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Software testing is a critical phase after specification, design & coding. Software testing is the process of the software quality assurance & represents ultimate product review. It is very important for developing error free functionality & correctness of software for client requirement. Software testing is one of the phase of SDLC to ensure free & quality Software. Here we present a review about different phases of software testing.
Testing is a task, which is performed to check the quality of the software and also this process is done for the improvement in software at the same time. Software testing is just testing software for the purpose of checking whether the behavior of the software is correctly working or not according to the user expectations. For knowing the full details of any software development there is a concept of software development life cycle (SDLC) which describes all the stages of the software development. There are various phases i.e., Analysis (ideation), Requirements (Documentation), Design, Development (implementation), Testing, Deployment (release), maintenance which is used to actual development of software according to the users requirement. The main goal of the software development life cycle is to provide error free software and fulfill the user’s expectations within the time limit. Testing of any software is basically a process which is used to assist in recognizing the completene...
—Software testing is a process conducted by the tester to give proper information about the quality of the software. It is a method which provides aids to reduce bugs and maintenance costs of the software .It provides a conceptual view of the software to allow the business to acknowledge and determine the risks of the software implementation. It includes different types of techniques and tools to recognize the bugs or errors in the software. These techniques were evolving from the last decade which generates possible test cases and hence improve the quality of the software. The main aim of the testing process is to produce reliable software by removing defects of the software.
Software testing is one of the most important phase of software development life cycle. No one can underestimate the importance of software testing process on software quality assurance. Organization pays 40 % of its efforts on testing process. A powerful testing technique results in reduced software development cost and time and improved performance. That is why choosing an appropriate testing technique is very important. In this paper we have discussed various testing approaches and methods, their peculiarities and finally discussed functional and non-functional testing.
Software testing is one of the most important phase of software development life cycle. No one can underestimate the importance of software testing process on software quality assurance. Organization pays 40% of its efforts on testing process. A powerful testing technique results in reduced software development cost and time and improved performance. That is why choosing an appropriate testing technique is very important. In this paper we have discussed various testing approaches and methods, their peculiarities and finally discussed functional and non-functional testing.
Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. Software testing is the process of testing the functionality and correctness of software by running it. Software testing is usually performed for one of two reasons: defect detection, and reliability estimation. The problem of applying software testing to defect detection is that software can only suggest the presence of flaws, not their absence (unless the testing is exhaustive). The problem of applying software testing to reliability estimation is that the input distribution used for selecting test cases may be flawed. The key to software testing is trying to find the modes of failure-something that requires exhaustively testing the code on all possible inputs. Software Testing, depending on the testing method employed, can be implemented at any time in the development process.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015
Software testing is the most critical phase of the Software Development Life Cycle. Software under test goes through various phases, which as per the study are test analysis; test planning, test case/data/environment preparation, test execution, bug logging and tracking and closure. There is lot of research which has been done in past to optimize overall testing process with intent of improving quality of software in a minimum amount of time. After evaluating all available testing processes it has been found that different development models are used for different types of applications and different testing techniques are performed to test the same. Based on the research during the study of this paper, it has been analyzed that each company modifies their testing process as per the needs and performs testing based on the criticality of the applications. The most critical components of each application have to be tested thoroughly to ensure their functional, performance and security features are behaving as expected. This paper talks about ensuring the quality of all types of software applications by performing certain types of testing techniques and optimized software testing processes. As per the study and research done testing types can be categorized under three major testing techniques which are Functional, Performance and Security Testing and major software testing process called as Analysis, Preparation and Execution and closure.
IAEME, 2019
Programming testing is the stage which makes programming as usable quality scholarly amount. Programming testing under experiences distinctive stages. The accompanying stages according to the examination are investigation test, test arranging, experiment or test information or test condition creation, test execution, bugs logging, following and test strategy. Past research has been improved the situation advance test process in nature of programming. All accessible testing forms incorporate distinctive advancement models and diverse programming testing procedures are performed. Each organization chooses their testing procedure dependent on the basic condition of the applications each organization selects their testing procedure. The security, execution and utilitarian parts are most basic in every application these are altogether to be tried and carrying on obviously. This paper will clarify and guaranteeing about programming applications quality to do enhanced testing forms. The real programming testing systems are Security, Performance and Functional are handled by Analysis, Preparation and Execution will be finished up.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2010
Software testing is an activity which is aimed for evaluating quality of a program and also for improving it, by identifying defects and problems. Software testing strives for achieving its goals (both implicit and explicit) but it does have certain limitations, still testing can be done more effectively if certain established principles are be followed. In spite of having limitations, software testing continues to dominate other verification techniques like static analysis, model checking, and proofs. So it is indispensable to understand the goals, principles and limitations of software testing so that the effectiveness of software testing could be maximized.
