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T Te er rb bi it ta an n E Ed da ar ra an n: : N Na aq qs sy ya ab ba an nd di i A Ak ka ad de em mi i Q Qu ur ra an n S Su un nn na ah h H Ha ad di it ts s M Ma ar rk ka az zi i K Kh ha an nq qa ah h A Ab bu ul l-K Kh ha al li il li iy yy ya ah h N Na aq qs sy ya ab ba an nd di iy yy ya ah h M Mu uj ja ad dd di id di iy yy ya ah h M Ma ad dr ra as sa ah h U Ul lu ul l ' 'A Az zm mi i, , K Ka am mp pu un ng g S Se ep pa ak ka at t, , W Wi ir ra a D Da am ma ai i B Ba at tu u C Ca av ve es s, , G Go om mb ba ak k, , S Se el la an ng go or r D Da ar ru ul l E Eh hs sa an n 1 14 43 35 5/ /2 20 01 14 4
Perbankan menjadi penting dalam perekonomian negara karena menjadi salah satu tempat perputaran uang dan modal. Semakin besar perputaran uang ini diarahkan untuk investasi semakin besar pengaruh positifnya terhadap tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat dan ekonomi negara pada umumnya.
Aqlam: Journal of Islam and Plurality, 2018
Many Muslims in the Riau Islands do not know the history of the development of Islamic theory from the center of power to spread to various corners. This is as the existence of the Great Mosque of Raja Haji Abdul Ghani (MBRHAG) on Buru Island, Karimun. Thus, to uncover the existence of this mosque, qualitative research methods are used so that history, architecture, and socio-religious functions can be known. Based on the results of the study it was concluded that the establishment of MBRHAG was initiated by Raja Haji Abdul Ghani. He was the first Amir (sub-district level government) of the kingdom of Riau-Lingga on Buru Island, in the 19th century. The architecture is a Chinese. Therefore, on the right side of this mosque is around 200 m, there is also the Sam Po Teng Temple and the Tri Dharma Dewa Bumi. Thus, the close location of the mosque with Chinese and Confucian worship houses's shows a harmonious relationship between Malay Muslims and Chinese Buddhists. In fact, in the continuation of this relationship there was information that a Chinese Buddhist had joined a Muslim friend to fast for half a month of Ramadan.
Wadi’ah yang diperaktikkan dalam LKS ada dua macam, yaitu wadi’ah amanah dan jaminan (dhamanah). Biasanya LKS mengenakan biaya administrasi terkait pendaftaran barang titipan di LKS. Selain itu, ada biaya penjagaan terhadap barang wadi’ah barang berharga, surat berharga, dokumen- dokumen penting dan barang lain yang bernilai dan membutuhkan penjagaan dan perawatan khusus. Berdasarkan biaya-biaya ini, maka apa bila terjadi kehilangan, kerusakan atau kemusnahan walaupun tanpa sengaja. Apabila LKS menggunakan barang titipan seperti uang untuk perniagaan atau untuk usaha lain, maka LKS wajib mengembalikan sepenuhnya uang wadi’ah yang telah digunakan itu kepada pemilik.1 Wadi’ah dhamanah berbeda dengan wadi’ah amanah. Dalam wadhi’ah amanah, pada prinsipnya harta titipan tidak boleh dimanfaatkan oleh yang di titipi. Sementara itu, dalam hal wadi’ah dhamanah, pihak yang dititipi (bank) bertanggung jawab atas keutuhan harta titipan sehingga ia boleh memanfaatkan barang titipan tersebut.2 Ada dua bentuk wadi’ah dalam praktik perbankan islam, yaitu: 1) Rekening sementara; 2) Rekening simpanan. Bank islam tidak mempunyai banyak peluang untuk menggunakan uang dalam rekening sementara karena pemegang rekening boleh mengeluarkan uangnya, kapan saja dengan menggunakan cek. Karena itu, bank islam boleh mengenakan bayaran atas rekening sementara sebagai upah simpanan. Ada dua jenis pendanaan dengan prinsip wadi’ah, yaitu giro wadi’ah dan tabungan wadi’ah
PT. MAYORA Adalah Perusahaan industry/jasa yang bergerak di bidang produk konsumen industri makanan maupun minuman olahan , yang di didirikan di Jakarta pada tahun 17 februari 1997 yang berkantor pusat di JABODETABEK . Perusahaan ini telah tercatat di bursa efek Jakarta sejak tanggal 4 juli 1990. Saat ini mayoritas kepemilikan sahamnya di miliki oleh PT Unita Branindo sebanyak 32,93%. Pabrik berada di wilayah Jawa , Bali , dan Sumatra .
Tugas Mk. Epistema Ilmu Sosial (Telaah Paradigma Desertasi)
Sejarah peradaban Islam, membahas tentang Kerajaan-Kerajaan besar Islam pada masanya.
This study was based on the realization that, the students are people who are steeped in the teachings of Islam. With that being religious teachings they learned, it will make intelligent students of spiritually. Spiritual intelligence possessed of students is expected to shape the personality of students. Issues raised in this study is the relationship between spiritual intelligence with personality students of al-Hidayah Boarding School in Karangsuci Purwokerto. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between spiritual intelligence with personality Al Hidayah Boarding School students Karangsuci Purwokerto or not. This type of research is a field research with quantitative approach to examine the population or a particular sample. The sample was 111 students. Data collection techniques used in this study are observations, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. While data analysis is by using Product Moment Correlation analysis. Based on the research conducted, the conclusion about the relationship between spiritual intelligence with personalitystudents of Al Hidayah Boarding School Karangsuci Purwokerto, namely 1) The calculation result obtained Rxy around 0,729 or (Rxy = 0.729). 2) The result of that has been found (Rxy = 0,729) then consulted with the value of r table (rt) contained in the table of product moment. It can be known by using the test significance level of 5% and 1%. 3) test significance level of 5% were Rxy value greater than the value of rt or (0.729 > 0.195). Test significant level of 1% Rxy is greater than the value of rt or (0.729 > 0.256). The authors propose the hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, Ha, which reads " There is Relationship Between Spiritual Intelligence With Boarding School Pupils personality AlHidayah Karangsuci Purwokerto " is acceptable as truth.
Ultisol soil is a less fertile soil characterized by low soil fertility rate, high acidity with pH<5, high Al saturation. This land has an area of 25% of the total land area of Indonesia. Riau Island is one of the provinces dominated by Ultisol land, so many land is not productive to use as agricultural land. This research was conducted to look at the characteristics of red soil in the agricultural land in Batam City after mixed with organic material in this case which is used is goat manure and chicken manure. From the results of research, the addition of goat manure and chicken manure that is incubated for 30 days can already give changes to the physical and chemical character of the soil, such as soil becoming more loose, having higher water content, increasing soil C organic, Nitorgen, P2O5, K, Mg, and Mn, able to reduce Fe levels in the soil. The addition of chicken manure can increase the available of Phosphate, gives K, Mg, and Mn higher than compared mixing blanko with go...
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