The Blackwell Companion to Social Inequalities

2005, Blackwell Publishing Ltd eBooks


The Blackwell Companions to Sociology provide introductions to emerging topics and theoretical orientations in sociology as well as presenting the scope and quality of the discipline as it is currently configured. Essays in the Companions tackle broad themes or central puzzles within the field and are authored by key scholars who have spent considerable time in research and reflection on the questions and controversies that have activated interest in their area. This authoritative series will interest those studying sociology at advanced undergraduate or graduate level as well as scholars in the social sciences and informed readers in applied disciplines. List of Figures viii List of Tables ix Notes on Contributors x Introduction 1 PART I. CONCEPTUALIZING INEQUALITIES 13 1. Historical Perspectives on Inequality 15 Charles Tilly 2. Social Exclusion: New Inequality Paradigm for the Era of Globalization? 31 Ronaldo Munck 3. Unequal Nations: Race, Citizen, and the Politics of Recognition 50 Sallie Westwood 4. Intimate Citizenship in an Unjust World 75