
This article analyzes the ambiguities present in the memories of Chief Jerônimo recorded in di erent research contexts. A leader in the Terreno dos Caboclos during the rst half of the 20th century, before the administrative demarcation of the Xakriabá Indigenous Lands, he worked in a scenario where land use regimes were based mainly on investment in work and concern for the maintenance of a common patrimony. In Santos (1997a), the narratives attribute to the chief a certain carelessness in relation to granting land use rights to the baianos. In another ethnographic situation, marked by family stories, the chief's trajectory is presented, highlighting his empathy and hospitality in welcoming outsiders (Jardim, 2022). We seek to emphasize the complexity of the work of framing memory, analyzed it in a double counterpoint, encompassing the historical transformations and the ethnographic situations that give rise to the narratives.Finally, we show how memories and their frameworks shed highlight on the territorialization processes that crossed the Terreno dos Caboclos, seen as temporalities that communicate with each other, and in their disharmonious and un nished nature.