From previous year researches, it is concluded that testing is playing a vital role in the development of the software product. As, software testing is a single approach to assure the quality of the software so most of the development efforts are put on the software testing. But software testing is an expensive process and consumes a lot of time. So, testing should be start as early as possible in the development to control the money and time problems. Even, testing should be performed at every step in the software development life cycle (SDLC) which is a structured approach used in the development of the software product. Software testing is a tradeoff between budget, time and quality. Now a day, testing becomes a very important activity in terms of exposure, security, performance and usability. Hence, software testing faces a collection of challenges.
Abstract: Software testing provides a means to minimize errors, cut maintenance and decrease overall software costs. Different software development and testing methodologies, tools, and techniques have emerged to enhance software quality. At each and every phase of software development life cycle testing is performed with different tools and techniques. One of the major problems within software testing area is how to get a suitable set of cases to test a software system. The software should assure maximum effectiveness with the least possible number of test cases. At present there are many testing techniques available for generating test cases.
International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 2019
Software Testing is the process of evaluating a software program to ensure that it performs its intended purpose. Software testing verifies the safety, reliability, and correct working of the software. The growing need for quality software makes software testing a crucial stage in Software Development Lifecycle. There are many methods of testing software, however, the choice of method to test a given software remains a major problem in software testing. Although, it is often impossible to find all errors in software, employing right combination of methods will make software testing efficient and successful. Knowing these software testing methods is the key to making right selection. This paper presents a comprehensive study of software testing methods. An explanation of Testing Categories was presented first, followed by Testing Levels (and their comparison), then Testing Techniques (and their comparison). For each Testing Levels and Testing Techniques, examples of some testing type...
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012
Software Testing is an important area of research in the field of software engineering because it is the deciding factor for successful project release and directly proportion to software quality and reliability. A lot of research has been already done in this field, likely to be leveraged in future as software has become integral part of each and every domain to make it faster, easier and smarter. Software testing is regarded as the most important phase of software development process, as without testing it is impossible to diagnose errors. This paper explains the phases, principles and limitations of software testing. We tried to accumulate principles after detailed analysis of phases of testing, based on available methodologies, users involved & importance of software testing. All the terms which are considered as building blocks of software testing are discussed in this paper to enhance the overall quality of a system and to ensure successful project release.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2006
The development of large software systems is a complex and error prone process. Faults might occur at any development stage and they must be identified and removed as early as possible to stop their propagation and reduce verification costs. Quality engineers must be involved in the development process since the very early phases to identify required qualities and estimate their impact on the development process. Their tasks span over the whole development cycle and go beyond the product deployment through maintenance and post mortem analysis. Developing and enacting an effective quality process is not a simple task, but it requires that we integrate many quality-related activities with product characteristics, process organization, available resources and skills, and budget constraints. This paper discusses the main characteristics of a good quality process, then surveys the key testing phases and presents modern functional and model-based testing approaches.
— Software testing is an activity which is aimed for evaluating quality of a program and also for improving it, by identifying defects and problems. Software testing strives for achieving its goal (both implicit and explicit) but it has certain limitations, still testing can be done more effectively if certain established principles are to be followed. In spite of having limitations, software testing continues to dominate other verification techniques like static analysis, model checking and proofs. So it is indispensable to understand the goals, principles and limitations of software testing so that the effectiveness of software testing could be maximized.
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2021
Software testing is a process of evaluating the developed software against the actual requirements from the customer. Software development methodology has transformed based on numerous driving factors over decades and so is the software testing methodologies. Software remains inevitable in rapid growth of technologies in various fields like academy, medicine, media, safety, agriculture, robotics, gaming, aviation, national defence etc., In this paper, the existing and emerging trends, techniques, and issues of software testing are discussed based on the technologies.
