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Abstract. In the field of psychology resilience of the chronically ill has been studied mostly using quantitative research methods, but there are much fewer qualitative studies. This scoping review aims to collect definitions of resilience, find out, whether resilience development strategies are mentioned and what research approaches are used in qualitative studies about the resilience of the chronically ill. The review was conducted, following the 5-stage framework by Arksey and O’Malley, PRISMA guidelines, and searching in PubMed, PsychInfo, and Scopus databases. The main keywords (patients with chronic illness, resilience, strategies, qualitative studies) were selected according to the Participants/ Concept/Context (PCC) framework, 21 articles were included in the review. Resilience mostly was defined as the ability to recover, return to normality, and adapt to new conditions after experiencing stress, illness, or other negative events. In several studies, other terms like coping...
The doctoral thesis “Prevalence and reduction possibilities of resistant Escherichia coli in pigs” by Daiga Gāliņa was carried out during the period from 2014 to 2022 at the Institute of Food and Environmental Hygiene of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LLU) and at the Division of Molecular Biology and Microbiology of the Research Laboratory of Biotechnology of LLU. The study was carried out into three activities – one of them was dedicated to find out the prevalence of resistant E. coli in pigs in Latvia, while the other two were to reduction possibilities of resistance. In the first activity, 615 samples of pig feces were collected from seven pig breeding farms in the Republic of Latvia. Subsequently, a bacteriological examination of the samples was carried out – 615 commensal Escherichia coli were isolated and their antibiotic resistance was determined. All of the obtained faecal samples of pigs were tested for the presence of extended spectrum beta-lactam...
Tanaman kembang sungsang (Gloriosa superba L.) merupakan tanaman asli daratan asia dan afrika yang diketahui mengandung senyawa kolkisin. Senyawa bernilai penting dalam ilmu pemuliaan tanaman yaitu untuk menginduksi tanaman poliploid. Kandungan kolkisin tertinggi terdapat pada biji kembang sungsang yaitu sekitar 1,32% atau 2-5 kali lebih banyak dibandingkan di dalam umbi. Sawi merupakan keluarga suku Brassicaceae yang banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia untuk keperluan konsumsi. Tanaman sawi (B. juncea L) memiliki beberapa kelebihan yaitu : umur yang pendek (Annual), benihnya mudah berkecambah, dan pembudidayaannya tidak rumit, sehingga cocok dijadikan objek penelitian poliploidi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Februari hingga Juni 2015 di Laboratorium Botani FMIPA Universitas Lampung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan konsentrasi ekstrak biji kembang sungsang (G. superba L.), lama perendaman, dan interaksi kedua perlakuan yang optimum untuk menghasilkan pertumbuhan terb...
Kopsavilkums Rakstā tiek aplūkota Eduarda Veidenbauma darba par mehāniku saistība ar viņa pārējo radošo darbību. Šī problemātika ir saistīta ar plašāku jautājumu par Veidenbauma ideju savstarpēju iekļaušanos vienotā uzskatu sistēmā. Veidenbauma radošā darbība ir fragmentāra un aptver vairākas jomas-no dzejas līdz dabaszinātnēm, jurisprudencei un sociālpolitiskiem pārspriedumiem. Ja idejas nav saistītas, tad visi šie darbi ir jāaplūko neatkarīgi. Ja ir saistītas, problemātiska kļūst to apvienošana vienā sistēmā. Raksta autori aplūko abus scenārijus. Raksta centrā ir Veidenbauma iespējamās filozofijas neeksplicētās nostādnes. Ja šīs nostādnes tiek adekvāti izgaismotas, Veidenbauma uzskatus ir iespējams tematizēt ne tikai vēsturiskā, bet arī ideju vēstures vai plašāku humanitāro zinātņu diskusiju kontekstā. Raksta autori savās sadaļās izvērš trīs skatījumus uz Veidenbauma darbību. Pirmais attiecas uz Veidenbauma likteņa un gribas problemātiku. Vai optimistiskie Veidenbauma raksti ir sasaistāmi ar pesimistisko dzeju? Risinājums, kas ļautu apvienot Veidenbauma radošo darbību vienā sistēmā, tiek meklēts stojas un Šopenhauera filozofijas nostādnēs, nošķirot divas likteņa izpratnes-liktenis kā stingra noteiktība dabā un kā indivīda dzīves plāns. Otrā sadaļa, akcentējot vēstures pētniecības pieeju problemātiku, pievēršas Veidenbauma darbības vēsturiskajam aspektam, aplūkojot dzejnieka dzīves apstākļus Tērbatā. Balstoties Veidenbauma tekstos un laikabiedru atmiņās, var parādīt, ka Veidenbaums savos uzskatos nav bijis koherents. Dzejnieka pārdomās iezīmējas vismaz divi savstarpēji pretrunīgi motīvi, kuri izpaužas kā pesimistiski skaudrais pasaules redzējums dzejā un cerība uz racionāli iekārtotu, mehanizētu nākotnes sabiedrību. Pēdējā sadaļa aplūko Veidenbauma rakstu par mehāniku un politisko darbu saistību. Ja šī saistība tiek pierādīta, var runāt par īpaša veida Veidenbauma humānismu. Šo tēzi izvēršot plašāk, Veidenbauma uzskatus var aplūkot arī 20. gadsimta humānisma un posthumānisma kontekstā.
