Radiogenic Xenon and Argon in 14318 and Implications

1973, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference

We report stepwise heating experiments 'on unirradiated and pile-irradiated samples of 14318. Xenon in the unirradiated sample is a nearly homogeneous mixture of fission, spallation, and trapped components, all of which have nearly the same thermal release patterns, peaking strongly at 1200 C. Nevertheless the fission component is slightly enriched relative to the trapped component at low temperatures while the spallation component is slightly enriched at high temperatures. This small separation permits calclllation of the isotopic composition of the fission component; the isotopic compositions of the trapped and spallation component need not be known provided they are homogeneous. The analysis employs a new, three-dimensional, least-squares technique(1). If a particular trapped component, SUCOR(2), is assumed, the definition of the fission component is improved. The "rich component subtraction method" previously employed on 14301(3) yields similar results, as shown in Table 1: