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Abstract: Into 62 years of long journey of the largest democracy of the world, India and we still retrospect how better it has performed to the expectation set by the makers of Indian constitution. "Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people" As 16 th American president Abraham Lincoln quoted in appraisal of a political structure which derives its power and authority from the subjects of governance. A structure of governance different from imperial autocracy where people are made aware and responsible through equal participation and representation in the process of governance and development. Thus, this paper analyzes in true sense the essence of Indian Democracy and the status of development in India, even after 60 years of Independence.
Into 62 years of long journey of the largest democracy of the world, India and we still retrospect how better it has performed to the expectation set by the makers of Indian constitution. “Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people” As 16 American president Abraham Lincoln quoted in appraisal of a political structure which derives its power and authority from the subjects of governance. A structure of governance different from imperial autocracy where people are made aware and responsible through equal participation and representation in the process of governance and development. Thus, this paper analyzes in true sense the essence of Indian Democracy and the status of development in India, even after 60 years of Independence.
We are all familiar with the idea that democracy is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Today, the most common form of democracy is representative democracy, in which citizens elect officials to make political decisions, formulate laws, and administer programmes for the public good. Since independence, India has managed to stay on the democratic path in a way unprecedented among states freed from colonialism. Recently, however, the dominance of muscle power of the political candidates, bypassing of democratic deliberations, attacks on religious minorities, frequent riots, and maladministration of the independent institutions, in addition to the pre-existing challenges such as education, economic backwardness, regionalism, corruptionhas given rise to claims that India’s democracy is in grave danger. However, equality, good governance, education, decentralization of power, civil society participation can remove these threats to have better democratic setup i...
Democracy implies˜A arrangement of government in which every one of the people of a nation can vote to choose their representatives. Media appeared in 1780 with the presentation of a daily paper in particular˜The Bengal Gazette and from that point forward it has developed a wide margin. It has been assuming a critical part in forming human personalities. India goes for the foundation of fair communism. It requires financial advance. Without financial fairness, political correspondence isn't conceivable. Some vital elements are there which are in charge of the achievement of the procedure of democracy (key words: media,democracy, people administraton, government public, people)
In the early years of independence, criticisms were made that Indian political system or democracy would collapse sooner or later because of its diverse population and low per capita income. However, India proved wrong to its critics and shown to the world that democracy not only thrived and sustained but also deepening. Following the procedural view of democracy; India has achieved the goal of establishing democracy and has successfully completed its fourteenth Lok Sabha election without any hindrance. But, so far as substantive democracy and the trajectory of human development is concerned, some of these hopes and aspirations have been partly realized; other badly dashed. Although, India is among the top ten largest economies of the world, it ranks 134 among 187 countries in the Human Development Index (HDI). It shows that human development in India is far behind. Also, measuring the democratic performance of 167 countries, the study of Economist Intelligence Unit shows that India has not achieved the rank of ‘full democracy’; rather it is placed in the list of ‘flawed democracies’. It shows that India has underperformed in terms of governance, political participation and political culture.
Daily Times
What one gets after reading the book is different shades of individual charisma and tactfulness with which campaigns are organised and elections won. It also offers us insights into challenges of contesting elections and running the government; and it gives us an example of how one can be a political leader without holding any constitutional post and yet receive a state funeral. Throughout the book, one keeps encountering a range of names of significant leaders in national and regional politics offering insights into the way governments or parties function. Weaved around elections, the book offers narratives of victories and defeats sparking further curiosity into forays of leaderships and their failures.
“India’s Democratic Heritage and Contemporary Political Realities”, 2023
Is India's democracy a gift of the British? If so, how can we explain India's democratic traditions prevalent in the hoary past , of which the Greeks spoke of glowingly and the Buddhist chronicles recorded ? How can we ignore the democratic practices prevalent in medieval India? Unearthing India's democratic traditions will destroy the myth of 'Oriental Despotism' which the Westerners claimed to have destroyed .The present paper is the outcome of Delivered an Invited Talk entitled India’s Democratic Heritage and Contemporary Political Realities at ICSSR Sponsored Two Day National Seminar on ‘India’s Glorious Cultural Heritage: Continuity and Changes’ (23rd and 24th March, 2023) organized by Kashipur Michael Madhusudan Mahavidyalaya, Purulia. It has been published in Subhrajit Chatterjee ed. 'India’s Glorious Cultural Heritage: Continuity and Changes' (Selected Papers from ICSSR Sponsored Two Day National Seminar , Organized by Department of Sociology, Michael Madhusudan Mahavidyalaya , Kashipur, Purulia, West Bengal, India), Levant Books, India (ISBN: 978-93-91741-40-2)p.1-40.
