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The increased pressure to maintain high level of rice output for consumption has resulted in increased use of pesticides on rice fields in Malaysia. This study attempts to analyze the pesticide use on human health and on the environment. It focuses on the impact on the quality of paddy, water, farmers and biotic ecosystem. This study has been carried out in the paddy field areas of Sungai Burung and Sawah Sempadan in the state of Selangor. Some water and paddy samples are tested both in the laboratory and Green House using bioassay method in order to detect the residual content of pesticides and its effect on the growth of paddy. Besides laboratory observations, questionnaire interviews with 219 farmers were also conducted. The result shows that the use of pesticides harm the environment, plants, fishes, livestock and farmers. Consequently, more Integrated Pest Management (IPM) has to be made and to think of ways to overcome the hazardous problem of pesticides use before it is ecologically and socially getting worst in the future.
This article discusses the pesticide effects to the rice farmers’ health and to their environment in the Municipalities of Kolambugan and Maigo in the Province of Lanao del Norte, Mindanao, Philippines. Data were collected from randomly selected 100 rice farmers through one-on-one interviews between December 2013 and January 2014 using a semi-structured questionnaire to elicit demographic information, various aspects of farming life, types and extent of pesticides use, exposure means and manifestations of pesticide poisoning among the farmers. Reports showed that farmers were experiencing manifestations of pesticide poisoning which includes excessive sweating, skin allergies, severe dry throat, dizziness and headache. There were also serious nail problem reported by the respondents. Moreover, environmental effects were felt during the use of pesticides which includes air contamination, water contamination and occurence of dead small insects and animals in the farm.
In agriculture, the use of pesticide has been the dominant form of pest management since the 1950s to kill pest organisms including insects, weeds, fungi and nematodes. In recent times, use of pesticides in rice farming has increased rapidly and this scenario contributes significantly towards adverse effects on human health and environment. This study investigated types of pesticide and identified their hazards and potential risks used by rice farmers in the village of Permatang Keriang, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Pesticide use, pesticide formulation, groups, classes, major pests as well as pesticide risks and toxicity were examined. Forty selected rice farmers which represent 33% of the total rice farmer population were interviewed based on 40 questions.
Field Crops Research, 1997
Impact of pesticides on farmer health and the rice environment I Prabhu L. Pingali and Pierre A. Roger. p. cm.-(Natural resource management and policy) Includes bibllographical references and index. ISBN 0-7923-9522-O (pbk.).-ISBN O-7923-9521-2 (hb.) 1. Toxicology-Philippines. 2. Toxicology-Asia. 3. Pesticides-Environmental aspects-Philippines. 4. Pesticides-Environmental aspects-Asia.
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management, 2014
Nowadays, pesticides are used pervasively in Asian rice production areas. Nonetheless, information is scarce regarding chemicals' application and synergistic toxicity and longer-term impacts on paddy ecosystems. In Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya and Ang Tong (AT) provinces, 40 conventionally and 31 organically managed farms were visited. The farmers provided information on types and levels of pesticides used, and indices describing pesticide 'toxic exposures' were calculated. In the dry and wet seasons, the fields were surveyed for soil organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen (N) and rice densities and sizes. Using multivariate statistics, interrelationships among variables were investigated. Overall, 12 types of herbicides (all synthetic), 27 insecticides (13 natural), and 6 molluscicides (1 natural) were recorded. Pesticide exposures differed between provinces; organic farms used more natural products. OC was positively correlated with 'toxic exposure' levels, probably resulting from effects of pesticides on carbon-reducing processes. Additionally, molluscicides and herbicides explained OC levels. N varied spatially, probably resulting from flooding regimes; management influences were unnoticeable. In the dry season, rice growth was decreased on fields exposed to plentiful synthetic insecticides, whereas in the wet season, use of herbicides and molluscicides enhanced the growth. Further research is advisable to better establish long-term costs and benefits of different pesticide regimes in rice fields.
Effective pesticide handling consist of safe, effective procedures and responsible for pesticide use can help protect the farmer, water supplies and environments. The farmers had poor knowledge about pesticide toxicity and the majority of farmers did not use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The objective of this study are to identify the implementation of PPE on the procedure and to determine the knowledge of farmer on pesticides handling. The questionnaire on handling practices among farmers is conducted at Sg. Rambai, Merlimau, Malacca on 58 respondents. Based on the results, the implementation ofPPE is according to the procedure but the farmers are not fully equipped with PPE. Meanwhile, farmers with experience from 11 until 15 years showed high knowledge on pesticides handling. In conclusion, experience and knowledge affect the awareness and handling of pesticides by the farmers in paddy field. The background of the studies was referred to the gender, age, year o...
Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 2001
The so-called Green Revolution package was introduced into Bangladesh agriculture system in mid 1960s. It promised to increase production of cereal crops, particularly rice by the introduction of HYV seeds, application of chemical fertilizer and pesticide, and irrigation. HYVs rice has contributed significantly to the progress towards the food self sufficiency in Bangladesh on the contrary increased to the environmental degradation due to the intensive use of agrochemical and other modern technology. The use of pesticide has been increased 400% per acre and its cost increased 600% during the last couple of decades. Between 1985 and 1990 the sales of pesticide became double. At present, 84 pesticides active ingredients belonging to 242 trade names have been registered in Bangladesh. Out of the total pesticide use, over 80% are used in rice fields. The rapid increase of pesticide use is causing detrimental effect on environment and health of farm workers and consumers. Pesticides are contaminating ground and surface water, which is causing depletion of inland fishing resources and ecosystem. Therefore, the present study evaluates the level of farmers' pesticide use practiced to rice pest control, their knowledge and perception of the impact of pesticides on environment. A questionnaire survey has been conducted to collect the data from the farmers. Data have been collected from 86 rice farmers of Bangladesh. The study revealed that the respondent farmers used mostly insecticides at the rate of 1 to 10 kg active ingredients per hectare of cropland and the time of application varied from 1 to 4 sprays per crops. The richer farmers used pesticide more frequently as compared to small and medium farmers. But most of the pesticides belong to extremely and highly hazardous category as classified by WHO. Considering the cropping intensity and toxicity of the pesticide, the environment and farmers health are at high risk under the pesticides contamination. The average level of knowledge and perception of the respondents was found poor to moderate. In general the respondents showed favorable attitude towards the pesticide use. Among the insecticides used by the farmers, Bashudin 10 G, Diazinon 60 EC, Sumithion 60 EC and Padan 50 SP have already been banned for use on rice in other developing countries. The use and availability of Bashudin, an obsolete pesticides indicates that existing pesticide laws and regulations are not strictly enforced in relation to import, formulation, repackaging, distribution, advertising and use of pesticides. Therefore, in Bangladesh the laws and regulations of pesticide should be enforced more strictly Article and a new policy should be enacted to educate the farmers regarding the harmful impacts of pesticides. There is an urgent need to assess the impact of pesticides on human health and pollution level of pesticides in soil, water, and air in Bangladesh.
The recent trend of Pesticide use is accelerating for agricultural production purposes. Its importance is immense for controlling pests in developing countries like Bangladesh. But the imprudent application is increasing at an alarming rate due to which environmental degradation is increasing, which is not still under investigation. Despite the various pest control methods, chemical pesticides (hereafter pesticides) are more popular among Bangladeshi farmers because of their low cost and rapid action. The continuous popularity of pesticides application adversely affects the environment, and eventually, human throughout the country. Hence a systematic review was initiated utilizing the secondary information to overview the hazardous impact or prevailed pollution due to the application of pesticides in the context of the environment, related organisms, and human health. The analysis revealed that pollution-related problem arises mostly due to the unregulated use of pesticides. Therefore, excessive pesticide usage such as pollutes the air, soil, and water and kills non-target organisms, causing an ecological imbalance. Lack of protection exposes farmers to acute illnesses, toxic compounds in the food cycle, and the mass population to chronic health issues. Thus, to minimize pesticides' environmental, and health effects, concerns should be given on the judicious application of pesticides, raising awareness regarding pesticide use. Policymakers should focus on raising awareness regarding the use of pesticides, implementing effective pesticide usage laws at the root level, optimizing reasonable use, participatory program implementation for farmers' training, good governance and regulatory mechanisms, frequent inspection at the field level, and appropriate actions and strategies for promoting eco-friendly methods.
In recent times, use of pesticides in rice farming has increased rapidly and this scenario contributes significantly towards adverse effects on human health and environment. In this context, this study aims to assess the farmers' knowledge level on pest management practices and socioeconomic factors influencing the existing pest management practices. Therefore, a well-designed questionnaire was developed to collect the data regarding the socioeconomic characteristics of farmers, pesticide usage in paddy production and knowledge level of pest management. Primary data were collected from farmers in Sammanthurai Divisional Secretariat area in Ampara District by means of a questionnaire survey among randomly selected 80 households during the period of February to April, 2017. Farming experience and social participation were positive and significantly contributed to farmers' knowledge on safe pesticide use. Education, income, age and family size of farmers had showed no relationship with the knowledge level of pest management. Increased social participation and, effective extension programmes are important to improve farmers' knowledge on proper use of pesticides and its effect on their health and environment.
Proceedings of the 9th YSF symposium 2020, 2020
According to the preliminary survey that has been conducted in Sungai Lintang Village, West Kayu Aro Sub-district, Kerinci Regency, farmers do not use pesticide as follows in the pesticide tag / packaging, so it is estimated to be happened of residual disposition in the soil and will affect the environment. The aim of this research is (1) To find out whether there are pesticide residue in the soil or not due to the pesticide usage on plants (2) To describe how is the effect of pesticide usage on soil damage in the agricultural land (3) To describe how is the effect of pesticide usage on deterioration on farmers’ life quality. (4) To describe is the effect of pesticide usage on agricultural output and income. This research used quantitative approach and descriptive research type. This research worked with three hypotheses: (1) There is a significant effect between pesticide usage with the soil damage on agricultural land, (2) There is a significant effect between pesticide usage with...
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Journal of Agricultural Extension, 2019
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research
Applied and Environmental Soil Science
Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2024
Journal of Ecobiotechnology, 2017
Journal of Health and Environmental Research, 2016
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2018, 2022
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Gaceta Sanitaria, 2021
International Journal For Research In Applied Science & Engineering Technology, 2020
Research in Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries