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Aceasta este pentru toți cei care au fost vreodată făcuți să simtă că nu se ridică la înălțime. Nu trebuie să vă potriviți în cutiile pe care alții le-au construit pentru voi.
This article presents the episode of the second marriage of Moldavian prince Vasile Lupu (1634-1653) with Catherine, of Circassian descent, a relative of the Crimea Tatar khan. An extraordinary beauty, Catherine played an important role in the personal life of Vasile Lupu and had noticeable political and diplomatic skills. The author has paid special attention to historical sources, especially to Miron Costin's chronicle and Niccolo Barsi’s (Italian traveler) testimony, who had witnessed the arrival of Catherine from the Crimea into Moldavia. Keywords: Catherine, Vasile Lupu, Tudosca, Moldavia, courtship, politics, diplomacy
This article presents the episode of the second marriage of Moldavian prince Vasile Lupu (1634-1653) with Catherine, of Circassian descent, a relative of the Crimea Tatar khan. An extraordinary beauty, Catherine played an important role in the personal life of Vasile Lupu and had noticeable political and diplomatic skills. The author has paid special attention to historical sources, especially to Miron Costin's chronicle and Niccolo Barsi’s (Italian traveler) testimony, who had witnessed the arrival of Catherine from the Crimea into Moldavia.
Résumé: Ce papier a comme sujet la brève présentation de Sacha Comanéchtéanou, un personnage clef de la littérature roumaine et une de ses premières héroïnes romanesques. Bien amiée par son entourage tout comme par le lecteurs du roman, elle est une des figures proéminentes du roman La vie a la campagne, écrit par Duiliu Zamfirescu, une des personnalités remarquables du commencement du vingtième siècle roumain. Docteur es loi, avocat, procureur, et puis engagé dans le service de la diplomatie roumaine, Zamfirescu a contribué à la culture roumaine pas seulement avec ses oeuvres originaux (nouvelles et romans, volumes des poèmes et même une pièce de théâtre aussi que des discours politiques) mais aussi avec des traductions de la littérature italienne en roumain. Des tous ses mérites on y mentionne celui d'avoir été le seul auteur roumain qui a synchronise son oeuvre littéraire avec les tendances européennes de son époque. A preamble Among the Romanian writers, Duiliu Zamfirescu is...
The Italian Love Poetry of Ludovico Ariosto. Court Culture and Classicism, 2021
This episode is reconstructed in Catalano 1930-1931, I, pp. 374-375. 32 This link was first noted by Floriani 1988bis, p. 252. 33 Cp. Rime del canzoniere, XLIII 61-67: 'Ché se qui moro, non ho chi mi pianga: / qui sorelle non ho, non ho qui matre / che sopra il morto corpo il capel franga, / né quatro frati miei, che con vesti atre / m'accompagnino al lapide che l'ossa / devria chiuder del figlio allato il patre. / Madonna non è qui […]' and Tibullus, I 3,5-9: 'abstineas, Mors atra, precor: non hic mihi mater / quae legat in maestos ossa perusta sinus, / non soror, Assyrios cineri quae dedat odores / et fleat effusis ante sepulcra comis, / Delia non usquam […]'. See also Rime del canzoniere, XLIII 52: 'Lasso, chi sa ch'io non sia al fin degli anni?' and Tibullus, I 3,53: 'Quodsi fatales iam nunc explevimus annos'. If the dating to 1514 is correct, Ariosto's beloved must be identified as Alessandra Benucci.
Introduction: "The procreation of children was acknowledged as the purpose of a Roman legal marriage. So it is not surprising that the climax of the wedding was the moment when the bride and bridegroom went to bed together. The ceremonial surrounding this part of the festivities deserves perhaps more attention than it has recently been given by scholars, who tend to desert the bride at the moment when she is lifted over the threshold of the bridegroom's house at the end of the noisy procession through the streets which formed such a dramatic rite de passage. Here I set out the evidence for Roman customs and rituals in bringing the couple into the bedroom and what was thought to be the emotional content for them of the semi-public ritual and of what happened when their supporters finally withdrew and left them together."
'Centennial Romanian Lyrical Voices, Bilingual Gendered Counterparts' is the Romanian-English version/s of two poetry books 'The Profound Venice' and 'The Book of my Unwritten Poems' by two outstanding voices of Romanian spirituality: Maria MANUCA and Varujan VOSGANIAN'. The book is bilingually Prefaced by the translator-coordinator (and self-sponsor), who has also supplied the edifying contextual or lexically-stylistic Notes. In the well-known centennially anniversary context, this academically professional undertaking is explicitly dedicated to the grateful memory of both the translator's family - Mother, Father, Sister - and the translator's predecessors in the field of English Studies, be they from the English Department, UAIC, or from the other Romanian universities.
In "Vigilia nuziale", a 1952 play by Clotilde Masci (1918-1985), the protagonist Cristina, at almost 30 years of age, is about to marry the son of her father’s best friend – a man she barely knows. On the eve of the wedding, however, she claims first to her family and then to the police that she stole a ring from the jeweller’s. After the confession of the true thief proves her innocence, the play ends with a subdued Cristina asking her relatives for forgiveness, as the wedding preparations resume. In this article, I argue that the popular culture of the 1950s appears to have had a great influence on "Vigilia nuziale"’s major and minor characters’ expectations regarding love and marriage. Ironically, however, Masci is making clear that the “happily ever after” which the popular fiction of the early 1950s promises as part of marriage may apply to very few of its readers – and certainly not to the protagonist of this play. Through this drama, the author comments bo...
Dialogo, 2022
Session 15. Book Reviews Carol II al României. Conexiuni-regalitate, cultura română și Biserica Ortodoxă / Carol II of Romania. Connecting Royalty, Romanian Culture and the Orthodox Church From the rich historiographical production of 2020, the extensive monograph, Carol II of Romania. A Controversial King, written by the industrious historian Narcis Dorin Ion, stands out by far. The 5 volumes are the result of over 23 years of scientific work of
Contemporary Italian Diversity in Critical and Fictional Narratives, 2021
Part 1: Diversity in Italy 13 Ero fta calda gente in un caldo paese I! was among warm folk in a warm country 15
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Boccaccio: A Critical Guide to the Complete Works. Ed. Victoria Kirkham, Michael Sherberg, and Janet Smarr. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013
Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia
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Cristina Trivulzio di Belgiojoso. An Italian Princess in the 19th c. Turkish Countryside, 2010