used is interview protocol. The respondents in this study include 9 counselors who serve in one of the counseling centers in Malaysia. This study also uses questionnaire as an additional instrument, distributed to 36 clients who receive counseling service at the center. The findings of the study show that the Islamic approach applied in counseling at PKMAINS may be categorized into three main aspects: aqidah (faith), ibadah (worship/ ultimate devotion and love for God) and akhlaq (moral conduct). Findings also show that the counseling in these aspects is in line with Islamic teachings as contained in al-Quran and al-Sunnah.
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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
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Journal of Advanced Guidance and Counseling, 2021
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KONSELING RELIGI Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam , 2020
The journal of pastoral care & counseling : JPCC
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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Al-Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 2021