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With the advent of technology, the world is witnessing a makeover of the lifestyles of people in general and youth in particular. With the use of technology especially internet, the youth is well informed, well connected. They are performing array of activities and internet has become an integral part of their lives. Earlier food was an essential part to live but now internet has become the lifeline or blood of people. This paper deals with the use of technology and its impact on today's youth .It shows the insights how it is used, by whom and what threats it poses. This paper traces some of the barriers to usage and some measures to be taken to combat the over usage. 1Assistant professor, Bahra faculty of management 2Assistant professor, Bahra faculty of management 3Assistant professor, Bahra faculty of management
Quick and deep infiltration of Internet in India has obstructed every aspect of life across all ages. Fluctuations are brought in all facets of life and face to face social interactions have been transformed into virtual social networking over internet. Youth are the prime users of such services. Thus there will be huge physiological and psychological impact in the minds of the youth due to the conception of virtual world. The research paper examines various predicaments regarding the adjustment of youth of Jammu province and their overall development of personality due to internet. Index terms – Internet usage, personality, adjustment, youth, Jammu
The Internet continues to be a dynamic and incredibly powerful source of information with almost limitless capabilities for improving access to knowledge and connecting people around the world. It is also seen as a solution to addressing many social development issues by providing access to healthcare, remote learning opportunities, access to egovernment services and innovative and higher paying jobs. With advancements in ICTs resulting in the transformation of the technological, economic, social, political, cultural, and educational realms, the world is fast becoming the proverbial 'global village'. The children and youth who are the major beneficiaries of this technology boom, who are the subject of this paper, are referred to as 'young digital citizens'. The emergence and widespread adoption of ICTs has greatly influenced the lifestyles of these young digital citizens, given the plethora of information on the Internet to which they have access. While the cyber world acts as a great resource on one side, it also has a sinister aspect, to which vulnerable and trusting digital youth can be subjected, both intentionally and unintentionally. The impact of the Internet can be extrapolated into four main aspects, namely: social, physical, psychological and moral (including ethical and religious). It is the aim of this paper to discuss the impact of these potential threats and the challenge they present to society and governments in creating a safe and secure environment.
SAMRIDDHI : A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2021
Our world has become more accessible, and we have brought it closer to our fingertips. Through its applications, smartphone has taken over people's lives. The chatter that used to be heard on the outskirts of the village or over a coffee shop in the city has faded away. The interactions are no longer conversations. The applause on humor ceases to exist. Boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 18 are falling into the illusion of assuming that how you look on a Facebook profile or other social handle is more important than how you actually look. These fully commercially run sites that are easily accessible to adolescent children are capitalizing on their confidence. What do these apps take from you that trigger your loss if they are free? "When nothing is taken from you to get a service, you are the commodity," it is said in the business world. These sites offer you as a commodity as well. Ad revenue is real money. You're surfing for shoes on Flipkart, but you're not concerned about why you're receiving shoe advertisements on every app you use. Humans no longer power these artificial intelligence-driven platforms. Programs that use all of the users' data
International Journal of Communication and Media Science, 2019
The new generation considers media technology as valuable assistance, while old and experience people take it as detrimental as well as beneficial. The internet has strengthened the ability to scan and learn faster, but it also influences learning and makes it complicated (Griffiths, 2000). This critical thinking led us to ponder over the relationship of technology with learning ability and forced us to examine its impact upon the youngsters' attitude and expression towards the outer world. This research focuses on 3 to 13 years' age group children as their developing minds can be easily ductile by frequent media exposure. News of kids committing suicide after playing online games, raise serious concern for everyone regarding the use of new media and its adverse effect. Our primary objective is to find out the reasons for the negative impact of media and new media without ignoring the positive side of the digital natives (Musgrove, 2008) (The Economist, 2010). The findings provide an insightful understanding of the technological influence on children's reasoning and learning ability, impact on their physical health, decision making ability, action and interaction to the outer world. The survey, observation, and case study method are applied to conclude the results.
