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2009, AL-Rafidain Journal of Computer Sciences and Mathematics
In this paper, we introduce a new ring which is a generalization of Von Neumann regular rings and we call it a centrally regular ring. Several properties of this ring are proved and we have extended many properties of regular rings to centrally regular rings. Also we have determined some conditions under which regular and centrally regular rings are equivalent.
A new characterization of von Neumann regular rings is obtained, in terms of simple 0-multiplication of matrices, and is used to establish the natural connections between von Neumann regular rings and feebly Baer modules and rings.
In this paper, we define and study a particular case of von Neumann regular notion called a weak von Neumann regular ring. It shown that the polynomial ring $R[x]$ is weak von Neumann regular if and only if $R$ has exactly two idempotent elements. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for $ R=A\propto E $ to be a weak von Neumann ring. It is also shown that $I$ is a primary ideal imply $R/I$ is a weak von Neumann regular ring.
Communications in Algebra, 2004
All rings R considered are commutative and have an identity element. Contessa called R a VNL-ring if a or 1 À a has a Von Neumann inverse whenever a 2 R. Sample results: Every prime ideal of a VNL-ring is contained in a unique maximal ideal. Local and Von Neumann regular rings are VNL and if the product of two rings is VNL, then both are Von Neumann regular, or one is Von Neumann regular and the other is VNL. The ring Z n of integers mod n is VNL iff ðpqÞ 2 j n whenever p and q are distinct primes. The ring R½½x of formal power series over R is VNL iff R is local. The ring CðXÞ of all continuous real-valued functions on a Tychonoff space X is VNL if and only if at most one point of X fails to be a P-point. All known VNL-rings satisfy SVNL, namely whenever the ideal generated by a (finite) subset of R is all of R; one of its members has a Von Neumann inverse. We show that a ring R is SVNL if and only if all maximal ideals of R are pure except maybe one. We show that Q a2I RðaÞ is an SVNL if and only if there exists a 0 2 I; such that Rða 0 Þ is an SVNL and for all a 2 I À fa 0 g, RðaÞ is a Von Neumann regular ring. Whether every VNL-ring is an SVNL is an open question. # Communicated by W. Martindale.
Algebra Colloquium, 2012
Let R be a commutative ring with nonzero identity. In this paper, we study the von Neumann regular elements of R. We also study the idempotent elements, π-regular elements, the von Neumann local elements, and the clean elements of R. Finally, we investigate the subgraphs of the zero-divisor graph Γ(R) of R induced by the above elements.
International Journal of Algebra
We study the structure of certain von Neumann regular rings and π-regular rings with certain constraints such as having a prime and other constraints. For example, we prove that a π-regular ring with prime center is strongly π-regular, and other related results are also proved. An example is also given to illustrate our result.
A number of main properties of the commuting regular rings and commuting regular semigroups have been studied in this paper. Some significant results of which will be used for the commutative rings and a necessary and sufficient condition is given for a semigroup to be commuting regular.
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 1973
This paper attempts to generalize a property of regular rings, namely,I2=I for every right (left) ideal. Rings with this property are called right (left) weakly regular. A ring which is both left and right weakly regular is called weakly regular. Kovacs in [6] proved that, for commutative rings, weak regularity and regularity are equivalent conditions and left open the question whether for arbitrary rings the two conditions are equivalent. We show in §1 that, in general weak regularity does not imply regularity. In fact, the class of weakly regular rings strictly contains the class of regular rings as well as the class of biregular rings.
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2019
In a semiprime ring, von Neumann regular elements are determined by their inner inverses. In particular, for elements [Formula: see text] of a von Neumann regular ring [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] if and only if [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text] denotes the set of inner inverses of [Formula: see text]. We also prove that, in a semiprime ring, the same is true for reflexive inverses.
Some results on r-regular (r-RN) and also in s-weakly regular (s-WRN)near-rings were established in this article. It is proved that for a near-ring H 0 is s-WRN, then H is simple iff H is integral. And also proved that for an r-RN H with unity and satisfies IFP, then H has the strong IFP iff H is a PSN.
Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2017
In this paper we introduce rings that satisfy regular 1-stable range. These rings are left-right symmetric and are generalizations of unit 1-stable range. We investigate characterizations of these kind of rings and show that these rings are closed under matrix rings and Morita Context rings.
Let R be a commutative ring with nonzero identity. In this paper, we study the von Neumann regular elements of R. We also study the idempotent elements, π-regular elements, the von Neumann local elements, and the clean elements of R. Finally, we investigate the subgraphs of the zero-divisor graph Γ(R) of R induced by the above elements.
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 1977
Several new properties are derived for von Neumann finite rings. A comparison is made of the properties of von Neumann finite regular rings and unit regular rings, and necessary and sufficient conditions are given for a matrix ring over a regular ring to be respectively von Neumann finite or unit regular. The converse of a theorem of Henriksen is proven, namely that if R n x n , the n x n matrix ring over ring R, is unit regular, then so is the ring R. It is shown that if R 2 2 is finite regular then a e R is unit regular if and only if there is x e R such that R -aRΛ-x(a°), where a 0 denotes the right annihilator of a in R.
Ring Theory 2007, Proceedings, 2009
We survey recent progress on the realization problem for von Neumann regular rings, which asks whether every countable conical refinement monoid can be realized as the monoid of isoclasses of finitely generated projective right R-modules over a von Neumann regular ring R.
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 2018
A ring R is a Garcia ring provided that the product of two regular elements is unit-regular. We prove that every regular element in a Garcia ring R is the sum/difference of an idempotent and a unit. Furthermore, we prove that every regular element in a weak Garcia ring is the sum of an idempotent and a one-sided unit. These extend several known theorems on (one-sided) unit-regular rings to wider classes of rings with sum summand property.
Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society
Let R be a ring with unity. Taloukolaei and Sahebi [2] introduced the Von Neumann regular graph GV nr+(R) of a ring, whose vertex set is R and two distinct vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if x + y is a Von Neumann regular element. In this article, we investigate some new properties of GV nr+(R) such as traversability, pancyclic, unicyclic, chordal and perfect. We also investigate the domination parameters of GV nr+(R) such as dominating set, domination number, total domination number, connected domination number and give the condition when the GV nr+(R) is an excellent graph. Finally we determine the bondage number.
Journal of Algebra
We study the first-order theory of Bezout difference rings. In particular we show that rings of sequences very rarely have decidable theories as difference rings, or even decidable model completions.
In this paper, we study the rings with zero Gorenstein weak dimensions, which we call them Gorenstein Von Neumann regular rings.
Communications in Algebra, 2001
Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 2021
Let R be a commutative von Neumann regular ring. We show that every finitely generated ideal I in the ring of polynomials R[X] has a strong Gr?bner basis. We prove this result using only the defining property of a von Neumann regular ring.
ADR Publication, 2018
In this paper, a new type of regular semiring is defined by studying Von Neumann's regular, completely regular on Semi ring. Many procedures have been established during the past few decades yet there is need of procedure to innovate these types of regulars on semi ring. Here the completely V-regular introduced and its property is derived.
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