Software testing is as old as the hills in the history of digital computers. The testing of software is an important means of assessing the software to determine its quality. Since testing typically consumes 40~50% of development efforts, and consumes more effort for systems that require higher levels of reliability, it is a significant part of the software engineering. With the development of Fourth generation languages (4GL), which speeds up the implementation process, the proportion of time devoted to testing increased. As the amount of maintenance and upgrade of existing systems grow, significant amount of testing will also be needed to verify systems after changes are made [12]. Despite advances in formal methods and verification techniques, a system still needs to be tested before it is used. Testing remains the truly effective means to assure the quality of a software system of non-trivial complexity [13], as well as one of the most intricate and least understood areas in software engineering [19]. Testing, an important research area within computer science is likely to become even more important in the future.
International Journal of Soft Computing
In recent years, software testing is becoming more popular and important in the software development industry. Indeed, software testing is a broad term encircling a variety of activities along the development cycle and beyond, aimed at different goals. Hence, software testing research faces a collection of challenges. A consistent roadmap of most relevant challenges is proposed here. In it, the starting point is constituted by some important past achievements, while the destination consists of two major identified goals to which research ultimately leads, but which remains as reachable as goals. The routes from the achievements to the goals are paved by outstanding research challenges, which are discussed in the paper along with the ongoing work. Software testing is as old as the hills in the history of digital computers. The testing of software is an important means of assessing the software to determine its quality. Since testing typically consumes 40~50% of development efforts, and consumes more effort for systems that require higher levels of reliability, it is a significant part of the software engineering Software testing is a very broad area, which involves many other technical and non-technical areas, such as specification, design and implementation, maintenance, process and management issues in software engineering. Our study focuses on the state of the art in testing techniques, as well as the latest techniques which representing the future direction of this area. Today, testing is the most challenging and dominating activity used by industry, therefore, improvement in its effectiveness, both with respect to the time and resources, is taken as a major factor by many researchers The purpose of testing can be quality assurance, verification, and validation or reliability estimation. It is a tradeoff between budget, time and quality. Software Quality is the central concern of software engineering. Testing is the single most widely used approach to ensuring software quality.
Journal of Systems Management, 1990
Computer software is a major component of an information system (IS) whose reliability is critical to the performance of an organization. The reliability of an IS has four facets people, hardware, software and data. Among these four facets, the reliability of software is a joint responsibility of computer science and information system professionals; the former handles technical software and the latter application software. Regardless of the types of software involved, the reliability of software must be achieved through a continuous effort of planning, analysis, design, programming, testing, installation and maintenance. To quote an old sage, "Quality is built in, not added on." Studies have shown that most of the system errors detected during the testing phase originate in the early analysis phase. 2 Therefore, software testing should start early in the system development process. A system development process today may come in many different forms. Depending on the structure of the intended system, a system development life cycle (SDLC) process 6 or a prototyping process 2,7,13 or a mixture of both 4 can be followed. An SDLC process typically is applied to a system with clear requirements definitions, well structured processing and reporting, and a long and stable life expectancy. On the other hand, a prototyping process is suitable for a system of ambiguous or incomplete requirements with ad hoc reporting capability, or of a transient life span with ever-changing requirements. It may be used along with an SDLC process to shorten the development time required by a project adopting the SDLC process. The scope of this article is to discuss the software testing process and test activities in a large system project following the SDLC approach. The test process and activities discussed herein is complete and rigorous. Its principles can be applied to a project of any size and using any system development approach,. be it an SDLC a prototyping, ware acquisition or a spiral development and enhancement 4 approach.
Testing a software is a complex issue. This Paper attempts to provide details on the field software Testing Techniques. Software Testing provides a way to find the bugs and errors in a software by analysing a software item to detect the differences between existing and required conditions. It also means to find the various errors that occur in the software because of which the software is not able to give the correct output. There are various software testing tools & techniques to evaluate the system. The major issue within software testing field is to detect bugs. There are various techniques available for testing software.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2013
Software testing is a process of providing information that a software application or program meets the business and technical requirements that guided its design and development; and works as expected. Regardless of the environment (i.e. Structured or Object Oriented), software testing can also identifies important defects, flaws, or errors in the application code that must be fixed. Quality control involves the maintenance of quality in a product, particularly by comparing the performance of a product with a set of specifications. This paper introduces some basic knowledge regarding to software testing. The paper provides some new model that could improve quality of software testing as a mean to increase the overall quality of the product.
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