International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 2020
The internet and digital device usage has become an integral part of everyone's life and among them majority are young adults. Ease of access to digital devices, availability of the internet facilities and prominence given to Information Communication Technology in education system are the contributing factors towards this trend in Sri Lanka. Thus, this article explores the general profile of the young adults reflecting their practices towards the internet and digital device usage. In accordance with this aim, digital behaviour of young adults related to the internet consumption and digital media platforms usage such as frequency, time spent, type of content followed, viewed and subscribed etc. are illustrated. Subsequently, research findings reveal that the majority of the young adults who pursue either secondary or tertiary education, log on to digital media platforms in a daily basis by their smart phones (91%) through consuming personal mobile data (90%) and they log in to online platforms while travelling. Furthermore, the frequently accessed digital media platforms are Facebook (98%) and YouTube (93%) and mostly accessed in between 6-8 am and 6-10 pm. At the same time, this study discloses that youth's perception and conduct towards pre roll and pop-up advertisements are not satisfactory since they often skip pre roll advertisements and do not access information provided by the pop-up advertisements. KEY WORD:Digital behaviour, digital natives, social media, the internet usage, young adults
Technology is a science of skills which comes from the Greek word "Techne", an art which refers to an art or craft and logia, meaning an area of study; thus, technology literally means the study or science of crafting. Is the application of skills, tools or methods to the production of goods and services which comes in two forms:
This research paper aimed at to look the use of internet and its effects on adolescents. Internet plays an important role in our lives. It provide us with a method to connect to important others in our lives.this study was conducted to establish the kinds of activities that adolescents performed on the internet and length of the time they spend on the internet in order to know the effects of internet on adolescents. The study was conducted on 100 adolescents comprising 50 boys and 50 girls of Guru Nanak Academy school of faizabad. The result revealed that boys used more internet as compare to girls. There is both positive and negative effects of internet on girls and boys. Boys had spend more time on internet than girls. Adolescents engage in internet chat rooms and reveal their personal information to people they meet online. The positive impact of Internet includes increase in knowledge, awareness and gain of more confidence. The negative aspects of the Internet include Internet addiction as well as online risks such as exposure to sexually explicit material and online victimization including harassment or cyber bullying and sexual solicitation.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, 2022
It is amazing that in India around 95% smartphone users check their social media as the First thing in every morning. Our youth seems worried without their digital gadgets especially smart phones .Even in sleeping time also almost 90% people keeps Smartphone near to their bed. As being a digital media driven society our south Indian gadget users are always trying to connect with digital or social media to have updates. This study aims at the habits of Smartphone users and how it moving to the so-called addiction. moreover, the paper observes the priming outcomes of recent media on youth and its impact on society. As part of the study the researcher found some basic answer to reduce the over use of internet or device. Via survey, the researcher found many reasons to become a gadget additive of course how we can reduce the excessive use of Smartphone by practice.
Today's Internet usage is a necessity for everyone and has a tremendous impact on life. The internet is able to change the way of thinking, interaction with the world, and create new forms of behavior. The vast majorities of the people who use the internet are children and teens that are categorized as youth while reportedly, many teens spend an average of 8 hours online every day. The internet is a technological advancement that one cannot avoid in the present, including children. As the need of using the internet for everyone is inevitable, providing children with the foundation for internet usage to be a force for good, equipping and supporting them to manage the inevitable risks that life proffers, using technology tools to enrich their everyday lives is a necessity for adults. What can we take from these conceptualizations of youth behavior on using the internet and what is it that we are lacking knowing thus far? The objectives -of this study are to determine the mediati...
21 st century is the century of information technology and internet. No one can imagine a single day of his life without internet. Internet become basic component of daily routine. Youngster and teenager are the most affected session of the society by the internet. Country like India it is very crucial because India is the youngest country on the earth in terms of number of youngster after china. It is the greatest resource that we have, but large number of them are distracted by the digital entertainment which lead to make the less employable. This distraction is known as digital addiction. This article discuss about the internet use and its penetration in world and India and its impact on generation D that is youngsters and teenager who used digital gadgets excessively which result in digital addiction. Article also discuss about digital disorder of digital addiction and digital hygiene in the context of remedies to managing digital addiction and your digital gadgets use.
