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18 pages
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This article analyzes the ambiguities present in the memories of Chief Jerônimo recorded in di erent research contexts. A leader in the Terreno dos Caboclos during the rst half of the 20th century, before the administrative demarcation of the Xakriabá Indigenous Lands, he worked in a scenario where land use regimes were based mainly on investment in work and concern for the maintenance of a common patrimony. In Santos (1997a), the narratives attribute to the chief a certain carelessness in relation to granting land use rights to the baianos. In another ethnographic situation, marked by family stories, the chief's trajectory is presented, highlighting his empathy and hospitality in welcoming outsiders (Jardim, 2022). We seek to emphasize the complexity of the work of framing memory, analyzed it in a double counterpoint, encompassing the historical transformations and the ethnographic situations that give rise to the narratives.Finally, we show how memories and their frameworks shed highlight on the territorialization processes that crossed the Terreno dos Caboclos, seen as temporalities that communicate with each other, and in their disharmonious and un nished nature.
The dangerous goods transportation is one that displaces substances that may represent some kind of risk when they are improperly packed, travel in critical areas, and / or are conducted inappropriately, and are therefore relevant to the maintenance of safety and public health possibly exposed. Risk is a parameter that is related to the probability of an accident occurring in addition to the consequence. Thus, estimating the risk in the transport of hazardous products in the urban environment means considering the existing flow in parallel with the conditions of the place where the transportation takes place. There are conditions that may be considered in the mathematical formulation of the risk, being they the rate of accidents or even geometric aspects of the roads. The present work consists of proposing a set of exclusive routes for the transportation of hazardous products in the city of Joinville, Santa Catarina, considering the existing data for the study, since there is currently no measure that proposes this restriction. A method for measuring the risk of transporting dangerous products was used to estimate the number of potentially exposed inhabitants under the hypothesis of accidents involving vehicles transporting dangerous products on the roads of the municipality. By applying a shortest path algorithm, results were obtained on the total number of inhabitants exposed considering different scenarios of access to the city and, among those scenarios, one that provides a lower risk to the population, which can contribute to the decision making process by the public sector.
Este trabalho consiste dos resultados parciais de uma pesquisa que se encontra em andamento referente ao Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso -TCC do primeiro autor sobre orientação da autora supracitada. O objetivo principal da pesquisa (para o TCC) que estamos desenvolvendo é estudar dois tipos distintos da construção dos Números Reais existentes na literatura, a saber, a construção dos Reais elaborada por Cantor e por Dedekind. Pretendemos fazer uma breve pesquisa na História da Matemática de como aconteceram estes dois modos da construção dos números reais.
Antes de tudo, importante situar o instituto das nulidades no contexto em que se encontra no ordenamento jurídico.
Innovation has been acknowledged as a key factor to boost competitiveness in organizations. This subject has raised the concern of many related fields that have tried to add new meanings and constructs in search of a better explanation for this phenomenon, among them, several scholars have pointed out that organizational knowledge might leverage innovation. In this sense, this article has as objective to map out the pool of international publications where innovation and organizational knowledge are intertwined. Thus, we have used Bibliometrics techniques such as citation analysis to identify the key works in the subject. The results show a growing behavior on the amount of published articles reaching 800 approximately for year 2009. It also shows the predominance of US American and British Institutions in the number of articles as well as in the amount of citations. The contribution of this work lies on shedding more light on the scientific structure of innovation research and points out to the path dependency of the field as well as to the future trends.
Anais do Congresso Internacional "La Cultura Arquitectonica Hacia 1900", Buenos Aires – 01 a 03 de setembro de 1999, 1999
O presente trabalho visa comunicar as descobertas realizadas de outubro de 1998 até o momento, de vestígios arqueológicos do Jardim do Valongo. O Jardim do Valongo situa-se na parte do Morro da Conceição conhecida como Morro do Valongo, localizada no bairro da Saúde, confrontante com o Morro da Providência. O local é situado na periferia do Centro histórico da cidade.
Comparação de perdas de carga em um projeto de abastecimento com várias fórmulas
Recorrer à obra de Rousseau para abordar a crítica a tecnociência é buscar o início de um posicionamento que tem ganhado espaço nos estudos da filosofia e das ciências sociais. O que procura-se investigar é o sentido e o valor da evolução sóciotécnica para a modernidade, refletindo, assim como Rousseau, se elas tem algum tipo de relacionamento com a virtude humana. A preocupação com os efeitos negativos gerados pelo desenvolvimento científico passou a ocupar as agendas de pesquisas depois de eventos como as guerras biológicas, bombas nucleares e devastação ambiental, ocorridos principalmente depois da segunda grande guerra. O perigo da tecnociência existe e está cada vez mais evidente, porém, como afirma Bazzo, Pinheiro e Silveira (2009), muitos cidadãos ainda tem dificuldades de compreender seus reais efeitos, que por detrás de grandes promessas de avanços tecnológicos, esconde lucros e interesses das classes dominantes.
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X EPCC - Encontro Internacional de Produção Científica, 2017
Revista Projetar - Projeto e Percepção do Ambiente