Razón y Palabra, 2010
This essay will evaluate democracy?s success both by democracy in its own right- according to its minimum definition- and, given India?s particular context, by democracy as instrumental for the peaceful resolution of conflicts and for holding the country together. When evaluated by democracy?s minimum definition and procedural conditions Indian democracy is successful. However, fulfilling these procedural conditions is not enough for measuring the general success of Indian democracy. Given India?s particular context as a country with many languages, cultures, religions and social structures with tensions between them, an evaluation of democracy as an instrument for conflict prevention and resolution is a must. In this respect, democracy, as a system of rights that protects, incorporates and respects minorities, allows expression and is responsive to citizen?s demands, is effectively instrumental, and thus successful, for the peaceful resolution of conflicts. However, Indian democrac...
The Journal of Asian Studies, 2000
A great deal of confusion exists on how to discuss, and theoretically characterize, political developments in India during the last decade and a half. There is, of course, a consensus that the Congress party, a towering political colossus between 1920 and 1989, has unambiguously declined. While there are legitimate doubts about whether the decline of the Congress party will continue to be irreversible, it is clear that much of the political space already vacated by the Congress has so far been filled by three different sets of political forces. The first force, Hindu nationalism, has attracted a great deal of scholarly attention (Basu 1997; Hansen and Jaffrelot 1998; Jaffrelot 1993; Varshney 1993). The second force, regionalism, has also spawned considerable research of late (Baruah 1999; Singh forthcoming; Subramanian 1999). A third force, not so extensively analyzed, covers an array of political parties and organizations that encompass groups normally classified under the umbrella...
Authors Press, 2021
IIC Quarterly, 2021
I will, in this overview, look into the process of the emergence of democracy in India, how the democratic idea was spread by the Indian national movement, and how it was sought to be implemented by the independent Indian nation state. I will end by highlighting the current challenges to this process, which has reached alarming proportions today. At the outset one must set aside the oft-repeated notion that democracy was a gift of British colonialism in India. Colonialism by definition represents the very opposite of democracy. It is the denial of political, economic and cultural freedom to the colonised people. THE NATIONAL MOVEMENT AND DEMOCRACY Democracy in India was a product of it being a critical element in the imagination of the nation by the anti-imperialist national movement that emerged in India in the second half of the 19th century. The nation that was imagined by Indian nationalists was to be independent, democratic, secular, inclusive of all kinds of diversity and pro-poor-a vision that Rabindranath Tagore, Jawaharlal Nehru and others termed 'the idea of India'. As Mahatma Gandhi said, such an independent democratic nation or 'Swaraj … will not be a free gift of the British…. It will be a declaration of India' s full self-expression…. It is a treasure to be purchased with a nation' s best blood'. 1 At almost the same time as the early Indian nationalists had started the process of nation formation, or what they called the process of 'the Indian nation-in-the-making' with this vision or 'idea of India', British colonial rulers campaigned for the exact opposite.
isara solutions, 2022
Meaning and definition: Democracy in India is the largest in form and the vibrant in character, originated in Ancient Grece, conceptualised by Sheelyas a form of government in which each individual has share, as it was suitable to city-state. Later, Abraham Lincone's idea on "democracy is of the people, by the people and for the people" is about the state of governance exclusively with reference to America could have been correct. But, William Riker, refer to Brazil, Argentina and USA where more importance has given to interest of states but not to national government. According to him "federal state is formed to control the power of national government in democracy". Similarly, Albert Stephens advocated that "federal state is made to bind all the states in democracy". According to Bryce, "democracy really means nothing more or less than rule of the whole people, expressing their sovereign will by their votes'. Thus, democracy is defined as a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodical free election. But liberal democracy marked not only by free and fair election, rule of law, a separation of powers and protection of basic rights of individual.But FareedZakaria said "democracy is flourishing, constitutional liberalism is not 1. Thus MacIver observed "Democracy is not a way of governing, whether by majority or otherwise but primarily away of determining, who shall govern, and broadly to what ends". Therefore, all are agreed that the most common form of democracy is representative democracyin which citizen of state elect representatives to make political decisions, formulates laws, administrates programmes for public welfare. In such system, every individual has important rights to vote his/ her representative to all levels from Panchayats, Municipal Boards, State Assemblies and Parliament. Revolutionary Socialistic view on democracy is public ownership of principle means of production, It combins with centralised state planning affords the best hope for just, humane and egalitarian society.Whereas the left rejects revolutionary visions of ruptures with capitalism. They insist an activist state is essential counteract where negative effects generated by the dynamics of capitalist economics-poverty, unemployment,increasing inequality. The absences of such state interventions for capitalist market becomes a "Satanic Mill" in Karl Polanyi's metaphor that erodes the social foundations for its own existence 2 ,A positive democratic state has become noticeably weaker not only in their rhetorical force but practical political capacity to mobilise also.
