Marguerite Porete : Between Language and Mysticism

2024, International Congress on Medieval Studies


When considering the works of Medieval mystics, the Beguines stand out as a lay order that thrived undermarginalization by the Catholic church. Their practice, centered in northern France and the Low Countries,encapsulates the collective conscience of the Free Spirit movement and the theological inquiries of Hildegard von Bingen, Mechthild von Madgeburg, and Meister Eckhart. The condemned heretic Marguerite Porete, a woman who proposed the possibility of a direct line to God two hundred years before the Protestant reform, and her work, "Le Mirouer des simples âmes anienties et qui seulement demeurent en vouloir et désir d'amour" consider the spiritual endeavors of the Middle Ages as well as ecclesiastical norms made to be broken. This study aims to determine the linguistic and cultural importance of Marguerite Porete’s "Mirouer des simples âmes" which condemned its authoress to burn at the stake for her heretical presuppositions. Did Marguerite Porete's linguistic tendencies affect the content of her treatise? Are her syntax and word choice exemplary of the period, or subtly subversive within the context of 13th century religious texts? An analysis of terminology as well as linguistic markers will constitute the bulk of this study, with the hypothesis that an experimental linguistic style will reflect an experimental philosophical or theoretical content. The methodology used is a case study analysis of intratextual excerpts of the manuscript to determine their linguistic and (when appropriate) literary value as “ordinary” examples of Middle French versus a more pronounced “experimental” use of grammar and vocabulary, including the presence or absence of grammatical gender, word order, and dialectical or Latinate phraseology. With the understanding no standardization of French existed at the time, a self-standardization in the form of linguistic tendencies of the author/translator is used to determine the linguistic validity of the excerpts.