The more than forty online studies were reviewed to identify the psychological, educational and social effect of internet use on students in India. It was found that for the last few years, the use and access of Internet among students had been increasing with a pathetic pace but now have become an important daily activity in India. According to the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), almost 213 million people use internet in India in which students account maximum and their number are increasing swiftly every hour. The review of various studies revealed that students use internet for various objectives. Most of the undergraduate students use the internet for entertainment, social and education objectives. They use it minimum for their academics and knowledge. Only M.Phil and Ph.D research students, if they are guided properly by their supervisors, utilise it for their research topics and other education and career information. The study also concludes that internet users still face many problems while surfing internet in which low speed, downloading problems, availability of reliable information, location and other handling problems are primary. It is also found that both faculty members and students are not updated about their internet knowledge. The issue of internet addiction is becoming a major health problem in India. Today, access of Internet and its use among students has become a common thing in India. According to the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), almost 213 million people use internet in India in which youth account maximum and the numbers are increasing swiftly every year. The report also projects that by June 2014, India to have 243 million internet users. Children use the internet for a number of purposes and in different places. But researchers argue that internet has changed the social, psychological and academic life of children and making them over smart and mature before their age. Experts also raise the questions that do this technology help to solve children problems and satisfy their various needs or it is just confusing their mind and destroying their moralities. About 30 million people in India were victims to cybercrime and the India witnessed a loss of 4 billion dollars. Internet Addiction and excessive internet use are evolving as one of the more negative aspects of young people. Despite these threats and risks, the study also argued that the Internet can be beneficial for students (Norton, 2011). It provides a platform to promote social, cognitive, physical development for the youth. Undoubtedly, there are several other benefits of the use of internet. Anyone can get any information on any subject at anywhere within seconds, can watch live telecast, can read online newspapers, one can do lots of activities without spending money. But, we all know that there are several other websites also available on the internet which provides unhealthy and anti-social contents to the children. We have evidence that excessive use of social networking sites lead to the depression and anxiety. Now
INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENTS AND RESEARCH IN EDUCATION International scientific-online conference, 2023
The article presents a philosophical analysis of young people in an informed society, targeted use of the Internet by young people, Internet addiction, its negative consequences, the possibility of getting rid of this disease through human thinking.
Internet makes the world smaller. It connects us in just a simple click even from miles distance away. The generation of today, depend mostly to the use of internet. As observed, it became one of the necessities mostly in the operation of the business, in communication, for the studies and education, entertainment and others.
This research was qualitative research. The objectives were to search for terms that corresponded to internet using behavior of teenagers. The students were both male and female university students studying in their first to fourth year. The sample was nine students were selected and volunteered to share information about internet use in a group interview. The researcher collected data manually by using group interviews which consisted of an unstructured interview and a structured interview. The data was analyzed by analytical induction and content analysis. The results of the research were: to recognize terms that corresponded to internet using behaviour of teenagers as followings: 1) Attitudes toward using the internet included importance, needs, and consideration use internet. 2) Behaviors affecting the use of the internet in education were convenience and ease of access, and analyzing data in use. 3) Reasons for using the internet for entertainment in a positive way consisted of fun activities, finding friends and awareness of using the internet properly. 4) Behaviors of using the internet in negative entertainment consisted of curiosity and subjugation. 5). Behaviors of using the internet in online trading contained confidence and unworthiness. 6) The effects of internet use on physical health were the awareness of body movement, agility skill practice, and aches. And 7) The effects of internet use on mental health included stress reduction, decreased social interaction and increased anxiety.
IJISRT (International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology), 2018
Introduction: The development of digital technology and the use of the Internet has now become part of our life in every aspect of it, from almost all active ages. Purpose and Objectives: To know the goals of technology used by students. Methodology: This is a descriptive study, realized in the auditorium B-401 at the students of the second year of the Albanian Language-Literature branch, during the period 17 May-17 June 2017, through an applied instrument found by browsing the literature. Results: The sample consists of 50 female students who use every day mobile internet to read in any Wi-Fi environment which consists of chatting (21%), participating in social networks (17%), downloading music/ video (14%), getting information on school assignments (12%) or sending/ receiving-mail (12%). The other part of students use everyday internet to get information on books/ literary topics (9%), to read/ participate in blogs and forums on books and literary topics (6%), to read digital newsletters/ magazines (5%) and to download books (4%). They use the internet once a week minimum to get information on books/ literary topics and once a month to download books, to read/ participate in blogs, forums on books and literary topics or to read digital newsletters / magazines. Recommendations: monitoring students' usage and attitudes toward technology, how to provide the best support to those students who are not using the digital technology, and to provide a clear sense of the benefits of it.