Latvijas Universitātes 73. zinātniskās konferences Medicīnas sekcijas tēžu apkopojums, 2015
10 6. Hipoksijas un normoksijas vidē audzētu cilvēka kolorektālā vēža šūnu SW620 un SW480 līniju eksosomu raksturojums, 10 min.
This paper examines teachers' satisfaction with their profession and work environment in relation to other environmental factors in schools. Latvian data from the OECD TALIS 2013 study are used in the data analysis. The aim of the study was to find out whether there is any relationship between teacher satisfaction with their work environment and profession and a variety of variables characterizing schools and students. The research question is: what are the most important factors associated with teachers' satisfaction with their job at school? Applied research methods are frequency analysis and measures of central tendency. The results of the research reveal that overall Latvian teachers are satisfied with their work environment, and teachers' job satisfaction is most influenced by positive and democratic school culture.
Mācīšanās lietpratībai, 2018
Vērtēšanai makrolīmenī jeb valsts mēroga pārbaudes darbos mērķis ir zi nāšanu un prasmju apguves līmeņa konstatēšana noteiktā izglītības posmā. Pašlaik saskaņā ar Ministru kabineta noteikumiem Nr. 1510 "Valsts pārbaudī jumu norises kārtība" valsts līmeņa pārbaudījumi (valsts pārbaudes darbi) ir diagnosticējošais darbs un eksāmens. MK noteikumos Nr. 468 "Noteikumi par valsts pamatizglītības standartu, pamatizglītības mācību priekšmetu standartiem un pamatizglītības programmu paraugiem" nosaukti konkrētie valsts pārbaudī jumi, beidzot 3., 6. un 9. klasi. 1 Valsts izglītības satura centrs (VISC) veido arī citus makrolīmeņa diagnosticējošos darbus, kuriem nav valsts pārbaudījuma statuss, piemēram, diagnosticējošais darbs dabaszinātnēs 9. klasei, kura mēr ķis-"noskaidrot izglītojamo spējas dabaszinātņu mācību priekšmetos iegūtās kompetences izmantot praktisku dabaszinātņu problēmu risināšanā ar nolūku tās pilnveidot". 2 Dabaszinātņu apguves mērķis pamatskolā ir dabaszinātniskā izpratība, kas spēkā esošajos šo mācību priekšmetu standartos ir strukturēta trīs blokos-iz pratne par dabas sistēmām un procesiem; pētnieciskā darbība; vides, sabiedrības 1 Latvijas Republikas Ministru kabineta 2014. gada 12. augusta noteikumi Nr. 468 "Noteikumi par valsts pamatizglītības standartu, pamatizglītības mācību priekšmetu standartiem un pamatizglītības programmu paraugiem".
SOCIETY, INTEGRATION, EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2015
The purpose of this study is to explore the theory and real-life manifestation of the forgiveness motives among employees with high and low stress levels. The target group of 20- to 30-year olds has been selected for the study because this life-period is considered particularly important in a human's life. It is a time of self-actualisation, starting a family, seeking stability and emotional balance. Few attempts to analyse the psychology of forgiveness in the working environment have so far been attempted in Latvia. The study aims to establish whether there exists a statistically significant correlation between the forgiveness motives and the perceived level of stress. Study builds on "An Empirical Test of Forgiveness Motives „Effects on Employees” Health and Well - Being" (Cox, Bennett, Tripp, Aquino, 2012) which revealed five types of motives for forgiveness: apology, moral, religious, relationship, and lack of alternatives. The studywaslinguisticallyadapted questio...
Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference
Pot experiments were carried out to investigate the effectiveness of six Rhizobium leguminosarum strains stored at the collection of Latvia University of Agriculture. Three of them are included at international Rhizobium data base. The obtained results showed that all Rhizobium strains were active and inoculated plants formed nodules on the roots. Inoculation with Rhizobium strains increased the proportion between shoots and root weight. The dry matter content of inoculated plants increased in comparison with untreated ones. The negative correlation between the plant weight and nitrogen content in the dry mater of shoots was observed. The host plant specificity was observed for tested Rhizobium leguminosarum strains.
SOCIETY, INTEGRATION, EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2015
Development of modern technologies has affected peoples' reading competence, as a reader today reads not only printed texts in books, magazines and newspapers, but more and more uses texts from the Internet or hypertexts which require new reading strategies. Considering this, we found out, how these changes have affected students' reading competence at different age periods, in order to use the obtained information for further development of foreign language study courses.