International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 2023
The Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) won a clear majority in 2014 general election, and Narendra Modi became the prime minister of India. He brought a new chapter in Indian politics by introducing several new policies and reforms that drastically changed the country's democratic system. BJP's rise to power has prompted hopes for economic development and political reforms, however it also brought about worries of the possible erosion of secularism and the stifling of dissent. This article aims to examine the evolution of India's democratic terrain since the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) came to power in 2014. The article highlights the major social, economic and political evolution that occurred in India after 2014. It also examines the impact of these changes on India's democratic institutions and indicates the ways to preserve a dynamic and inclusive democratic India for the foreseeable future.
India's Democracies, 2016
India is one of the oldest civilizations and one of the largest countries of the world both in terms of territory and population. After going through several phases of wars and colonization by foreign invaders like the Mughals and the European powers for centuries, India was able to make its democracy only after independence in 1947 which was considered to be the largest democracy by electorate under the leadership of its nationalist movement The Indian National Congress. Since its creation in 1947 India has proved and sustained itself as one of the strongest and successful democratic state in the world. It has become a role model for many countries of the third world. Its a fact that even the developed countries of the world are much interested and surprised with the sustainability of the Indian democratic system. The essay is about the indian political system, its emergence, its infrastructure, the frame and strategies for managing the greatest democratic system. I have also mention the system of political parties their fall and rise and the emergence of new parties and the merging or renaming of certain political parties. I have also thrown light on the ups and downs of the voting percentage, their reasons behind and their maintenance of vote bank. i have made a closer look at five trends that have unfolded over the last six decades illustrates why the election will likely hinge on a confluence of local factors. The most striking trend in Indian electoral politics is the explosion in political competition in recent years. In the 1952 general election , the first held after India won Independence, 55 parties took part; in 2009, 370 parties entered the fray. The surge in political competition began in the 1980s -the number of parties contesting elections jumped from 38 in 1984 to 117 in 1989, a watershed year in Indian politics. It was only the second time since Independence that the Congress Party was ousted from power. The dramatic surge in 1989 is explained by the proliferation of regional parties, which formed in direct response to popular disenchantment with Congress rule and the lack of representation for lower and backward castes, minorities, and regional or sub regional interests. With the 1989 election there was end to the single party rule and brought into practice the new governments formed under multi party coalition. This further gave way to many regional parties whose leader found that they can bring about considerable influence in the government making with even a small number of seats in the parliament. However putting light on such incidents in the party mechanism of india i will throw light on the current status of the indian political system ,the ups and downs in the government formation by differnet political parties . however my focus will be on the elections held in the past two decades and the volatilities and the factors of volatilities in the different election faced by several political parties.
Asia Maior, 2020
The following article, focussed on the analysis of the ongoing crisis of Indian democracy in the year 2020, is articulated in two parts. The first, after a synthetic summing up of how the crisis started in 2019, is an overview of the main developments which characterized the struggle against and for democracy in the year under review. The crushing of the anti-CAA/NRC democratic movement, the persecution of minorities, the harassing of NGOs, the attacks on journalists and the continuing repression in Kashmir are summarised. The celebration of the transformation of India from a secular democracy into a Hindu Rashtra through the inauguration of the construction of the Ram mega temple in Ayodhya is remembered. This first part ends by discussing the unexpected rise of the Indian farmers’ anti-government movement in the concluding months of the year. The second part of the article is a case study of the repression of the anti-CAA/NRC movement. It is argued that it was pursued through fascist-like violence on the part of Hindutva thugs, abetted by the police. This culminated in the Delhi riots-turned-pogrom of February. In spite of all, the anti-CAA/NRC movement continued up to the explosion of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, which made the continuation of street manifestations and sit-ins impossible. The analysis continues through the examination of the veritable witch-hunt carried by the police, on the basis of fabricated evidence, against representative members of the anti-CAA/NRC movement and intellectuals known for their criticism of the Modi government. In the conclusion it is argued that the political set-up prevailing in India is not a full-fledged democracy any more. Rather, it is a hybrid system which, below an outwardly democratic appearance, badly conceals its highly authoritarian nature.
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