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2020, Jurnal Al-Bayan: Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
26 pages
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The art of calligraphy painting by Syaiful Adnan and its beauty are interesting to study due to their distinctive characteristics. Adnan’s script or type of writing differs from the standard style of script from the Middle East. In his hand, creative processes and various dynamics of aesthetic aspects tend to glide calmly. Syaiful Adnan has had solo and collective exhibitions at home and abroad which present the holy verses of the Qur'an as well as hadith and Mahfudzot or words of wisdom as central themes. This research uses archival research method to study various references and documentation as well as direct interviews. Data is analysed inductively by organizing it, describing it into units, synthesizing, composing into patterns, choosing what is important and what will be studied, and present it in this article. The study discovered that spiritual aspects found in Syaiful Adnan’s calligraphy painting is a form of representation of monotheism and dhikr. The oneness of Allah...
Umde dini tetkikler dergisi, 2019
Bu makale, Mu'tezile ve Eş'âriye fırkalarının kendi ilk kaynakları üzerine yapılan genel bir incelemedir. Kelam ilminin usulüne göre, ilmi bir konu hakkında araştırma yaparken tek bir kaynaktan veya fırkanın/ mezhebin düşüncesinden beslenmek doğru ve mümkün değildir. Dolayısıyla makalede adı geçen her fırkanın kurucusu ile birlikte fırkaya etkisi olan ilk
This article discusses one of the works of hadīth scholar, which is known as “Arba`īn”. The writers of Arba`īn collect forty hadīths from different topics and then combined them into one book. Some of them innovated in combining the hadīth. This type of work is known as “Arba`ūn Buldāniyah”. The first scholar to do this is al-Ḥāfiẓ Abū Ṭāhir as-Silafi, then followed by his student, Ibnu `Asākir. Shaikh Yāsīn, a Hadīth scholar from Indonesia who lived in Mecca since he was child. Shaikh Yāsīn had a good reputation in Isnād (chain of hadīths) by maintaining the continuous line of transmission from his teacher, the teachers of his teacher, and to the author of the book studied, as was done by previous scholars. He contributed to the writing of An Arba`īn book which contained forty hadīth from forty scholars (teachers) from forty cities in the Islamic world. This paper discusses the writing method of the book and compares it with works such as from other authors. The methodology used ...
HuRuf Journal : International Journal of Arabic Applied Linguistic
This paper seeks to shed light on the extent to which technological applications contribute to improving and improving the process of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, in addition to measuring the extent to which the field of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers is open to technological developments, by presenting and presenting some digital applications that can be invested in Arabic language classes. For non-native speakers, which aims to improve and renew the process of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers with distinction. Based on the foregoing, this paper stems from two main questions: 1) Has the field of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers opened up to technological development in a way that leads to its facilitation and modernization? 2) What role do digital applications and websites play in facilitating and improving the process of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers?تسعى هذه الورقة إلى تسليط الضوء على مدى إسهام التطبيقات التكنولوجية في تجويد وتحسين عملية تع...
Naghom yang dimaksud di sini adalah memperindah bacaan Al Qur'an dengan suara yang bagus ketika melantunkannya untuk menarik perhatian pendengar sehingga mereka bisa fokus mendengar dan memahami bacaannya.
Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan
This study aims to (1) describe the idea of an integrated curriculum in higher education, (2) depict its implementation at the university level, and (3) find out the impact of the curriculum on university development. This research used a qualitative approach. It employed a literature study. The researchers gathered the data from book reviews and related journals. Data analysis involved collecting the data, sorting, presenting, and drawing conclusions. The findings showed that (1) the idea of an integrated curriculum was depicted in a tree-shaped scientific structure; (2) the integrated curriculum was done by requiring all students to learn Arabic and English, as well as providing opportunities for all students to memorize the Quran and practice Islamic life; (3) integrated curriculum contributed to accelerating the development and internationalization of institutions. Moreover, it improved human resources competencies. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mendeskripsikan gagasan integrasi kurikulum pendidikan tinggi, (2) mendeskripsikan penerapan pemikiran tersebut di tingkat universitas, dan (3) mengetahui implikasi kurikulum terhadap perkembangan universitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kepustakaan. Data diambil dari resensi buku dan jurnal terkait. Analisis data dimulai dari mengumpulkan, memilah, menyajikan, dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian
Wahyuni Pratiwi, 2020. A Teacher's Efforts to Overcoming the Anxiety of Luwu MTsN Students in Learning Arabic Language, Thesis of Arabic Education Study Program, Tarbiyah Department, Palopo State Islamic Institute (IAIN). Supervised by (I) Muhaemin (II) Mawardi This study aims to: (1) Find out how students' anxiety in facing Arabic learning in MTsN Luwu. (2) Find out what factors are behind the anxiety of students in learning Arabic in MTsN Luwu. (3) Find out what efforts are made by the teacher in overcoming student anxiety in learning Arabic in MTsN Luwu. The subjects of this research were the Arabic language teachers and the eighth grade students' of MTsN Luwu in class VIII 2. The method of data collection were observation, interview and documentation. And qualitative data analysis were data reduction, data presentation, and data inference.
Journal of Arabic Literature (Jali), 2021
Nadzam is mazdzumat ilmiyah which is patterned speech that contains knowledge and normative. Changing the nadzam aims to make easier for someone to understand the knowledge and information that will be delivered. Nadzam is a literature which has high artistic value, there are beautifying elements. One of the nadzam which there are elemenys that make it beautiful is nadzamal-faraid al-bahiyah fi al-Qawaid al-Fiqhiyah creation by Sayyid Abi Bakar al-Ahdali Al-Yamani As-Syafii, that is muhassinat lafdziyah and muhassinat maknawiyah. The purpose of this research is : 1) to know the various kinds of jinas that found in the nadzam “Al-Faraid Al-Bahiyah fi Al-Qawaid Al-Fiqhiyah” creation by Sayyid Abi Bakar al-Ahdali Al-Yamani As-Syafii; and 2) to know the various kinds of poetry contained in the nadzam “Al-Faraid Al-Bahiyah fi Al-Qawaid Al-Fiqhiyah” creation by Sayyid Abi Bakar al-Ahdali Al-Yamani As-Syafii. This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research. In collecting data,...
Jurnal Al Bayan: Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 2019
This research aims to determine the types of adat al-Syibhi, the differences and the roles in understanding the texts of the hadith of the Prophet, as well as facilitating the identification of tasybih elements in a hadith text. This research is a Library Research, that relies on a descriptive analytical approach (al-Manhaj al-Washfi al-Tahlili). Descriptive approach is to analyze scientific material that is related to the subject, through library research and then presented and explained systematically. The analytical approach is to analyze the hadith of the Prophet which contains the aspects of tasybih and the words of the ‘ulama (clerics) and balaghah experts. Adat al-Shibh is the link between musyabbah and musyabbah bih. Tasybih will not be considered as completed without adat al-Syibh. Adat al-Syibh has a big role in tasybih, which can be mentioned in the sentence or omitted, and with omitting, it will give a stronger meaning than mentioning. Tasybih in terms of the Adat of al-...
Al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial, 2022
This research paper aims to study the "temporary endowment" (Waqf Muaqqat) and its role in activating social financing in Islamic banking in Malaysia, such as the oriental study in the light of the purposes of Islamic law. This article has adopted the qualitative method in its research which correlates to the theorization and regulation of the concepts of the issues in hand in their different dimensions which is jurisprudence, Maqasid, and banking. For the case study "Maybank Islamic" has been selected for viewing and assessing the various aspects related to the said topic. The study also included interviews with some experts of Islamic banking in Malaysia. The study has stemmed the following conclusions and recommendations, which are as follows: 1) Islamic banks have a significant role in intermediating between both the sources of voluntary social financing and the deprived classes of the society, 2) Bank endowments (Waqf) through May Islamic Bank has shown 2
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Journal of Language Intelligence and Culture, 2020
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