The People’s Show: Promoting Critical Response

1986, The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education

An uhi b Hlon of a rtw ork don e by l o~a l artists was sponsored by a mi d'",esern uni ver s i ty gall ery t o promote grea ter COlTlT1uni t y In vo 1 vement. I t was open to a ll art is ts and all mt: dia for a small entrance f ee. A qu est lonn aire of prov oca t i ve ca tegories was given out at the operling to elicit spe c tat or r eactions to t he work and to help t hem vote. They were asked to decid e which wo rk s but represente<l the part icular categor ies, Respons es to the sho .... were mos tly positive: however, certa in art .... orks evoked muc h cont r oversy and publicity. TwO ar twork s , bor de r i ng on the pornographi c , r ais ed t he queHion: Is a rt a ny t hing one can get away with? The oress and puo l te valued the work for Its s hoc k e f fect. Acacemla remain ed silen t whi Ch ra i sed another question: W hat is the r ole of art departments and a rt educators In consi d ering the ethical dimension of art , to separate the schlock from the shOCk?