The FINBALT Health Monitor is a collaborative system for monitoring health behaviour in Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania. Monitoring of health behaviour is a way to gain information about the public's attitude toward health, about the distribution of risk factors, and about the public's readiness to change. This type of health behaviour survey has taken place annually in Finland, since 1978. Estonia joined the FINBALT project in 1990, Lithuania in 1994, and Latvia in 1998. In 2006, the fifth survey of this type, using the FINBALT methodology, was carried out in Latvia. The purpose was to collect information about individual health behaviours, to evaluate actual and potential public health problems associated with health behaviours, demonstrate their geographic and demographic distribution, and to gain accurate information on which to base future health promotion and health education programs. In 1999, after Latvia had joined the World Health Organization CINDI (Country Wide Integrated Non-communicable Disease Intervention) programme, it was decided to use the FINBALT monitoring survey as the baseline evaluation for the CINDI programme in Latvia. Therefore since 2000 the FINBALT monitoring questionnaire was adapted to the needs of CINDI by including additional questions. This publication summarizes the results of the 2006 survey in Latvia. The reader can find detailed information about health-related behaviours: smoking, alcohol consumption, nutrition, physical activity, oral hygiene, and traffic safety among the Latvian adult population aged 15-64. In addition, the data show the public's readiness to change their health-related behaviours and participate in health promotion activities. The data also show self-assessed health status and the utilization of health services: frequency of visiting doctor and dentist; trends in vaccination, assessment of blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The data will be useful to policy makers, government officials, personnel in health and social service organizations at various levels, public health specialists, and health promotion/health education professionals. Methods The FINBALT Health Monitoring Survey uses a mailed questionnaire to a randomly selected, representative sample of the population. In 2006, the FINBALT survey took place from September until December in Latvia. 3000 adults aged 15-64 years were randomly selected from the State population register. The data were analysed by the degree of urbanization and demographic variables: gender, age, nationality, marital status, education, income, and occupation. The survey instrument contained 109 questions. Using as a basis the English version of the instrument, which was accepted by the project steering committee, survey tools were prepared in the Latvian and Russian languages, examining the translations for concept equivalence and adding some items specific to Latvia. The survey items included: • Respondents' demographic characteristics (gender, age, nationality, place of residence, marital status, number of children, education, occupation, income); • Health-related behaviours (smoking, nutrition, physical activity, alcohol consumption, oral hygiene, attitude to traffic safety regulations); • Behavioural change (reported change, attempts to change, advice to change) in relation to such behaviours as smoking, nutrition and physical activity); • Participation in health promotion activities; • Issues related to health services and health policy (frequency of visiting a doctor and dentist, vaccination, blood pressure and blood cholesterol testing); • Health status and self-assessment of health (chronic conditions diagnosed in the preceding year, symptoms experienced, use of medication); • Knowledge about various health aspects (nutrition, smoking, traffic safety) and attitudes toward them. The questionnaires were sent out in September 2006. Reminders to non-respondents were sent up to three times. The survey instruments were coded and data entered into a computer database for analysis using SPSS Windows 12.0. In the following tables, an empty space indicates that there are no data in that category and the number "0" means less than 0.5 percent. Results The sample size was 3000. The questionnaires were filled-in by 1584 persons (682 males and 902 females). The eligible sample consisted of 2900 persons. The response rate was 54.6%. Of the 1584 respondents: 43.2% were men and 56.9% women; 62.6% were Latvian, 27.4% Russian, and 10% other nationalities. These data reflect the national demographic structure in Latvia. 28.7% of respondents lived in Riga, 15.9% in the other large cities, 21.6% in smaller towns, and 33.8% in rural areas. Distribution by age was 20% in the 15-24 years age group, 18.8% in the 25-34 years age group, 20.1% in the 35-44 years age group, 19% in the 45-54 years age group, and 22.1% in the 55-64 years age group. The marital status of the respondents was: 45.6% married, 13.5% cohabiting, 25.3% single, 10.9% divorced, and 4.7% widowed. 52.7% of respondents reported having no children under the age of 18 in the family; 26.9% had one child, 15.7%, two children, and only 4.8% had three or more children. In terms of education, 22% had completed primary education, 49.1% secondary education, and 28.8% higher education. Health and health services Self-assessment of health and attitudes toward one's own health provides important information. As expected, there were gender and age differences: 24.3% (23.5% 27.3%) of women. In the period from 2000 to 2006, the use of fresh vegetables on three or more days per week was increased (Figure 5). Alcohol consumption Alcohol consumption is a very prevalent risk factor in Latvia, associated with many health problems. 87.6% of respondents reported that they had used alcohol in the preceding year. Male respondents prefered beer, but females wine. The consumption of strong alcoholic drinks was very high. During the preceding week, only 58.1% of men and 80.1% of women had not used strong alcohol (Figure 7). Binge drinking (six or more portions of alcohol during one drinking session at least once a week) was more common among men-23.7% (2004.-22%) than among women-5.8% (2004.-5.2%). Body mass index Respondents reported their height and weight in the questionnaire. From this information, body mass index (BMI) was calculated for each respondent. According to the
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Culture Crossroads, 2023
Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, 2006
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SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2016
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Latvijas Universitātes Žurnāls Vēsture
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