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2013, Journal of Radiation Protection
It has been continuously generated the requirement for the replacement of the main components such as a steam generator due to the deterioration of the nuclear power plant all around the world. Also, a large amount of radioactive metal was generated during the decommissioning in a short period. It is required to make an accurate measurement of the residual radioactivity for recycling the metal waste for releasing from regulatory control. In planning the measurement procedures, the influence of geometry, self-absorption, density and other relevant factors on the representativeness of the measurements should be considered for the decommissioning metal waste. In this study, the method for measurement procedures, the source term evaluation, the ways to secure representative samples, the measurement device for wide area and the self-absorption correction factors for different density were evaluated. The metal samples for measurement were prepared for securing the simple geometry and representative by melting process. The developed correction method for measuring the radioactivity a variety density of metal waste could improve the reliability of the evaluation results for clearance.
Journal of the Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment, 2013
Korean Government has developed Sejong City as a new administration city. This city of future was planned and designed toward one of the most eco-friendly city on the basis of ICTs. To attain this object, a carbon emission monitoring system (CEMS) was designed and installed as a part of u-city service which provides various information anytime and anywhere to enrich the people's quality of life. In this paper, at first, the structure and functions of CEMS are introduced. This system is consist of 5 parts-data collection from user and linked public DBs, transforming data into meaningful information for the policy makers, system-user interfacing via statistical tables and graphs, and system maintenance. This system can be operated by the citizen participation through whole the process. With the help of GIS map and graphic interface, statistics of monitored data for both citizen and decision maker provided and after feedback , they have affected on the behaviour of citizen's energy consumption and related policy as well. By the CEMS, energy consumption data of 124 agreed households were collected during 9 months in 2012. Electricity, gas and water consumption were remote-metered automatically by the system and analysed. This showed that more than 85% of CO2 emission is rely on electricity usage. Furthermore, number of family members and size of house influences on the emission of CO2 by each household together with the lifestyle of the occupants. Electricity and water consumption showed the seasonal factor while gas consumption represents the number of family members. Even this paper has limitations caused by 9 months of data collection, it shows the policy directions to reduce the emission of CO2 focusing on the house size and number of family members of each households. With the result of this research, lifestyle of the generation of dwellers should be investigated and the CO2 emission characteristics of other housing type as well for the data building for future policy making.
Analytical Science and Technology, 2010
Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, 2014
There are many type vehicles in army. They are jeep and truck by basic type. Recently many countries are developing new conceptual military vehicles. And they try for export of those military vehicles to another countries. Also Korea Army is developing military tactical and combat vehicles, and considering various necessary factors for export. But as easing the cold war system tension and reducing of defense budget, decrease in quantity of military vehicles. We think this trend is accelerative. Therefore Government(Military) and defense industry make every effort to increasing sales and productions. In this study, I'll inquire '2013~2017 basic plan for defense industry promotion' for strengthen the power of international competitiveness , and then suggest the increasing method for productions of military vehicles.
Journal of Wetlands Research, 2013
In this study we estimated the carrying capacity of the southern intertidal zone of Kanghwa Island to evaluate the habitat quality for Curlews(Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis and Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata). Biomass of the macroinvertebrate(Macrophthalmus japonicus) was estimated by based on the spatial distribution of the sediment grain size using GIS tools. According to our analysis the southern intertidal zone of Kanghwa Island was able to support 11,767 individuals for 153 days in the Spring 2012 and 16,275 individuals for 122 days in the Autumn 2012. The proportion of mean population to the carrying capacity in the Spring and Autumn was 9.4% and 5.9%, respectively. These values are 2.8-6.3% smaller than those of the previous study held in 1993-94. For the conservation of the study area, more research and management is needed. And in further studies, diverse characteristics of the intertidal habitat should be considered in spatial analysis to have a precise estimate of the carrying capacity.
Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, 2014
Urea solution as a reductant of SCR has been widely used to reduce NOx emissions from diesel engine. But it has lots of problems which are freezing at low temperature due to liquid state, deposition of solid formation in the exhaust, dosing device, and complex package such as mixers for uniform concentration of ammonia. In order to overcome these obstacle, ammonium carbonate which is one of solid ammonium materials to produce ammonia gas directly by sublimation process is considered. Simple reactor with visible widow was designed to predict equilibrium temperature and pressure of ammonium carbonate. To simulate real operation conditions under automobile environment, several cycles of heating and cooling condition were settled, two different re-solidification materials were extracted from the reactor and visible window. Analytical study is performed to characterize these unknown materials by XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), FT-IR(Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy), and EA(Elemental Analyzer). From analytical results, re-solidification materials from heating and cooling cycles are very similar to original material of ammonium carbonate.
Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology, 2015
Wood shrinkage, an important study subject with regard to the use of wood, has long been studied by researchers. However, when the size of a wood specimen is measured, distortion must be taken into account, which can be accomplished by applying external force on the wood specimen. However, when measuring a large number of specimens, this technique can be a lengthy process. If the size is measured and the shrinkage is calculated from images acquired with a flatbed scanner, it is possible to reduce the error in the measurement and to shorten the measurement time because the images of many specimens can be acquired with one scan. To clearly establish the boundary between a wood
Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers, 2011
A package type of SCR (selective catalytic reduction) system that was proposed for removing the NOx found in flue gas from the small scale of air pollution sources was evaluated. The efficiency of the SCR system is determined by the proper utilization of catalytic media installed inside of the system, and the proper distribution of flow velocity and NH3 concentration in the flue gas is a crucial factor for using the catalytic media. In this study, the distributions of NH3 concentration were estimated under the various arrays and shapes of AIG at the given gas flow condition. The value of RMS (%) in NH3 concentration is 95.3% at co-current flow (at 0°) injection but it is 90.1% at the condition of counter-current flow (at 120°) condition, which implies the counter-current injection is more favorable. By rearranging the NH3 injection flow rates based on the distribution of velocity and NH3 distribution in basic calculation, the value of RMS (%) in NH3 concentration was reduced to 62.8%. The enhanced effect of NH3 mixing by the combined effect of arrays and shapes are complied in the study.
Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information System, 2012
The method regarding obtaining various kinds of attribute data of spatial information, including that of digital map, is normally restricted to Geographic survey that deals with in-field surveys. Geographic surveying for drawing digital map, however, require much effort due to the fact that a surveyor has to characterize geographic features individually in the field. Not only does the Geographic survey cover large area, but also its need for manual drawing and surveying using Draft map makes it more expensive and time-consuming. Though some recent Geographic surveys take advantage of MMS(Mobile Mapping System) to collect computerized information, there are inevitable limits in creating digital map with such data. This research will analyze the problems in current Geographic surveys and suggest adequate methods and standards for Geographic surveys by researching the methods of domestic/international service organizations that deal with establishing spatial information. This study therefore will aim to enhance the efficiency of creating digital map and Geographic survey, which would ultimately maximize the applicability of pan-national digital map by improving reliability of digital map and upgrading the utilizability of Geographic survey data.
한국자원리싸이클링학회, 2018
In order to recycle waste nickel-cadmium batteries, cadmium was selectively removed by ion substitution reaction so that cadmium and nickel could be separated efficiently. The electrode powder obtained by crushing the electrode in the waste nickelcadmium battery was leached with sulfuric acid. The cadmium in the nickel-cadmium solution was precipitated with cadmium sulfide by the addition of sodium sulfide. Ion substitution experiments were carried out under various conditions. At the optimum condition with pH = −0.1 and Na 2 S/Cd = 2.3 at room temperature, the residual Cd in the solution was about 100 ppm, and most of it was precipitated with CdS.
Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology, 2015
When examining a patient using SPECT, gamma rays emitted from the body decrease or scatter. And when they reach the detector they spread in accordance with physical characteristics and geometric shapes of the scanner, quantitative analysis was difficult. For exact quantitative analysis of gamma rays emitted from the body, so that they must be considered to correction about PVE(partial volume effect). In this paper, sinogram filter was implemented to solve comprehensive PVE of SPECT. According to the results in which implemented filter was applied, partial volume effect caused by SPECT was removed. To compare proposed method and conventional method, PSNR(Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) was executed. As a result, proposed method was indicated as 7dB, conventional method was indicated as 14db respectively. dB(decibel) level of the proposed methods is lower, since the MSE(mean square error) becomes greater because scattered ray was removed, PSNR value is low. Therefore, by applying the proposed method for removing the PVE of SPECT imaging method, the image quality is improved.
Fire Science and Engineering, 2023
Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2013
Owners' efforts to acquire Green building certification, which started in 2002, have been rapidly increasing since 2006. The causes of the increased owners' interests are due to various incentives, legal obligation, and purpose of advertising. As project owners generally are deficient in capabilities and knowledge on how to deal with administrative works on certification, they tend to fulfill the minimum requirements for certification. However, effective administration process need capabilities of identifying individual making decision point and review information. The implementation of green building certification system is expected to provide comfort to both occupants and potential users. Furthermore it contributes to reducing energy costs throughout the phase of O&M. In addition, technology innovation in green industry can be obtained. Therefore, this study is intended to support owners in order that they can clarify certification tasks and make a rational decision-making in time. For this purpose, first of all, the major decision points were selected as the gateways of green building certification process. And then management system based on IDEF3 modeling was developed for supporting owners'decision-making performance. This management system will improve owners'overall capacity in handling all the tasks regarding the certification of Green building.
