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Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada, 2019
Sveučilište u Zagrebu Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet Odsjek za poremećaje u ponašanju Laboratorij za prevencijska istraživanja Ključne riječi: adolescenti, pozitivan razvoj adolescenata, otpornost, razvojne prednosti. KONCEPTUALNI PRISTUPI POZITIVNOM RAZVOJU ADOLESCENATA SAŽETAK Sveobuhvatne, interdisciplinarne studije dobrobiti djece i mladih koje bi poslužile kao polazište za planiranje znanstveno utemeljenih politika i intervencija u Hrvatskoj još uvijek su rijetke. Pomak u fokusu domaćih istraživanja prema snagama djece i mladih je vidljiv, no najčešće se istražuju tek pojedini aspekti razvoja djece i mladih i/ili pojedinačni problemi. Nedostatak nacionalnih istraživanja onemogućuje temeljito poznavanje etiologije i epidemiologije problema djece i mladih na nacionalnoj, regionalnoj i/ili lokalnoj razini. U skladu s navedenim, cilj ovog rada je pojasniti konceptualne pristupe pozitivnom razvoju adolescenata koji mogu poslužiti kao polazišta budućih sveobuhvatnijih istraživanja. U radu se prikazuju pristupi pozitivnog razvoja adolescenata, razvojnih prednosti te otpornosti, s posebnim naglaskom na razlike i sličnosti među njima. Također su izdvojeni metodološki izazovi u istraživanju razvojnih putanja adolescenata, problemi upitničkih mjera te teškoće dizajna istraživačkih studija. Rad naglašava važnost promatranja potencijala adolescencije kao polazišta za strategijska ulaganja te ističe nužnost proširivanja perspektive od individualne k mikrorazini, socijalnoj politici, zajednici te širem kulturalnom okruženju.
Annual of social work, 2022
THE CONTRIBUTION OF ASPECTS OF INDIVIDUAL RESILIENCE IN EXPLAINING ADOLESCENTS’ RISKY SEXUAL BEHAVIOR ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to determine the contribution of aspects of individual resilience in explaining risky sexual behaviors as a basis for evidence-based intervention planning to promote positive development/prevention of risky behaviours in young people. The sample of the study included 1,647 students from the Varaždin County, Croatia, and the age of the participants ranged from 14 to 19 years. To achieve the objectives of this work, descriptive statistics methods (arithmetic mean, frequencies) and a multivariate logistic regression model with a complex sample design were used. The data showed that 8.9% of adolescents reported having had sexual intercourse at the age of 14 years and 33.4% before the age of 16 years. Among adolescents who reported experience with sexual intercourse, 21% reported having had sexual intercourse with more than three partners, while 43.9...
Suvremena Psihologija Contemporary Psychology, 2009
During the last decade, a growing number of educational psychology experts, along with academic performance, stress the importance of developing the child's social and emotional skills through schooling. Research indicates that social and emotional competencies can be learned through school-based curriculum activities (Social and Emotional Learning, SEL). Such programs seem to be an effective approach to reducing problem behaviors and emotional distress, while at the same time promoting positive social adjustment and enhancing the academic performance of students. This paper brings a broad overview of existing programs and represents an attempt to classify SEL programs implemented in different countries (primarily in American schools) in the last 10 years. Since the primary goal is to raise interest and increase understanding in experts from education and psychology in order to encourage implementation of such programs in Croatia, the paper gives a critical insight into the conditions in which SEL programs are developed, implemented and evaluated.
Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada, 2023
The aim of this paper is to determine adolescents' family life satisfaction and to investigate whether there are differences in adolescents' family life satisfaction depending on the personal characteristics of the study participants (gender, age) and family characteristics (family structure, education and employment of parents). The study involved 10,138 students from all grades of high schools from five major Croatian cities: Zagreb, Osijek, Split, Pula, and Varaždin. The quota sample was stratified with respect to three Croatian secondary school programs, three-and four-year vocational schools and grammar schools, and individual orientations within each of the schools. In the total sample, 47.5% were young men (N = 4,595) and the mean age was Mage = 16.2 (SDage = 1.16). Of the total number of participants, 4.5% (N = 456) did not report their gender. The results show that there are differences in adolescents' family life satisfaction in terms of gender, age, living with both parents or one parent, and parents' educational and work status. The results point to the need for a timely implementation of effective parenting skills programs and preventive interventions aimed at the family or parents, considering the gender of adolescents. Low levels of parental education and unemployment are associated with lower levels of adolescents' satisfaction with their family life. Systematic investments through national policies and programs that increase opportunities for (lifelong) education and employment for parents seem to be important for investing in the quality of the family environment.