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health, 2017
Background: The internet has playing extensive role in our daily lives. Internet use has both positive and negative aspects. The use of the internet on schools campus and in society has increased dramatically in recent years. College students are, especially vulnerable to developing dependence on internet, more than most other segments of the society. Objectives: To assess pattern of internet usage in adolescents studying in colleges of Nagpur city and to assess the preferred use of internet in them. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 218 college going students studying in Junior college, 11 th and 12 th standard and I st , II nd year senior college. The questionnaires used to collect data were a pretested, semistructured, self-administered questionnaire, which was used to collect socio-demographic variables, pattern, and preferred use of internet. Descriptive statistics were calculated to summarize baseline characteristics and pattern of internet use of the study subjects. Results: The mean age of the study subjects was 17.39 ± 1.35 years range was 15-19 years. The pattern of internet use was seen in our study, majority students were using computer for the past 4 years, whereas the majority of students were using internet for the last 4 years. Chatting was most common preferred use reported in our study, followed by shopping 140 (64.22%). Conclusions: There is a need to make aware both students and parents about the positive and negative effect of internet use.
International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 2017
Worldwide internet penetration is 34.3% of population. In Asia, it has grown from 114 million internet users in December 2000 to 1.07 billion in June 2012; this shows that internet penetration in Asia is 27.5% of population. 1 Surveys in the United States and Europe have indicated alarming prevalence rates between 1.5% and 8.2%, respectively. 2 A research conducted by IAMAI (Internet And Mobile Association of India) and IMRB ABSTRACT Background: Internet is a boon and has certainly helped to bring the world closer. It has been a great medium for students to communicate and get information by transforming the academic landscape. However the excessive and undisciplined use of internet by individuals especially in the last decade, has led to the emergence of the concept of internet addiction. Therefore, a cross sectional study has been conducted to investigate the use of internet facility among undergraduate students from Teerthankar Mahaveer University using a validated questionnaire. There were about 42 million active internet users in urban India in 2008 when compared to 5 million in 2000. India now has the world's third-largest national digital population, with approximately, 159 million Internet users in 2014, which is projected to reach 314 million by 2017 (IMRB 2014). The aim was to study prevalence and pattern of internet usage among undergraduate students in Moradabad. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among medical students (n=382) belonging to all the professionals of medical college, to assess the pattern of internet usage. A semi-structured proforma along with Young's internet addiction scale was used. Results: Of the 382 adolescents who took part in the study, 150 (39.27%) were female and 232 (60.73%) were males. Their mean age was 16.20 years. Using Young's original criteria, 22 (5.76%) were found to be addicts, 230 (60.21%) were moderately addicted, 45 (11.78%) were average users while in 85 (22.25%) of student's internet use was less than average. Most of internet use was for social networking 183(47.9%), downloading media files 125 (32.7%), online gaming 45 (11.8%), academic purposes 10 (2.6%) and others 19 (5%). About 275 (72%) of the students were using smart phones to access the internet. Conclusions: Most of the internet usage was for the purpose of social networking (Facebook, Whats App, Mails, etc). Availability of high speed free wi-fi internet on mobile phones as well as more reliance on virtual friendship than real may be the reason for spending more time on social network websites.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of cyberspace on the lifestyle of young female students. The statistical population of the study was 90 students of Shahid Modarres Girls School of Chenaran city. Considering the number of the population, the complete enumeration method was used to distribute the questionnaire. In general, two major methods of library and field methods have been used to collect data. The research questionnaire consisted of 55 items in two parts: cyberspace with 30 questions taken from Zendaniyan (2013) and the lifestyle consisted of 99 items from Laali et al. (2012) research which was reduced to 25 items in Foroutan study (2013). SPSS 21 software was used for statistical analysis and Pearson correlation and regression methods were used to test the hypotheses. The reliability of the whole research tool based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient is 0.90. Research findings show that cyberspace with a correlation coefficient of 0.557 and amoun...
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