Analytical Science and Technology
Recently, candles have been widely used to create a romantic atmosphere and to heat tea. In this study, a small combustion chamber for candle was designed using an 0.008 m 3 bell jar. The emission factors of combustion products were then measured. The combustion chamber includes a glass dish, which prevents candle flame from affecting the composition of the gas emitted through the exhaust outlet. The outlet in the combustion chamber was designed as a cone shape, and it was lengthened to prevent flow from the outside, which could affect the homogeneous composition of the exhaust gas. The temperature at the outlet of the chamber was 34 o C~41 o C. The major combustion products of the candle, such as such aldehydes and acids, contained oxygen. The mass specific emission rates of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and TVOC were 0.04 µg/g, 0.01 µg/ g, 0.02 µg/g, and 3.81, respectively. The mass specific emission rates of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and benzaldehyde were 4.48 µg/g, 1.09 µg/g, and 0.67 µg/g, respectively. Considering the different compositions of the candle samples, their mass specific emission rates were similar to those obtained by using a large chamber 0.17 m 3~5 0 m 3 in size.
Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering, 2008
This paper suggests a non-contact sensor for measuring bending vibration of a non-metallic cylinder in two orthogonal directions simultaneously. Recent research shows that a solenoid can pick up bending vibrations of a nonmetallic cylinder based on the reversed Lorentz force mechanism if an electrical conductive patch is attached to the cylinder. In this work, pairs of specially designed patches are used to make two independent paths for the current induced by bending vibrations, which enables the measurement of bending vibrations along two orthogonal directions simultaneously. The working performance of the developed sensor was verified by using two accelerometers.
Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences, 2012
Aerodynamic analysis(DATCOM) and radar cross section(RCS) analysis(POFACETS) were integrated for the air-to-surface missile concept design using a design framework. The missile geometry was defined based on the CAD(CATIA) for synchronizing the manufacturing with design processes. Aero/RCS analyses were linked with the CAD process under the ModelCenter framework in order to receive the geometry data automatically. The missile design baseline configuration was selected from ROC(requirement of capability). Then the RCS minimization was performed subject to thelargerthebetter constraint of the missile lift-to-drag ratio. This study demonstrated that various design strategies can be performed efficiently about many missile configurations using this design framework in the missile conceptual design phase.
Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology, 2015
The security of all cryptographic algorithms and protocols is based on the confidentiality of secret keys. Key management mechanism is an indispensable part of the cryptographic system and this deals with the generation, exchange, storage, use, and replacement of keys. Within the key management mechanism there are key derivation functions (KDFs) which derive one or more keys from a master key. NIST specifies three families of PRF-based KDFs in SP 800-108. In this paper, we examine the difference of security models between the KDFs and the encryption modes of operations. Moreover we focus on the provable security of PRF-based KDFs according to input types of counters, and show that the counter and feedback modes of KDFs using XOR of counters are insecure, while these modes using concatenation of counters are secure.
Journal of Astronomy & Space Sciences, 2009
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea, 2011
>> The shape of an inelastic demand spectrum may have a major impact on the seismic evaluation results of a structure. The inelastic demand spectrum could be obtained by scaling down from the elastic response spectrum by applying the strength reduction factor (SRF). This study has investigated formulas for SRFs that were suggested by numerous previous studies. This paper compares their characteristics, including the shapes of the curves of the SRFs and the inelastic demand spectra that were produced by applying the various formulas for SRFs. The mean curve was computed from the SRF curves generated by the various formulas. This study derives a new formula for the SRF curve through regression analysis. From the comparative study, it is shown that the proposed formula for the SRF can generate the mean curve of the inelastic demand spectra which have been previously suggested by others.
Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2012
As worldwide efforts to reduce global warming gases, the construction Industry is endeavoring to diminish carbon dioxides emissions. Especially, by introducing the LCA methodology to the industry, A variety of related studies to measure the emission of carbon dioxides have been conducted. However, when the conventional LCA methodology is applied to the construction projects, some limitations have been reported. To overcome the restrictions derived from the industry characteristics, this research suggested the Activity-based LCA model by applying the Activitybased Costing (ABC), which breaks down the whole life cycles into more detailed stages. By implementing the newly developed model, forecasting accuracy of CO2 emission was elevated, and the critical control points on carbon dioxides were established. Through the case study of aluminium curtain-wall system, this research verified the usefulness of the Activity-based LCA.
Journal of the Korean society for quality management, 2015
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to lay groundwork for future research on the outcomes of national quality awards for secondary-care healthcare organizations. Methods: For this study, a secondary-care hospital was selected through a convenience sampling method and all of its organizational members participated in complete enumeration survey using 109 survey questions derived from the MBNQA criteria for healthcare through structural equation modeling (SEM) Results: As a result, Leadership was shown to drive Foundation and Direction, which affect System that creates Results with 12 hypotheses supported out of 18 hypotheses established. Conclusion: The findings of this study will provide valuable implications to the top management of secondary-care hospitals for self-examining quality management and promoting sustainable competitiveness
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