Sociološki diskurs, 2013
This paper examines the structure of the underage delinquents' opinions on the perceived behavior of their parents. The juvenile delinquents commented on the behavior of their mothers and fathers according to a specially constructed nonstandardized questionnaire. Particular features of each delinquent's estimation were important for the definition of those aspects of parental behavior which are significant for the appearance of delinquency in their children. Factor-scale achieved by the application of the Basic Components Methods indicated that emotional neglect by the mother, aggressiveness by the father, and inconsistent discipline exercised by the mother are crucial aspects of parental behavior according to which future delinquency can be predicted. These results lead to a conclusion that the perception of negative parental behavior towards the children in the period of early childhood is central to the appearance of delinquency in the period of adolescence.
Metodički ogledi, 2017
Social Work, 2021
Youth runaways are often mentioned as a burning problem in residential care. Apart from phenomenological aspects and factors that contribute to this phenomenon, and which have previously been analyzed in scientific research studies, this paper is focused on the relationship of young people who have already had an experience of runaway from residential care with professionals, primarily educators. Existing research studies indicate the significance of the relationship between the users and professionals, at which poor relationship is associated with the reasons for youth runaways, and a good relationship with protective factors that prevent the youth from running away and which protect them generally is perceived as a factor that contributes to the success of the treatment. The aim of this paper is to present how young persons experience the relationship with professionals, and which actions of professionals they identify as potentially useful and efficient in the prevention of runaw...
Zbornik radova Islamskog pedagoškog fakulteta u Bihaću, 2023
Sportlogia, 2019
Ova studija se bavila procjenom antropometrijskih karakteristika i tjelesne kompozicije osnovnoškolske djece. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrde starosne i polne razlike kod djece starosti 7 i 8 godina, što bi poslužilo procjeni zdravstvenog statusa djece i praćenja trenda njihovog rasta i razvoja. Studija je obuhvatila 1520 učenika (814 učenika drugih razreda i 706 učenika trećih razreda; 772 dječaka i 748 djevojčica). Ispitanicima su izmjereni tjelesna visina i težina, indeks tjelesne mase, procenat tjelesne masti, masa masnoće i masa bez masnoće. Rezultati su pokazali da postoje značajne razlike između dječaka i djevojčica u tjelesnoj visini i težini, procentu masnoće, indeksu tjelesne mase i masi bez masnoće (p<.05), dok razlike nije bilo u masi masnoće. Sem u procentu masnoće, postoje značajne razlike između sedmogodišnje i osmogodišnje djece u svim ostalim mjerenim varijablama. Vrijednosti antropometrijskih karakteristika i tjelesne kompozicije djece koje su dobijene mjerenjem i razlike među djecom u skladu su sa svjetskim trendovima. Za razlike između polova i generacija djece koje su utvrđene vjerovatno su zaslužne genetske predispozicije, ali i uslovi u kojima odrastaju.
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Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada, 2015
Psychological topics, 2020
Hrvatska Revija za Rehabilitacijska Istraživanja, 2002
Napredak, 2011
Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja, 2020
Život I Skola Casopis Za Teoriju I Praksu Odgoja I Obrazovanja, 2012
Sociologija i prostor, 2016
Suvremena Psihologija, 2011
Psihologijske teme
Dijete, vrtić, obitelj : Časopis za odgoj i naobrazbu predškolske djece namijenjen stručnjacima i roditeljima, 2012
Varaždinski učitelj : digitalni stručni časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, 2021
EMC Review - Časopis za ekonomiju - APEIRON, 2015
Hrvatski Sportskomedicinski Vjesnik, 2010
Nova prisutnost, 2021